He commanded U.S. naval forces during two of the most significant naval battles that took place in the Pacific Theatre: the Battle of Midway and the Battle of the Philippine Sea. After air assaults, two rocky islands, Kiska and Attu, were occupied by Japanese ground forces. Yet the decision is hailed by the series's narrator as instrumental in sealing the American victory. In August 1943 Spruance was placed in command of the Central Pacific Force, which, on April 29, 1944, was redesignated as the Fifth Fleet. He was raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. HistoryNet.com contains daily features, photo galleries and over 25,000 articles originally published in our nine magazines. [28], His achievements in the navy were well known, but himself much less. D. The Pope lived in Constantinople. The Japanese had been battered for weeks by aerial bombardment, and knew the invasion was imminent. serious damage on the islands installations. Answer: Admiral Yamamoto had hoped to fight a classic-style sea battle with battleships, but Spruance had proved that the aircraft carrier was now emerging as the capital ship of naval combat forces. The Navy honored Spruance by giving his name to a new class of 30 destroyers, the first of which, USS Spruance, was launched in 1973. He suggested Spruance replace him as commander of the Fleet carrier force, despite the fact that Spruce had little experience with carriers. However, an invasion was rendered unnecessary when the atomic bomb was used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. His steady rise, according to Newsweek magazine, has borne the imprint of his personalityunobtrusive but undeviating. Admiral Spruances last campaigns were the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and he was awarded the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism. Admiral Spruance said that what they did was to wait until the Japanese ships were refueling, carrying weapons, and preparing their aircraft to attack them because the Japanese were in a vulnerable position. I am lazy, and I never have done things myself that I could get someone to do for me. catalogued as someone to watch; there was never any possibility that he would be passed over in the lists for promotion. History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. In July 1941, his responsibilities were expanded to include oversight of the Caribbean Sea Frontier. No detail was too small to bring these American prisoners home. He never did things the same way twice. Flagship of Kakuta. He never smoked, and drank little. He has appeared on The History Channel as a featured expert. In October 1946 he was awarded the Armys Distinguished Service Medal for his exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services during the capture of the Marshall and Mariana islands. Most common sailors were proud to serve under Halsey; most higher-ranking officers preferred to serve under Spruance. Having been promoted to rear admiral in December 1939, he was directed to assume command of the Tenth Naval District (San Juan, PR) in February 1940. He was appointed as Ambassador to the Philippines by President Harry S. Truman, and served there from 1952 to 1955. "[28], The destroyers Spruance(DD-963), lead ship of the Spruance class of destroyers, and Spruance(DDG-111), 61st ship of the Arleigh Burke class of destroyers, were named in his honor.[29]. Shortly after the Midway battle, Spruance became chief of staff to Admiral Nimitz, and in September 1942 was appointed as Deputy Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. John C. Waldron. With their 233 planes and crews at the ready, the three U.S. flattops were stationed well north of Midway, out of sight of enemy reconnaissance planes. His air group is credited with the sinking of 4 Japanese aircraft carriers during Midway. Yorktowns planes hit Soryu as she was turning into the wind to launch aircraft. B. Jim Crow Laws For that assault, Spruance led the most powerful naval strike force in history. That December he was elevated to rear admiral, and in February 1940 he was placed in command of the 10th Naval District (Caribbean), with his headquarters in San Juan, Puerto Rico. His classmates included Arthur L. Bristol, William L. Calhoun, William A. Glassford, Charles C. Hartigan, Aubrey W. Fitch, Frank J. Fletcher, Robert L. Ghormley, Isaac C. Kidd, John S. McCain Sr., Leigh Noyes, Ferdinand L. Reichmuth, John H. Towers, Russell Willson, and Thomas Withers. About us| Retribution was not long in coming. But due to a printing error on the executive calendar of nominations, Spruance was officially promoted only to his former rank of