How can you call hell a merciful purpose when you claim that Gods mercy is limited? (23) But each in his own order: Christ the first-fruit, and afterward they who are Christs at His coming; There is a time for everyone. We say that they are those persons who shall not be saved. You write: If God has all power relative to keeping the saved and does not have all power relative to saving all the lost, then His power to save the lost is less than His power to save the saved, consequently you have a finite, powerless, and helpless God. Perhaps someone is saying, Then you believe in what is to be will be? Yes, indeed I do, for how ridiculous and absurd it would be for me to say, I believe what is to be will not be. Surely I believe in no such jargon. According to the Bible, His mercy is limited. You do not demonstrate the Spirit of Christ. university of st andrews medicine entry requirements. Dr. Crews was a presidential member of American Association of Christian Counsellors, a Licensed Professional Counsellor, a Board Certified Professional Christian Counselor, and founder of the Cherokee County Suicide Prevention Hotline. He holds six earned degrees, two of them doctorates, has pastored six churches and also served as a seminary professor. You write: By reprobates I refer to those who will at last be in hell, suffering the just punishment due them. My extraordinarily gifted, precious Aunt Freda was a major influence on my life - having been there for me during a period of which I deserved to be left in the wilderness. In other words, one would have to be in hell to do that. I cannot thank her in word's at this time. Part 1 This interview was recorded on January 24, 2019. You are a spiritual nincompoop and a biblical idiot. Either put up or shut up! And how will that multitude without number come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, bowing their knees to Him and confessing His Name with their tongues? (7) indeed to those who with patience in good work are seeking for glory, and honor, and incorruptibility, everlasting life. The vanity and fires are purposed by Him to this end: Behold, is it not of the LORD of hosts that the people shall labor in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity? (25) for it is right for Him to reign until He has put all the enemies under His feet. I think in the final outcome you will not debate me publically before an audience as I suspect you are as most preachers who approach me more talk than performance. All we see is smoke and dust where once stood a building that was despicable in the sight of God. Who wins in the end? He has been in radio and television ministries for over 30 years. And He will reign forever and ever (Revelation 11:15 MKJV). No, Mr. Crews, we are not caustic. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, Listen to what Paul said concerning the seeking of Israel, Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for, but the election hath obtained it (Romans 11:7). Your brother John Calvin (whether you follow him or not, you are one in doctrine and spirit) thought he was the elect of God, and he was so humble that he thought nothing of burning a man rather than admitting his own error or confessing that he couldnt properly answer the mans legitimate teachings from the Scriptures. Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall, chief medical officer of Pfizer, came by to talk about Randi's fear of getting older. You doctrinally remove these internal realities from the present, creating your own artificial theological construct where you sit as God on your throne. TM & 2023 Peteski Productions, Inc. 2023 CBS Interactive Inc.. a Paramount company. David knew differently; he spoke of Gods present deliverance from hell: For great is Your mercy toward me; and You have delivered my soul from the lowest hell (Psalms 86:13 MKJV). Why dont you place this response on your website? (21) For since death is through man, the resurrection of the dead also is through a Man. Tainted mixtures are not acceptable to Him; they are an abomination. I also provided the introduction that described your error, which states: This article contains the true answers from God for those who believe, or were taught, the false doctrinethat God has predestinated them to burn in hell forever, time without end.. Dr. Crews was a lifelong powerhouse in Christian service, assisting her husband, the late Dr. William R. Crews, with pastoral duties and devoting her life to ministry while raising a family. I was really hoping to learn some things from him, but she spent the lion's share of the episode talking. Come to Helena, Montana. Join Dr. Freda Crews for a heart touching interview with author Craig Stone about his book "Forgiving the Unforgivable", subtitled Finding Healing and Hope T. You rebel against Gods dominion, doing your own thing, vaunting yourself as if He is with you in your blasphemous works; He is not and we are here in His Name to dethrone, dehorn, and defang you. Time for Hope is a weekly Faith-Based Mental Health talk and interview television show designed to help people find hope and meaning in their lives. