Please help me weigh out the choices. We must accept that truth because the more we enforce our wants and needs over what God wants from us, we cannot move forward. When we do not ask for Gods wisdom and discernment, all pieces of advice will seem correct. I am afraid of making the wrong choice, which prevents me from having peace of mind. Fill me with divine strength that I may always follow your leading. - Heavenly Father, Almighty God, I humble myself . Lord, help me be a better judge in every situation that I face. Father, help me to walk in obedience as I make decisions about my life, family, and career. Let your grace help me to rely on you fully for the glory of your holy name. Shield me from weapons that have forged against me to prevent me from making decisions that are within your will. Please make everything clear as I make decisions about my life. Please help me be confident in your direction, for I am worried I would make the wrong choice. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone (Colossians 4:5-6 NIV). Scripture decision making is a great way to start when beginning your search for finding the correct solution. Remove all doubts. The second issue is that we sometimes dont know which of the options the best is because sometimes we are faced with options that look equally good and profitable. Today, I want to share with you 3 powerful ways to discern God's voice when you face a decision. Making the wrong decision has led people into huge debts that will take them a life time to pay up. There are some choices where we need to wait before we take action because the time isnt right just yet. Humble me and create in me a heart that is willing to listen to spiritual guidance. You have found for yourself the right article: 30 prayers to make the right decisions. John 1:8. Here are 10 Bible verses that may help if you're facing a big decision: Philippians 4.6-7: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. When we are faced with a very short time to make decisions or when we have too many options that looks as though they will bring similar results, we become afraid of making decisions because we know its either the decisions we made turn out to be good or bad. Oh Lord, help me to trust you with my decisions and my future. Please replace the worries and doubts in my heart with joy, peace, and hope for the future. Find a quiet place, sit down and compose yourself. Then have kids sit on the floor in a circle. The peace of God. Holy Spirit, teach me your word in Jesus name. Faith-Filled Content Delivered To Your Inbox, 6 Inspiring Prayers for Favor and Breakthrough, 7 Effective Prayers for Anger and Resentment. I cover my mind, body, and spirit with the blood of Jesus. Oh Lord, open my eyes to see all I should do regarding the issues of my life in Jesus name. To see the things as, you see them. That you are in control, of all things. You have surrounded me with people who could help me with my dilemma. I am blessed when I come and when I go, and I know that I am above only and not beneath. Lord, I have come to the point in my life when I need to make the important decision on what vocation to follow. Only a quiet mind can think at maximum efficiency. Oh Lord, give me the boldness to seize and pursue all opportunities and goals that you have planned for my life in Jesus name. The Holy Bible offers guidance for decision-making and encourages us to seek wisdom from God. 5) As the Bible says, Lord, the one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper (Proverbs 19:8 NIV). All these decisions can be overwhelming and stressful, even making us feel inadequate at a time when we need calm and confidence. - Psalm 25:4-5 GNT. Prayers for making decisions can help us convey our desperation and desire to make the right decision. Thank you for today, a new opportunity to love, give, and be all that you want me to be. However, there are some factors to keep in mind before you can make good decisions. Father, teach me in the way I should go and paths I should take for my life in Jesus name. Oh Lord, fill me with divine strength to follow your leading in Jesus name. Almighty Lord, I come to You in times of confusion and uncertainty. God often does not shout above the noise in our lives. These prayers can help us convey our desperation and desire to make the right decision. -1 Likes, 6 Comments - Purpose Design (@purposedesign_) on Instagram: "Faith tells me that God guards my path. Father, prepare my heart to be receptive. When we fill our days with busy schedules, distracted hearts and occupied minds, we push out any opportunity to listen to God. Help me and guide me, please. Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus to ask for Your guidance and clear direction in the choices that I have to make concerning my future. In Jesus name. Father, lead me to the right connections and relationships in Jesus name. Some decisions are easy to make, while others are difficult to make; meanwhile, some decisions do not determine our future. Holy Father, Thank you for your wisdom in all circumstances. Fill me up so that I may follow your guidance without any fear or doubt in Jesus name. You can also say a prayer to give you strength during difficult times. I know I dont have to have all the answers, but I do want to be wise and full of grace in all I do and all I say. And I know that your answer will come at the right time. Oh Lord, order my steps by your word in Jesus name. Prayer can be a helpful tool in making the right decision. Oh Lord, help me see and properly assess the positives and negatives in every situation, opportunity and decisions that I make in Jesus name. I desperately need your guidance as I make life-changing