. One argument for independent schools is that they are like Beacon schools, showcasing the very best of education. 2. Although it was thought that this would stem the rising tide of nationalism, in fact, it strengthened the support and influence of the Scottish National Party, whose __2011 __election win paved the way for the __2014 __independence referendum. Conversely, in the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum the SNP at least published a White paper to show there were some plans for a potential exit. This took place on both sides of the debate. Seats where one party regularly scores more than 50 per cent of the vote (210 seats . This protects representatives in the future from some of the political comeback if the decision appears to be misguided. Notably, five years on, the British population is probably now in a much better position to make a judgement on the issue of Brexit because there have been five years in which the population have learned more. 5. There is therefore a danger of neverendums. In conclusion, there are various disadvantages and advantages to discuss when looking at referendums in the UK. There is a consistent danger that referendums, because of their binary nature, become dominated by wider political issues and not just the issue on the ballot paper. Direct democracy mechanisms have been adopted, in part, to counteract these tendencies. Good examples of this are the Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014 and the EU Referendum in 2016. The UK formally left the EU on 31 December 2020. Constitutional issues. If concessions need to be made to those who committed crimes during a conflict, or if a course will impose severe economic costs, or if a divisive point principle is at issue, endorsement by direct popular vote will likely aid political stability, and also bind not just the present government, but those that follow it. Referendums are seen as positive as it is the most direct way for the public to participate in politics and know that their opinion and vote matter to the government. To confirm a transfer of powers Referendums will often be held to confirm a transfer of powers. Referenda provide a clear answer to a question the government might be 'asking'. However, referendums have become much more commonplace since with both national referendums and a number of very significant regional referendums. An example of a one being used for this function is the 1998 referendum which was utilized to identify whether Blair and the Labour Party should devolve power to Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Focus. The main policy of the SNP is a call for an independent Scotland. Constitutional changes - it is appropriate that constitutional changes be approved by public referendum, as they affect the way the country is governed, so are more important than ordinary laws. A good example of this is the referendum on the Good Friday Agreement that ended the Troubles on Northern Ireland and set up the power-sharing agreement between nationalist and republican communities. This is a disadvantage as this caused upset among many people in Scotland and the decision did not seem fair or an accurate representation of what the people wanted. However, referendums counteract this problem. Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. They have been most famously held in Hong Kong and in Catalonia. Now we have Britain's rejection of the EU. 1. Referendum A general vote by the population on a single issue. Scots will not be ready for another independence referendum until a stronger economic case is made to break from the UK, according to SNP leadership hopeful Kate Forbes. However, referendums give control over often extremely complex moral and political issues to voters. The first is that a referendum campaign opens the space for actors on either side to portray the choice between the status quo and the proposed change as a false one, and to seduce voters with false promises based on fantasies of what ideal outcome might be delivered as an alternative if voters reject the course elites like party leaders have recommended. The increasing use of referendums in the UK has created a convention that they should be used for major constitutional change or a change to the way in which the UK is governed. Disadvantages. This is unsurprising, as they tend to be on significant issues. 4. It highlighted some advantages and disadvantages of putting decisions directly in the hands of citizens. The pound depreciation as an aftereffect of Brexit. Advantages and disadvantages of referendums ----- One of the arguments put forward against referendums is that they tend to simplify complicated problems and reduce them to yes or no answers. One of the three . Energy and the environment. Referendums are seen as positive as it is the most direct way for the public to participate in politics and know that their opinion and vote matter to the government. and then Add to Home Screen. We are working to understand the impact of climate change on the planet and its people, to improve air quality, and developing new technologies to decarbonise energy and transport in partnership with industry and government. They are an example of direct democracy and contrast with the representative democracy that usually dominates politics in liberal democracies. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. 52% of citizens voted to leave and 48% voted for the inverse. 3 reasons why referendums are held. However, when it became obvious that we simply wouldnt join a government at all without a commitment to a referendum on voting reform, their appetite for power outweighed (rightly, as it turned out) their fear of losing power . Should UK adopt a written constitution considering advantages and disadvantages? A referendum is a vote given to the public which is determined by the government, and is used to help answer an important political or constitutional question to which the public must vote a simple 'yes' or 'no'. They are used to decide on a particular policy proposal, often of constitutional significance. Switzerland has a long tradition here as well. To this end, the alternatives that are likely to fit best to the sides' interests will be . On the other hand, there are two very stark downsides to choosing a referendum as the way to resolve an issue. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. A good example of this is the Scottish Independence Referendum of 2014. This trend may be exacerbated in the case of referendums on complex issues such as constitutional change or international treaties, with which voters are likely to be unfamiliar. It was right, if we got a better deal to remain in the EU. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of FPTP system, Advantages and disadvantages of Two-Round System (TRS), Proportional representation related issues, Advantages and disadvantages of Parallel systems, Advantages & Disadvantages of Limited Vote, Electoral System Tiers and Hybrid Systems, Additional Issues Relevant to Post-conflict and Transitional Elections, Electing a President - First Past The Post, Electing a President - Preferential Voting, Electing a President - Distribution Requirements, Elections for Different Tiers of Governance, Electing Federal/State Assemblies and Autonomous Jurisdictions, Design and Political issues of Referendums, Advantages and disadvantages of the citizens initiative instrument, Advantages and disadvantages of the recall instrument, Cost and Administrative Implications of Electoral Systems, Electoral Systems and the Drawing of Electoral Boundaries, Electoral Systems and the Registration of Voters, Electoral Systems and the Design and Production of Ballot Papers, Electoral Systems and Number of Polling Days, Cost and administrative implications - conclusions, Bolivia: Electoral Reform in Latin America, Brazil: Candidate-Centred PR in a Presidential System, British Columbia: Empowered Citizen Participation, Chile: A System Frozen by Elite Interests. There are three primary reasons why one might consider referendums a good idea. The public's interests are therefore best protected by 'government by politicians' rather than self-government. resolve issues which government and individual parties are unlikely to be able to resolve easily. Direct democracy - referendums give the public unmediated and direct control over a policy, making sure that the public's view is clearly articulated, not distorted by those who 'represent' them. The Tyranny of the Majority refers to a situation in which the winning side can claim all of the authority. Citizens are protected from an over-powerful government. Arguably, this makes the UK more democratic as the general public have a direct say on the decisions that the government makes and although they are not lawfully binding, they successfully require the federal government and parliament to adhere to the publics outcome. Primary Legislation Legislation passed having gone through the different stages in Parliament. Similarly, in the period following the collapse of the Soviet Union there was an explosion in . There are three primary reasons why one might consider referendums a good idea. The referendum increased participation, with a turnout of 72%. It was right for us to have our say on that deal, and on our membership more broadly. This was more than a protest against the career opportunities that never knock and the affordable homes that never get built. Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE. Referendums are overall a good tool for democracy, as they make constitutional decisions more legitimate and provide a check on government power, however they are vulnerable to ill-informed votes and may be an inadequate method of approving constitutional changes that will have a very large impact. Referendums give power to uneducated voters. Referendums can settle long-standing and controversial issues. Component 1: UK Politics - referendums. These include: Before the 2016 EU Referendum the question David Cameron preferred was should the UK remain a member of the EU?. Despite the result, the SNP has become even stronger electorally, culminating in the winning of 56 seats in the __2015 __election. The Scottish referendum can be seen to have benefited David Cameron as Gordon Brown promised to give Scotland and its own parliament and powers if they voted no, increasing the pressure on Ed Miliband to come through with those promises. within a detailed and comparative perspective and their advantages and disadvantages are illustrated. people will not respect the decisions that they make themselves. In Britain, referendums had been associated with Nazi Germany, where Hitler had use plebiscites to confirm support for his policies such as making himself Fuhrer (1934) and Anschluss (1938). an academic expert within 3 minutes. Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Trade. This can mean large portions of the electorate feel dismissed. 806 8067 22, Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, Advantages and Disadvantages of Referendum, See all Government & Politics resources , Can someone please give me feedback on my A-Level Politics essay? Then, in October, Colombians shocked the world as the narrowest of majorities, 50.2% on a 38% turnout, voted to reject a peace deal negotiated between the government and the leftist guerrillas of the FARC to end its 52-year civil conflict. If Brexit goes ahead, grievances in communities will worsen, so I say to Labour colleagues: we did not get elected to make our constituents poorer and you know thats what Brexit will do. -provides a clear answer to a specific question. The referendum, as an instrument of political decision-making, has been the source of much consternation in 2016. Disadvantages of referendums in regards to constitutional changes. Political deals. The relationship between the executive and Parliament, The Powers of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Dictate Events and Determine Policy, The Influence of the Supreme Court on the Executive, The Comparative Powers of the Commons and Lords. However, since 2011 there have been three nationwide referendums. Drawing on recent examples, there are clear disadvantages that need to be considered. Those votes cast in marginal seats have much weight than those in safe seats where a vote is very unlikely to make a difference. Equality Feminism and Difference Feminism, Differing Views and Tensions Within Feminism, Differing Views and Tensions Within Liberalism, Measurements of Success Through Pressure Groups, Differing Views and Tensions Within Socialism, Differing Views and Tensions Within Conservatism, Public are given direct control over policy-making, ensuring their views and interests are directly reflected in policy, Helps to educate the public about important political questions, as they will be better-informed about key issues through referendum campaigns, Makes the government listen to the public more, as it is another way of voters communicating their thoughts other than just through elections, Provides a check on government power- governments dont control the outcome, Ensures that major changes (e.g. The Scottish referendum on independence had a very high turnout and high levels of popular engagement in the debates. Background. The overuse of referendums can undermine the fabric of representative democracy. Well occasionally send you promo and account related email. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Possible Constraints on a Prime Ministers Power. They would point to factors such as: It settled an issue that had been contentious for a generation. There are three reasons for this. However, in the 2016 Referendum each of these eurosceptic votes counted equally. However, after the intervention off the Electoral Commission the question was as below. The parties stances on Brexit have also had electoral consequences, not least the weakening of Labours traditional working class support in some areas. Referendums do not have a long history in the UK. (08 Aug 2008), Representation of women in Ukraine 1. A successful referendum is incumbent on the ability to deliver on either of its potential outcomes and the EU Referendum in 2016 did not fulfil this criterion. Direct democracy: advantages and disadvantages protect elite and incumbent interests at the expense of broader public interests. Arguments for private schools. The Scots referendum saw high levels of engagement in complex economic and constitutional issues. The Scottish Independence Referendum of 2014 and the Brexit Referendum of 2016 are examples of this. The Term Brexit was coined for the process of the UK leaving the European Union followed by the different advantages and disadvantages of it to the country. Responsive government - referendums make governments more responsive between elections by forcing them to listen to public opinion, and allow public opinion to be expressed on a particular issue, which cannot be done during elections. What are the Mechanisms for Reform and Amendment? The UK EU . First is their intrinsic worth as an exercise in direct democracy. Referendums in the United Kingdom. (15 Jun 2015), Direct Democratic Elections in Lebanon - How to Get There On the other hand, serious thought needs to be given to the drawbacks and limitations of referendums before their use is increased. Government plans to build a network of 10 freeports after the end of the Brexit transition period are unlikely to have any material impact on the UK economy because duty savings are so small as to . The issue realistically has to be broken into a binary question. Answer (1 of 4): The advantage of a referendum is that it is giving direct democratic control to the people. Political pressure. For example, the Scottish Independent Referendum in 2014 allowed for a robust debate about that issue and was, in the words of then SNP Leader Alex Salmond a once in a generation vote. They differ from elections- an election fills an office (so does not directly affect policy), whereas referendums do directly affect policy. . This creates an automatic bias. Have constitutional reforms since 1997 reduced government power? Reproduced by permission of International IDEA from Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook 2005 International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance The electronic version of this publication is made available under a Creative Commons Attribute-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) licence. P1.2-Generating Electricity. . (16 Nov 2018), Limits to universal suffrage In 2007 the SNP won the Scottish Election and did so again in 2011. Strengthens government - governments decide when and on what issues referendums are called, they frame the question and they dominate the publicity campaign. Right, so I've got that the adv are: Increases political participation Referendum deals with a flaw in the mandate theory as voters can voice an opinion on a major issue. Dr Adam Quinn, Senior Lecturer in International Politics, Referendum campaigns themselves can be savagely divisive, especially when the prospect of a narrow victory tempts campaigners to use every argument at their disposal. Therefore this means that politicians who claim to 'represent' the public are not distorting them as . Referendums can challenge parliamentary sovereignty and representative democracy. 10 reasons against Scottish independence. Infamously, on the morning following the EU Referendum in 2016 the second most googled term in Britain was What was the EU?. This dramatic policy would not have had legitimacy if it was only agreed by politicians and not by citizens in Northern Ireland. A referendum provides the opportunity to vote on a single-issue. An example of this the Scottish referendum 2014, which saw 55% of the Scottish people vote no to independence. . We're here 24 hours a day, except from 6am to 4pm on Saturday (UTC+8). [ 1] Referendums, by which citizens are given the opportunity to express a view on specific issues, have antecedents in the Middle Ages and earlier. In Britain there has been an independent electoral commission since 2001. Scottish Devolution 1997 means that it would be extremely hard for a future government to remove their power. 98.9% of voters chose to remain in the UK (the referendum was boycotted by nationalists). In 2014, the wantaway region of Spain, Catalonia, held an unofficial referendum after being refused formal permission by the Spanish Government for a binding referendum. 