vice admiral. Raised in Indianapolis, IN, he attended school locally and graduated from Shortridge High School. Both commanders hoped for a classic battle with the Imperial Japanese Navy, but only Mitschers carrier planes were able to reach the enemy. Admiral Yamamoto had hoped to fight a classic-style sea battle with battleships, but Spruance had proved that the aircraft carrier was now emerging as the capital ship of naval combat forces. Besides his family, he loved the companionship of his pet schnauzer, Peter. He's one of the finest officers I know of. The U.S. Navy counterforce sank all four Japanese carriers while losing one of its own, Yorktown. The Saipan campaign began with air attacks on June 10, 1944. Spruance's rise to fame . After these victories, Spruance went back to Pearl Harbour to assist with planning Japans invasion. It was spotted by scouts from the USS Hornet and destroyed by planes from the Enterprise. C. American Dream He organized the Japanese counterattack on the American carriers and is credited with the sinking of the USS Yorktown, the only American Carrier sunk at Midway. In the first months of World War II in the Pacific, Spruance commanded the four heavy cruisers and support ships of Cruiser Division Five from his flagship, the heavy cruiser USSNorthampton. The following year, the new admiral was ordered to the Pacific. "Foreward for Midway." US Naval Institute Proceedings 81, no. With Okinawa's fall in June, Spruance rotated back to Pearl Harbor to begin planning the invasion of Japan. This time we were right because the enemy did what we expected him to do. Four years later, President Harry S. Truman appointed him as Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines. During this period, Spruance served aboard USS Minnesota (BB-22) during the cruise of the Great White Fleet. Besides his family, he loved the companionship of his pet schnauzer, Peter. He was modest and candid about himself. This was in July 1938, and this time he was the battleships commander. The US intelligence services could predict the way the Japanese carriers and planes would be approaching the battle. Admiral Ernest J. With the island's fall, Spruance immediately moved forward with Operation Iceberg. Spruances naval guns started their bombardment two days later. In 1949, naval historian Samuel Eliot Morison noted that Spruance was subjected to criticism for not pursuing the retreating Japanese and allowing the surface fleet to escape. This approach of bypassing Japanese strong points, such as Truk, was applied on a large scale as the Allies devised their strategy for moving across the central Pacific. For more great articles subscribe to World War II magazine today! So he changed course northeastward, avoiding the first wave of dive bombers launched against him from Spruances carriers. A. Admiral Spruance was buried with full honors alongside Admirals Nimitz and Kelly Turner in a military cemetery overlooking San Francisco Bay. President Franklin D. Roosevelt nominated Spruance for promotion to full admiral on February 10, 1944, and he was approved. The Japanese lost 322 airplanes, most of them going down with the carriers. "World War II: Admiral Raymond Spruance." Unites States Rear Admiral in command of Task Force 16 on the USS Enterprise. 6 (June 1955): 658-659. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. After Rome fell, the bishop of Constantinople became the most pow After his flagship, the IJN Hiryu, was fatally damaged, he and the Hiryu's captain Tomeo Kaku locked themselves in the bridge and went down with their ship. Aboard the Japanese flattops, many torpedo-carrying planes were waiting for fighters to take off as the American planes dived. When New Mexico was struck by two kamikaze on the night of 12 May 1945 a hasty search by Spruance's staff found the Admiral manning a fire hose amidship. By shortly after 9 a.m., planes from Yorktown were also on their way. Ambassador to the Philippines in 1952-55. So the US navy had a good idea of what to expect from the Japanese fleet and how to counterattack it. The Japanese felt that they had won the encounter. He also held several engineering, intelligence, staff and Naval War College positions up to the 1940s. https://www.thoughtco.com/admiral-raymond-spruance-2360511 (accessed March 1, 2023). His achievements were well-known, but the man himself was a mystery. His squadron successfully ambushed and sank 3 Japanese Aircraft Carriers, Lieutenant in command of the USS Hornet air group. >The fleet units shielding the Marianas invasion forces were also under Spruances command. Lt Tomanaga leads Japanese Torpedo Bombers to attack the remaining carriers. A decisive victory, Spruance and Fletcher's actions at Midway helped turn the tide of the Pacific war in favor of the Allies. Naval Academy in 1906,[5] and received further, hands-on education in electrical engineering a few years later. He took part in organising the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa and led the 5th Fleet in these two final battles. Photograph Courtesy of the US Naval History & Heritage Command. Biblical essay :)God made great use of Paul's education in Tarsus and his training as a Pharisee under Gamaliel. The carriers were on station on June 2, and the following day Japanese transport ships were spotted 600 miles west of Midway Island. Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, is named Spruance Hall. If this happened, it would enable the Japanese to pinch the Americans between their two carrier forces. The Marine fighters and anti-aircraft fire shot down or badly damaged about a third of the enemy attack group. He held that post until the following February, when he was ordered back to the Naval War College at Newportthis time as president. [21] Buell quotes Spruance speaking with Morison: As a matter of tactics I think that going out after the Japanese and knocking their carriers out would have been much better and more satisfactory than waiting for them to attack us, but we were at the start of a very important and large amphibious operation and we could not afford to gamble and place it in jeopardy. [7], He commanded the Percival during the sea trials off the California coast and during the patrol cruises with the Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet until May 1922, when he was ordered to Washington, D.C., for duty in the Bureau of Engineering under Rear Admiral John K. Robison. [11] Although Spruance was proven as a cruiser division commander, he had no experience handling carrier-air combat; Halsey reassured Nimitz, and he told Spruance and Fletcher to rely on their newly inherited staff, particularly Captain Miles Browning, a battle-proven expert in carrier warfare. Moving into position near Midway, Spruance's force was later joined by Rear Admiral Frank J. Fletcher's TF 17 which included the carrier USS Yorktown (CV-5). The American offensive in the Pacific theater was now enjoying considerable momentum, aided in no small measure by Rear Adm. Marc Mitschers Task Force 58, the most powerful and destructive unit in the history of sea warfare. Spruance was put in command of Task Force 16, which included two carriers: USS Enterprise and USS Hornet, and was instrumental in the decisive US victory in the Battle of Midway. A number of torpedo squadrons from the airfields and carriers launch attacks on the Japanese carriers but score no hits and almost all planes involved were shot down. However, his actions were both praised and understood by the main persons ordering and directly involved in the battle. He was responsible for leading the 5th Fleet into the pivotal Battle of the Philippines Sea, nicknamed the 'Great Marianas Turkey Shoot' because a total of 365 Japanese planes were brought down. By then 43 years old, Commander Spruance went to sea againaboard the battleship Mississippi from 1929 to 1931. His new duties involved planning rather than operations, and Spruance chafed for more action. A total of 1,132 enemy planes were put out of action. All three were eventually scuttled. Japanese propagandists pointed to their success in the Aleutians to offset the defeat at Midway, but actually the Aleutians were of little strategic value. U.S. losses were low: 25 airplanes and 18 lives. The setback in the Japanese timetable to encircle the Pacific gave the U.S. industrial machine time to crank up war production, and ultimately, to turn the advantage on Japan in the production of ships, planes, guns, and all the other matriel of war. The victory at Midway, meanwhile, was a tonic for American morale, which had not yet recovered from the disastrous December 7, 1941, raid on Pearl Harbor. [Admiral Spruance wrote this foreward for Mitsuo Fuchida's book, Midway, The Battle That Doomed Japan; The Japanese Navy's . Then, reflect on the education opportunities that God has provided us today. On June 19, however, hundreds of planes from nine Japanese aircraft carriers attacked the Fifth Fleet. Write down what your favorite food is and why to get 50 points :), Select TWO facts about the relationship between Constantinople and Christianity. He graduated from the U.S. They met practically no opposition because most of the Zeros were still close to the water, not having had time to climb and counterattack. [12] Spruance assumed command of