decisions that can propel me forwards or set me back in life. PRAYER POINTS FOR MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION. You are the only one who knows how this decision will affect me. Please give me reassurance that you will guide me through it all. But your word says that you have not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and sound mind. I reject you spirit of error projected against me from the altars of darkness, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. For the Lord grants wisdom! Oh Lord! This is important because there are always issues in life that will get too complicated and hard for us to make the right decisions quickly. Those are easy decisions, so much so that some have become habits. When you are at a crossroads and dont know which way to turn, it can be helpful to seek guidance from God. Help me to set my thoughts on things above and to speak only what will help and encourage others. As you embark on new experiences or make major changes in your life, choosing between good, better, and best can be difficult or confusing to do. 2) Father, I want to do as Your Word says: "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. James 1:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. [ e] 3 You have scrutinized my inner motives;[ f] you have examined me during the night. For I have prayed consistently and diligently, allowing faith to take over. Philippians 4:13 - For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Precious Holy Spirit, it's such a great privilege to have you right beside me, always ready to guide my heart in all life's decisions. I can plan nothing without you giving me the mind to plan it. Lord, today I pray for a humble spirit to depend on you in my life decisions. Yes obviously! I ask for Your guidance as Your truths are uncovered to me. Oversee me, and bestow upon me the knowledge to make wise choices on the road ahead. I like your guidance and wisdom in making the right choice. The Bible has numerous scenarios and lessons to use as a guide or an example to help narrow down our choices. I know I have not always chosen . You can also say a prayer for a difficult problem to be solved. Let your spiritual light shine through. Amen. Father, today I may have important life-changing decisions to make. On March 12, 2003, 15-year-old Elizabeth Smart was found safe nine months after being abducted from her family's home in Salt Lake City, Utah. Lord God, dont permit me to act in haste. I surrender all my overthinking and ask that you replace it with peace. God warned Christians never to lean on their own understanding. If it is not your will for me to take this path, then Father, give me divine strength to accept and to follow your lead. Obedience Prayer Holy Lord, your word says obedience is better than sacrifice. You can contact FromTheAngels administration using the email, 1) Prayer For Guidance In Making A Decision, 3) Beautiful Prayer For Asking God For Help To Make A Choice, 4) Powerful Prayer For Making The Right Decision, 5) Prayer for The Lord To Guide Me In The Right Direction, 6) Blessing Prayer For God To Give Me Wisdom. Are you beginning to find it difficult to make sound decisions as regards your marital life? You are the past, present, and future; and so, You have already seen the outcome of all of the decisions that I can make now. Righteous God, I declare that Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Forgive me my negligence and please listen and respond to my prayer. You promised to give me a future that is bright. We have the grace of the sacraments, the teachings of the Church, and the good example of saints and fellow Christians to help us make good choices. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.. There can be some evil forces trying to guide us in the wrong direction. Get their sound opinion regarding the matter at hand and consider their advice while making the final decision. We must remember that though God gave us the freedom to make decisions and choose our path, we still do not know any better than Him. Give me the patience to handle big and small decisions in different areas of my life. Please Help me listen to my inner voice and be guided by my conscience. As Christians, making the right decision shouldnt even bring depression, confusion, and frustration, because Isaiah 30:21 tells us that God is capable of directing us and showing us the way and helping us make the right decision. Who can be more brilliant or experienced than the God who created the universe and knows the beginning and the end without getting up from His throne? When I become overwhelmed with the decisions that are placed before me, please give me the peace that surpasses all understanding. I have an essential decision to make, and I have still yet to give my final answer. The word "logos" in greek means the word of God, which is found throughout the New Testament. I entrust my life to Your loving care and ask for Your guidance on my journey. Keep me from putting my foot in my mouth, and help me guard the affections of my heart today, Lord. I can do nothing without you giving me the strength to do it. In Jesus name, I affirm that wisdom and knowledge of Your word will be revealed to me. In Jesus name, I believe and pray. We often forget that God isnt only present in the essential things happening in our lives but also there during the quiet and down times. In Jesus name. But we can always trust that he wants the best for us. Help me to hear your voice clearly. Prevent me from making the wrong decision. Help me decide to do what is best. There are two tough issues regarding making the right decision. Make whatever work I do be marked with excellence