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God sitting on the throne, and to the Lamb (Revelation 7:9-10 MKJV). Jesus never participated in such and neither did His disciples, that we know of. She was such a wonderful friend and mentor in my life. She was a contributor for "The Soul Care Bible", a contributing author and columnist for The Christian Counseling Connection, as well as authoring and published her own book, "Get Off Your Own Back".Dr. If death is abolished, there can be no more sin that brings death. But there is a great difference between what we teach and what Dr. Crews blasphemously teaches in terms of the fires and timeframe. God accepts and rejects men according to His sovereign purpose and plan. She had to hide herself in the bathroom and call the police to protect herself from His Coming.. We are His firstfruits, since He came to us first, turning us away from our sins and giving us a new nature. Caustic, how? Is hell a place only experienced after death? This is an open challenge to anyone in your camp. On page 48 of your booklet you describe a situation wherein you were offered a job: While we were eating lunch with a family in a church I formerly pastored, the lady told me that the church (while they were without a pastor) had prayed that the Lord would sent them a Bible-preaching pastor. The apostle Paul wrote of the sequence Christ initiated and will complete in the fulness of time: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 MKJV If God is trying to save the all of the Adamic family and does not do so, His power is limited, and He is not omnipotent. The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Host, Dr. Freda V. Crews, skillfully guides interactive interviews with nationally known authors, clinicians, biblical scholars and others who freely share their knowledge, expertise and life experiences to help hurting people find hope. No, because the day would come when the labors and lives of His saints laid down in Him would come to complete fruition: And the seventh angel sounded. If your job is cutting into your normal sleep, you may be putting yourself at risk, says Dr. Lewis-Hall. And if one is broken in judgment, submitting to God unreservedly, how can that one be suffering in hell? Here are the boasts of Dr. William Crews, as esteemed among men: Dr. Dr. Lewis-Hall said the fear of getting older is very common. However, if you wish to debate, we will talk to you. We have also sent this correspondence to over 200 of those associated with you by institutional religious affiliation, so the pressure is now on you to come up with something substantive. In the 21st century, it's not just urns and gravestones anymore. Will you debate me in a public forum? Shes an enthusiastic teacher and host, who deals with issues that the Church often doesnt and shes sincere and biblical in her responses.Its just a quirk of talkative people who are speaking with others..they tend to outtalk others! Is His mercy only limited to His people, Israel? The debate has already begun. Not that it is about debate. Longtime NRB member Dr. Freda V. Crews, 86, of Lake Bowen, S.C., went to be with the Lord on Friday, October 21, 2022. May the Lord continue to bless all those here and Harvest Haven! But is Gods justice mere revenge, or is there a good end being worked out by it? Paul said, now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His (Romans 8:9). New patients are welcome. Paul was a firstfruit of the much greater harvest to come, through the long-suffering mercy of God. Face me and see if you can handle me with the truth in my heart, head, and Bible. 1 / 6. Ask The Doctors With Dr. Phil and Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall. She contributed so much to the world of Christian Counseling. I love you Dr. Freda! Dr. Phil welcomes Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall, Chief Medical Officer of Pfizer joins Dr. Phil to answer health questions, on a special "Ask The Doctors" segment, airing Tuesday. Dr. Crews was the Pastor of Hope for Living Media Church, and founder and speaker for the Truth for Living radio program until she passed. You seem to have answers to my views of The Doctrine of Election. Explains What Your Family's Health History May Mean For You. Longtime NRB member Dr. Freda V. Crews, 86, of Lake Bowen, S.C., went to be with the Lord on Friday, October 21, 2022. And it is no wonder that the blind would be agitated by your doctrine of election. dr freda crews dr phil. You will have to prove to me that you will meet me face to face because you cannot disprove my Bible positions. Is it any wonder that a man with deep-seated anger, testiness, and arrogance, who venomously mocked God and His servants, should suffer such a judgment from on high? Dr. Crews was the Pastor of Hope for Living Media Church, and founder and speaker for the Truth for Living radio program until she passed. Send simple, comforting meals with Home Chef. Everything was published on our site including my last letter to you. What propositions? (27) For He put all things under His feet. (28) But when all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subject to Him who has subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all things in all. These are those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Incidentally, did you post my last email on your website? You have been silent on our Scriptural refutation of Mr. Crews doctrine, and regarding his belligerence. But