Task Force 16 with its two carriers, USSEnterprise and USSHornet, under battle command of Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher. My personal congratulations. Word of the sacrifice of VT-8 stunned the United States, and Churchill was reported to have wept when he heard about it. Lt. Kabayashi leads Japanese bombers from the Hiryu to attack the USS Yorktown. He was fond of symphonic music, and his tastes were generally simple. [32] Wouk writes in his book that "Spruance escaped [the Japanese fleet admiral] Yamamoto's terrible trap by acting on perfect military instinct. Spruance was a dedicated sailorthorough in his absorption of all aspects of training and techniques. It was hit and sunk by American dive bombers and the submarine USS Nautilus. Overseeing the Battle of Tarawa in November 1943, he guided Allied forces as they advanced through the Gilbert Islands. Spruance's seagoing career included command of the destroyers Bainbridge from March 1913 to May 1914, Osborne, three other destroyers, and the battleship Mississippi. Recently promoted to rear admiral, Spruance was assigned to command a division of cruisers in the Pacific under Admiral Nimitz in 1941. The Iwo Jima and Okinawa actions lasted from January to May 1945, and in August the Japanese surrendered. About his intellect he was equally unpretentious: Some people believe that when I am quiet that I am thinking some deep and important thoughts, when the fact is that I am thinking of nothing at all. The son of Alexander and Annie Spruance, Raymond Ames Spruance was born at Baltimore, MD on July 3, 1886. But what was important about this actionthe first naval battle in history fought by fleets that never came within sight of each otherwas that the U.S. Navy had thwarted the enemys planned capture of Port Moresby in strategic New Guinea. When not in command of the fleet the admirals, and their staffs, were based at Pearl Harbor and planned future operations. He presided over US Forces in the Pacific during two decisive Allied victories: the Battle of Midway in 1942 and the 1944 Battle of the Philippines Sea. help him spread the Gospel?Here is your goal for this assignment:Write a report discussing how education can be a key ingredient of effective ministryIn a report of 250-500 words, i.e., one-half to one-page, provide at least three ways in which Paul's education helped him to be more effective in his ministry. Akagi was lashed by bombs, which exploded torpedoes that were being loaded onto her planes, and the crew abandoned ship. I am lazy, and I never have done things myself that I could get someone to do for me. Spruance himself directed a task group of battleships, cruisers and destroyers that left the main body to go after Japanese ships that were fleeing Truk, sinking the light cruiser Katori and destroyer Maikaze. After his flagship, the IJN Hiryu, was fatally damaged, he and the Hiryu's captain Tomeo Kaku locked themselves in the bridge and went down with their ship. It was a cool, clear day. Towards the end of that year, Spruance commanded a cruiser division supporting Admiral Halsey's carrier, the 'Enterprise', at Wake Island. Spruance became Commander of the 5th Fleet in November 1943, which presented him with command of the Central Pacific Forces. Pratt, F. "Spruance: Picture of the Admiral," Harpers Magazine 193, no. After six furious minutes, the three carriers were left burning. The surviving carrier, Hiry, gave the Japanese some brief respite by sending strikes that again damaged Yorktown. When Midway began on June 4, 1942 the first few waves of U.S. aircraft were greatly outnumbered by Japanese forces. He served as Assistant Chief of Staff under Vice admiral Philip Andrews during the period of tensions between Greece and Turkey and was decorated with the Gold Cross of the Order of the Savior by the Government of Greece for his service. In April 1942 he offered support to carriers that launched the Doolittle Raid, an air raid on Tokyo and other parts of Honshu island. From 1952 to 1955 Spruance served as the American ambassador to Philippines. But their elation was short-lived, for too many Japanese fighters had descended to deal with the torpedo bombers, leaving a window of opportunity for any American dive bombers that arrived. The recipient of the letter below was his longtime friend and former chief-of-staff Captain Charles "Carl" J. Moore. He wrote the day after the attack and the same day he attended funeral services for the 54 Sailors and Marines killed in the attack. Akagi and Kaga subsequently went down. The fourth was a choice between Halsey and Spruance, and after much deliberation, eventually Halsey was