806 8067 22, Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, Direct/ representative democracy and Nature of Representative democracy, Evaluate how democratic, in practice, initiatives and referendums are in making public policy decisions in the USA. Devolution in Scotland and Wales was presented in 1998 as the bulk of the general public voted yes in regards to wanting more power. Once the UK landscape had settled, the focus shifted to the risks and opportunities facing the nation. First Past the Post does not give equal voting power across the UK. This lesson comprises: - a comparison of representative democracy and referendums - a list of UK referendums since 1973 and an accompanying PPT - how we use referendums in the UK - local and national - a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of referendums Advantages of referendums in regard to constitutional changes. Call +44 (20) 7633 5430 or email sales.en@ig.com to talk about opening a trading account. A core purpose of referendums is to engage those with relatively low information about the issues, which is to say the general population, in the choice. These are referendums without a clear legal mandate and are often therefore very controversial. United Kingdom, Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music, Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering, Institute for Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Explore all Engineering and Physical Sciences Research, Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, Explore all Life and Environmental Sciences Research, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, Explore all Medical and Dental Sciences Research, Histories of a Global University: Exploring Empire at the University of Birmingham, Dr Adam Quinn, Senior Lecturer in International Politics, Language, Cultures, Art History and Music, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, See all schools, departments, research and professional services. Governments often choose to hold referendums for their own political purposes, rather than the public good. On Thursday 23 June 2016 a referendum was held in order to come to a decision if the UK should remain a member of EU and more than 30 million people have voted. In reality, this almost always means that the Westminster Government will have to agree to it too. This makes it different to an election, where the electorate vote for a representative, and where the result might change the government. List of the Pros of Referendums. In the view of many, the referendum created more political issues than it solved. I believe this strategy was the most likely way to keep Britain in the EU. Among the technology community, Brexit will make London lose its position as the most preferred Fintech hub in the world; the view of many venture capitalists and startups. Referenda can unite a divided party. EEC Membership 1975 stopped the Labour government from collapsing. Referendums have to reduce complex issues to simple questions. (28 Jun 2012), Bonus seats to largest party in Greek election Subsequently, when Brexit was not immediately forthcoming, led to allegations that Parliament had betrayed the people. At least 22 francs per hour (18 euros, or $25) for each worker: This is the minimum wage proposal that the Swiss voted down on Sunday in a referendum.. Referendums can undermine representative democracy. Investigating any wrongdoing relating to the referendum. Type your requirements and Ill connect you to On one hand, you have SEO's more organic approach, where you gradually cultivate an audience, strengthen trust, and build your brand awareness. This is particularly the case when an amendment to a constitution which itself was approved by referendum is under consideration. By clicking Check Writers Offers, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. This ensures any newly created public body has democratic legitimacy. . Brexit involves the process of negotiating new trade deals, citizen registration rules, borders, etc. They are currently taking the UK Government to the Supreme Court over the refusal of Westminster to countenance a second independence referendum. Unlike General Elections, referendums allow political parties and voters to focus entirely on a single issue. (04 May 2017), Comparative examples of rules and procedures applying to by-elections Political education - by widening debate on an issue, referendums create a better educated electorate, who have a stronger incentive to think and act politically. Today's most discussed topic all over the world is the fact that UK will possibly leave the EU. The same day, a referendum in Hungary produced a 98% vote to reject the authority of the EU to mandate settlement of refugees in the country. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. Psephology The study of the statistics and probabilities surrounding elections. Has sovereignty moved between different branches of government? They are mainly designed to put pressure on a government who may themselves be refusing to offer a referendum. In the case of the EU Referendum, significant amounts of legislation, both primary and secondary, has had to been passed since 2016. Constitutional issues are a reserved, not devolved, power. Advantages of referendums. Why is the wording of the question so important in a referendum? This term refers to the idea that once a government gets into power, the public lose their say and ability to express their opinions, enabling the government to make decisions on our behalf instead of consulting with us. Brexit would eliminate protections of equal pay, maternity leave, and safe workplaces. The second downside is that referendum campaigns themselves can be savagely divisive, especially when the prospect of a narrow victory tempts campaigners to use every argument at their disposal. Unofficial Referendum A referendum that has no legal basis. Such episodes served to highlight both the seductive attraction and grave perils of referendums for those who decide to hold them. PLEASE NOTE: We are currently in the process of updating this chapter and we appreciate your patience whilst this is being completed. , Should we have an EU referendum in 2015 , Brexiters don't like democracy or the law , We've built the EU for generations and I am not leaving! A good example of a post-legislative referendum was the AV Referendum where a bill had been written and agreed and the referendum was the final stage in the process. Weakens parliament - referendums undermine parliamentary sovereignty, and are decisions that are not made on the basis of deliberation and debate. Referendums can be advisory (where the government does not have to implement the result), or binding (where the government is compelled to enact the result). 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