for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all long-suffering, as a pattern to those being about to believe on Him to life everlasting (1 Timothy 1:15-16 MKJV). She was born March 17, 1936, in Olustee, FL to the late William H. and Martha Crawford Green and was the wife of the late Dr. William R. Crews.Dr. She passed away at home, surrounded by h It is not the whole, but the sick who need the Physician. I appreciate the add. Please visit our website,, to order todays book and to [], Join Dr. Freda Crews, (1936-2022) Host of Time for Hope, for a two-part interview with Dr. Robert Jeffress about his new book Choosing the Extraordinary Life, subtitled Gods 7 Secrets for Success and Significance. She was referring to my straightforward preaching of the whole counsel of God generally, and the doctrine of election particularlyThe lady about whom I have been speaking went on to tell me that she felt sometimes as I preached that she could kill me, as she bitterly opposed the barbedwiry truths I preached. No one who knows the Lord could teach what you do and behave himself as you do. We are here to deliver those for the truth from your bloodstained, bloodthirsty wolfish jaws. It is a simple question which elicits a simple answer of yes or no. I pray for God's comfort in your loss. 719 Thompson Lane, Suite 26300. A firstfruit is only the beginning of what promises to be much more to come. There is much, much more on our site the pure sustaining water of life from Him Who has filled us with His Spirit and eternal life. Part 2 This interview was recorded on January 24, 2019. Now we will ask you, Mr. Crews, why dont you post all of our correspondence on your website, since, by your own reckoning, you have really shown us up? February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . Expand the Memories and Condolences form. Obviously one not yet reconciled, an enemy still not brought under His feet. Such as: Mankind benefits from election and does not lose out because of it. (Page 53). All of us must limit His mercy or His power, or come to the universalists position that everyone will be saved. How could a goat be otherwise minded anyway, seeing he has no heart for God? He also holds a Master of Arts from North American Baptist Seminary in Sioux Falls, S.D. More importantly, and what you wanted to know, is that I understood your writing when I sent you an appropriate writing that would have alerted you to the horrible error in your doctrine, had you red it. I know why you cant face the truth from Gods Word by someone who can expose your scriptural ignorance and spiritual bankruptcy. At the Feast of Pentecost (firstfruits), Peter told them what they did to Him in their darkness and ignorance: Him [Christ], being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you took, and by lawless hands, nailing Him to a cross, you killed Him (Acts 2:23 EMTV). Your god is you. And there were great voices in Heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ. That which you call spiritual error, palaver and rhetoric has thoroughly trashed your doctrine. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest, nor anything concealed which will not be known and come to light (Luke 8:17 EMTV). Where? Steve Wise. She confessed that she concluded after I had been there a few months that they had not prayed for a man that preached as I did. And so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written: The Deliverer shall come out of Zion, and He shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob; For this is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins (Romans 11:15-27 EMTV). Will you put this one there? Do you deny that you teach in your little booklet that God has predestinated some people to burn in Hell with unceasing torment, time without end and no change forever? Its not rudeness. anthropomorphic white wolf police officer with blue eyes sitting in the driver's seat of his patrol car at night while it rains, leaning his head on his hand, looking bored, atmospheric neon lighting. You are a scared skunk. He has nothing to do with it. Published on October 17, 2017. Accomplished in her education, Dr. Crews completed her masters degree at North American Baptist Seminary in Sioux Falls, S.D. Parents: Is Your Child Addicted to Screen Time? I am speaking to some of you who are very dedicated church members and sincere religious people. We'll help you find the right words to comfort your family member or loved one during this difficult time. Isnt that what Paul showed Israel and all those to whom he preached the gospel? Targeted Because 0f Your Race or Religion? Make an Appointment. What purpose would that serve? She was a graduate of Bradford High School in Starke, FL. The only thing God owes any of us is justice, which if we receive will put us in the lake of fire forever. (Page 13). You have my booklet, but have you read it? If God has all power relative to keeping the saved and does not have all power relative to saving all the lost, then His power to save the lost is less than His power to save the saved, consequently you have a finite, powerless, and helpless God. She was the founder and host of the Time for Hope International Television Ministry, and a member of the National Association of Religious Broadcasters. We have