appointed in December 1945. The assault began at dawn on November 20, 1943, and the fighting raged for 76 hours. Spruance's first duty assignment was aboard the battleship USSIowa, an 11,400 ton veteran of the SpanishAmerican War. In the fighting, the Japanese lost three carriers and around 600 aircraft. Spruance's achievements were acknowledged by the unique distinction of a special act of Congress awarding him Admiral's full pay for life. His tour of sea duty ended in 1921, and he spent the next three years with the Navy Departments Bureau of Engineering and the Doctrine of Aircraft board. He was dragged out of his flagship Akagi before it sank against his will. The two admirals were a contrast in styles. Yet because of his modest, retiring nature, Spruance was never a popular hero in the manner of Admirals Nimitz, William F. Halsey and Marc A. Mitscher. This gave rise to the description of Spruance as "an Admiral's admiral". In June 1931, Spruance returned to Newport, RI to serve on the staff of the Naval War College. Meanwhile, the Japanese attack on the Aleutian Islands had been carried out as planned on June 3. He was a diligent, neat and gentle boy. He later volunteered to fly a damaged plane and was killed leading the second of Hiryu's counterattacks against the USS Yorktown. As the island-hopping campaign began, MacArthur continued his . Spruance became a shadowy sort of legend in the Navy. As the war progressed, Spruance became one of two primary . Although some historians and many newsmen have written many words about Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, U.S. Navy and his brilliant career in the Pacific in World War II, the complete story of this reserved and self-effacing man is now being told for the first time by one of his close friends and wartime associates. His seagoing career was extensive, including command of five destroyers and the battleship Mississippi. Since the Japanese planes were returning from the Midway strike, Spruance ordered that his strike be launched without delay so as to maximize the chances that the Japanese carriers would be caught while landing planes or spotting the next wave. After another three-year tour at the Naval War College, Spruance was again ordered to sea aboard Mississippi. The first Japanese airstrike was followed by another. He was commissioned an ensign in 1908, and during a tour of shore duty he took a postgraduate course in electrical engineering in Schenectady, N.Y. No matter what other people tell you, your decision was correct". northwestward of Midway. On August 1, 1941, he finished his tour in Puerto Rico. D. Suburban America, 100 POINTS! Naval Academy, graduating in 1906. Successfully concluding operations, Spruance was promoted to admiral in February. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz called him a fine man, a sterling character, and a great leader, and said, nothing you can say about him would be praise enough. On November 24, Spruance relieved Nimitz as Commander, US Pacific Fleet. His entry in Whos Who in America was only three lines long (including his full name), and a footnote in Morisons monumental history of the U.S. Navy in World War II testifies to his modesty. With World War I raging, he became Assistant Engineer Officer of the New York Navy Yard. He served as an instructor at the Naval War College from 1935 to 1938. Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat fighters, Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless dive bombers and Douglas TBD-1 Devastator torpedo bombers thundered off the flight decks and rose to search for the enemy carriers. Morisons text refers to Spruance, victor at Midway. The struggle by the U.S. Marine 2nd Division for Betio Islet on Tarawa Atoll was the bloodiest single action in the Corps long history. It was hit multiple times by aircraft from the IJN Hiryu and later torpedoed by a Japanese submarine before sinking. Commanding the battleship for nearly two years, Spruance was aboard when World War II began in Europe. Spruance began World War II as a gunship admiral, commanding a division of . In the course of a two-hour interview, he stood or walked about all the timenot restlessly, but slowly and deliberately. Changed course northeastward, how does admiral spruance explain the us victory at midway quizlet the first few waves of U.S. aircraft were greatly outnumbered Japanese. Ussiowa, an invasion was rendered unnecessary when the atomic bomb was used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the. Was spotted by scouts from the USS Enterprise for weeks by aerial bombardment, Churchill. 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