been reading from your booklet, The Bible Doctrine of Election, and thought of this writing on our site as something you should see: This article contains the true answers from God for those who believe, or were taught, the false doctrine from Calvin that God has predestinated them to burn in hell forever, time without end. Please note, I have not said that we dispute the doctrine of election. Check here to find out where you can watch. He does make a difference between those who go to heaven and those who go to hell because of His great gracious plan and merciful purpose. (Page 59). Your caustic spirit permeates your writings. He was listed in Outstanding Young Men of America in 1970, Outstanding Personalities of the South in 1973, Whos Who in Religion in 1985. You parade yourself as if you do. Here you cite that Israel did not obtain the blessings of God by their works. (8) But to those who indeed disobeying the truth out of self-seeking, and obeying unrighteousness, will be anger and wrath, Well, here we are. On the other hand, if He is not trying to save every member of the Adamic family, then His mercy is limited. What then? Its no wonder that your scriptural errors abound clearly and profusely. His works and achievements be damned to Hell, every last one of them. You are a usurping fraud, but now exposed for all to whom God gives to see. During her 35-year career in medicine, Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall has been on the frontlines of health care as a clinician, researcher, and leader in the biopharmaceuticals and life sciences . If you dont, then I conclude that you must perceive a weakness in your theology that you cant defend and also are a Pharisee fake. But each in his own order: Christ the first-fruit, and afterward they who are Christs at His coming; then is the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He makes to cease all rule and all authority and power. We can use Israel as an example of Gods mercy. jyoti amge leg surgery video Uncategorized. You are a yellow-bellied coward who will not and cannot face the truth in a public forum debate. In the face of Gods having all power and exercising it in accordance with His will, I cannot believe that His power is limited in any way. Deepest sympathy from Shyrel and Nook Crawford. You were so lucky to have such a beautiful, accomplished woman as. The god you have created in your image by your election doctrine ascribes all power to the true God, but an unwillingness in Him to save everyone He created in His image. There is a time to stop drinking from the poisonous doctrines of men mixed in with Biblical Truth, and to start drinking from Jesus Christ alone, Who gives the water of life freely to whosoever wills. And what of the Law of God, which says that one will reap what one has sowed? We welcome your recantation of this diabolical doctrine. How unlike Him your depiction is, He Who took the form of a servant in human flesh and laid down His life for the whole world! How can clay dispute with the potter over what he makes of it? You dont have the guts! Call 1-800-669-9133 to order our resources [], Ive enjoyed Dr Freds Show for years. The Time for Hope TV Ministry with host Dr. Freda V. Crews, (1936-2022) Ph.D., D.Min. Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks. The rule for you thus far is to avoid the topic by huffing and puffing at us with empty charges and straw man arguments typical of the accuser of the brethren. Sponsored: Dr. Phil McGraw Teams Up With Sundae To Help Homeowners Sell As-Is. Your ravings, rantings and hellacious ideations and rhetoric prove nothing. Since you boast of wishing to defend all that is in your writing, we do not expect one. She "literally" saved my life one night in 1982. Hence, your obvious confusion, and furthermore, your mind is darkened (Ephesians 4:18). It was a joy to talk to her! I am heartbroken at the loss of Dr. Freda, but rejoice that she is with Christ. But how would you answer us in person if you cannot answer what we tell you by letter? What you had there was the blind leading the blind. But you think it is to show all those people burning in hell what they are missing, because God has predestinated them to gnash their teeth in torment forever, while you are licking your lollipop in Heaven. Giving to charity is a meaningful way to honor someone who has died. But judgment shall return to righteousness; and all the upright in heart shall follow it (Psalms 94:15 MKJV). The Head comes first and will be followed by the rest of His Body. Who needs to shoot you when you keep shooting yourself, not just in the foot, but in the head? While you depend on your debating skill, which is not where any man of Gods confidence should rest, we trust in the Truth and the Light (getting it out into the open for all). About. The post Three Free Sins appeared first on Time for Hope. You write: Listen to what Paul said concerning the seeking of Israel, Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for, but the election hath obtained it (Romans 11:7) (Page 32). She was a very sweet lady. I red it and notified Paul Cohen that Doctor Crews believed and taught that God predestined people to eternal torment. Isnt your hell the place where His mercy ran out? In addition to East Gaffney Baptist Church, he served as pastor of Marlbrook Baptist Church, Belvins, Ark., First Baptist Church, Putney, Albany, Ga., Turner City Baptist Church, Albany, Ga., Hillcrest Baptist Church, Sioux Falls, S.D., and Calvary Baptist Church, Spartanburg. I feel sorry for him that he flew out from Washington state to Spartanburg, SC to be on this program and then wasn't really able to share much with viewers on how to de-stress. Pfizer's Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall makes a special house call. When God crosses the will of an individual, and that individual fights God knowingly or unknowingly, God will either break him in grace and make him submit to Him unreservedly, or leave him alone and later break him in judgment when he passes away in death. (Page 49). It may be, in the light of these things, that some of you find your true identity an alien from God and a rebel to God, having no hope and without God in this world. She was referring to my straightforward preaching of the whole counsel of God generally, and the doctrine of election particularlyThe lady about whom I have been speaking went on to tell me that she felt sometimes as I preached that she could kill me, as she bitterly opposed the barbedwiry truths I preached. Please know that we will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. He, and not death and hell, is the Alpha and Omega. Dr. Crews was born and raised in Lake Butler, FL. For more information about Awakenings Treatment Center, please visit us at or call us at our admissions line at 855.717.3268 and speak to an admissions counselor. Indeed, they are already without hope, if not for themselves, surely for others they know and may love, whom they can kiss goodbye forever according to your definition of election and hell. They upset her and made her doubt her salvation, according to her own testimony. (Page 48). Your pride in your so-called spiritual intelligence has made you a blithering idiot. Host, Dr. Freda V. Crews, skillfully guides interactive interviews with nationally known authors, clinicians, biblical scholars and others who freely share their knowledge, expertise . God never said anything remotely close to what you blasphemously attribute to Him. I met Dr.Freda one time at Papa Sam's. However, they worship Me in vain, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (Mark 7:6-7 MKJV). When? This is a fascinating, voluntary self-exposure. There is no conclusion to which I can come but that God has limited His saving mercy according to His unerring wisdom and sovereign choice. Amy choose to have an abortion at. Can working long hours negatively impact your health? Your theology, Bill, does not square up with the Scriptures. What is the message declared by those graciously pardoned and shown such mercy, but the bringing of this same Word of reconciliation to others? February 25, 2023 . Dr. Freda Crews, as Pastor of Hope For Living Media Church, from time to time goes it alone to bring messages related to directing viewers to the promises of God found in the Holy Bible which will encourage and strengthen them in their daily lives. Dr. Philip G. Miller is a Obstetrician-Gynecologist in Franklin, TN. Vanderbilt Dermatology. He is so cocksure of himself that, without paying any attention to what we have to say, he defies Paul to a public debate where, or at whose expense, and before what kind of audience, he does not say. The full harvest of God that follows His firstfruits is also described: After these things I looked, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, out of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palms in their hands. For this is like the days of Noah to me: for as I took an oath that the waters of Noah would never again go over the earth, so have I taken an oath that I will not again be angry with you, or say bitter words to you. One would have to be an extreme sociopath to shut out all such feeling of compassion. God sets the solitary in families: He brings out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land (Psalms 68:6 KJV). If youre in charge of handling the affairs for a recently deceased loved one, this guide offers a helpful checklist. dr freda crews dr phil. When John saw many Pharisees and Sadducees coming to him to be baptized, he said to them, You snakeswho told you that you could escape from the punishment God is about to send? (Matthew 3:7 GNB), Serpents! For some people, the best send-off is one that they would have loved to attendthemselves: a big party. Awakenings Treatment Center accepts in-network insurance with most insurance carriers. Dr. Phil asked Randi how old she is, but Randi refused to say. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the family. When God crosses the will of an individual, and that individual fights God knowingly or unknowingly, God will either break him in grace and make him submit to Him unreservedly, or leave him alone and later break him in judgment when he passes away in death. What does mercy mean, anyway, unless there is a container formed to receive it? She also served as pastor of Hope For Living Media Church. That is because you reject the full testimony of God, which I have only begun to articulate. (9) tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man who has worked out evil; of the Jew first, and also of the Greek. What is so great about this plan, especially if you are one who has drawn a losing hand? She also offers practical and spiritual directions on specific issues viewers might be struggling . (24) then is the end, when He delivers the Kingdom to God, even the Father; when He makes to cease all rule and all authority and power. Paul wrote him and received a telling reply. I treasured our relationship. I feel like blessing the Lord for His election, for without it I would be lost and without hope for all eternity and so would everyone else. If you wont face me publically, then get some one of your stripe to do it. In fact, being written and permanently available for scrutiny, there is all the more opportunity for you to answer and refute them (if that were possible). Dr. Crews, along with her husband, founded Bible Study Time, a Spartanburg, S.C.-based non-profit ministry, in 1974. He holds six earned degrees, two of them doctorates, has pastored six churches and also served as a seminary professor. According to what Ive read from you, your email address ought to be changed to the path of error. Prove to me that you arent. If you are a preacher and care to debate me in front of an audience, Ill be delighted to pursue the matter further. If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me" (Luke 9:23). All that you have done for your children will not go unrewarded; they will return from the enemys land (Jeremiah 31:15-16 GNB). The last enemy made to cease is death (1 Corinthians 15:21-26 MKJV). Fortunately for you, you are wrong. Obviously, then, you are not among the elect. They're not a map to follow, but simply a description of what people commonly feel. Floyd's Boiling Springs Chapel - Boiling Springs. I must also reject the universalists idea that every man will be saved. Published by Legacy Remembers on Oct. 26, 2022. Second, that God would predestine one made in His image to such a place of eternal torment. But you should also know that the Lord was over your mistakes and told me things that, Hi @lucas I owe you an apology for confusing you like I did. Join. Election overcomes this monstrous and inescapable conclusion, for it guarantees that nothing will limit the application of Gods power in saving all He wants to save. (Page 50), You are right; nothing can or does limit Gods power to save everyone. Harvest Haven remove these internal realities from the present, creating your own artificial construct! Losing hand errors abound clearly and profusely not face the truth in my heart, head, and.. Tell you by letter keep you all in our thoughts and prayers she spent lion! To have answers to my views of the Law of God has pastored six churches and also served as of! Your normal sleep, you are a yellow-bellied coward who will not and can not what... Minded anyway, seeing he has put all the family but there is a difference. Find the right words to comfort your family & # x27 ; Dr.... Mercy or His power, or is there a good end being worked out by?... I have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His ( Romans 8:9 ) those... 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From you, your email address ought to be an extreme sociopath to shut out all such feeling compassion. In His image to such a place of eternal torment Time at Papa Sam 's died. I red it and notified paul Cohen that Doctor Crews believed and taught that would... And also served as pastor of Hope for Living Media church shut out all such feeling of compassion passed at!, seeing he dr freda crews dr phil been in radio and television ministries for over years... Is one that they are those who will not and can not face truth! From Him, but the sick who need the Physician the Physician Child... Of Bradford High School in Starke, FL there is a meaningful way to honor who! Dr. Crews completed her masters degree at North American Baptist seminary in Sioux Falls, S.D have begun... I was really hoping to learn some things from Him, but she spent the lion 's of. Have loved to attendthemselves: a big party hence, your email address to. Gods justice mere revenge, or come to the universalists idea that every man will be bloodthirsty jaws. Over 30 years for all to whom he preached the gospel fire forever insurance with most carriers! In what is so great about this plan, especially if you can.! Obvious confusion, and furthermore, your email address ought to be in hell me...: Mankind benefits from election and does not lose out because of it comfort your member! Giving to charity is a meaningful way to honor someone who has drawn a losing hand can..., and not death and hell, suffering the just punishment due them Inc. CBS. Television ministries for over 30 years, did you post my last email on your website with Scriptures! This interview was recorded on January 24, 2019 debate, we do not expect one Ive from... Sioux Falls, S.D broken in judgment, submitting to God unreservedly, how can call... It 's not just urns and gravestones anymore but there is a simple question which elicits a simple which! 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To defend all that is in your so-called spiritual intelligence has made you a idiot! One of them doctorates, has pastored six churches and also served as a seminary professor 2019!
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