rather than perfectionism, as I seek not to make a name, but to make a difference. I trust in Thy all-knowing nature and believe thou art aware of my hearts needs. Grant me wisdom, strength, and guidance in everything I do. Tim McConnell, assistant pastor of . He wants to see if we are ready to receive His rewards. Reveal to me the people that the enemy is using to lead me astray and help me to cut them off from my life. Trust in God and allow Him to direct us in the right way. Looking at the disasters will help us understand better why its a matter of existential importance for us to involve God when we make decisions or need to make decisions. Father, I submit myself, totally to the leading of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Prayer to help you make the right decisions and Flourish. You have blessed me and called me your own. Clear all confusion. Oh Lord, lead me by the hand, and I shall walk with faith, obediently following Your lead until I reach the destiny You have ordained for me. "We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them." Sean Covey. And even when we know the truth and believe that God is in control, there . Its clouding my judgment, thus preventing me from making the right choice. I trust in Your loving plan for my life, and I ask that You lead me in the way that I should go. Amen. We make decisions daily, sometimes stand at crossroads, and need advice. In Jesus name. Lord, take control of my mind. This dua will help you in taking right decisions in such a situation; "Rabbi Auuzbika Minn Hamzaaati Shaitan, Wa Auuzbika Inni Yahziroon". Ask Him to give you wisdom and guidance, to provide solutions to any problems that may come up, and to protect you and those around you. Some may be more sensitive to Gods voice, but that doesnt mean you arent able to hear Him. You can find comfort and reassurance in this prayer and can feel connected to a higher power, gaining a deeper understanding of your purpose and direction in life. Lord God, I praise you, and I glorify your name. Redeemer of my life, I thank you for you are a God that is involved in the affairs of my life. So before we fall victim to the enemys deceit, ask for Gods guidance and wisdom first. Teach me to live according to your truth, for you are my God, who saves me. [ c] 2 Make a just decision on my behalf. Obedience Prayer. Are you at a crossroad in life presently? We have to make a choice and we have to do it quickly; there is no eternal time to do it. 3:5-6 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. I put on the Helmet of Salvation. Lord, your Word says that your sheep hear your voice. When you pray, it is important to be specific about what you want God to do in relation to your decision. Amen.. The Bible always encourages us to approach decision-making with a heart focused on God and relying on His wisdom. Let your Holy Spirit guide me in everything that I do so that I may not go against your word. In Jesus name, I believe and pray. Lord, I don't know which way to go or which path to follow, but I pray that in Your grace You would open up the door through which I should go. Shield me from the temptations and misdirects of the enemy. god . Among the many decision-making methods for life's big decisions, one that stands out is from an early 16th-century soldier-turned-mystic, St. Ignatius of Loyola. Oh Lord, help me to be selective and not impulsive in Jesus name. But that should not give you the liberty to toss aside Gods guidance and wisdom whenever you make a decision. 2. Keep in mind . O Gracious and Almighty God, Your steadfast love protects me from the obstacles of this world every day. Show me the path you have set for me and how to walk in it. Can I plan anything more than 24 hours in advance? Overcoming Fear and Anxiety Prayer Dear Lord, my heart is full of anxiety. Uncertainty has clouded my mind, and I feel like I am drifting away. But for other choices that require us to mull and think over, using prayers for making decisions can help. Please remind me to ask you first before I do anything else. Prayer for making the right decision. Father, I trust in you today for guidance as I make decisions. Amen and Amen. The above verses show that God can help us make the right decisions. If we make the right decision, even though it may be difficult, then we will be blessed with the crown of life. Forgiveness takes work. In Jesus' name. He is a loving and compassionate God who desires the best for His children. Dear Lord, I earnestly seek your hand of protection. Amen. God has never led us down a path that would harm us; its always for our growth and success. 3 3) Beautiful Prayer For Asking God For Help To Make A Choice. Here is scriptural guidance for wisdom. Where I have been walking in disobedience, Father, forgive me. please pray for me in making the right decision. Keep your conscience clean by making clean choices. As the Bread of Life, your food, like manna, will sustain me throughout any trials and hungers. If you're tuned in to Him, you will make the right decision. Fear is avoidable if we involve God. As my girl takes her biggest step to college, enrich her prayer life, and she may be able to seek you in both good and bad times. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. So lets learn more about prayers for making decisions and their importance in our journey. He wants you to let go of everything you know or think you know. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. No decision should stain your spirit. To those who follow your Word and earnestly seek you, you promised to prosper and bring success. Lord, I want it to be in accordance with Your will and plans for my life. I trust in You, be with me, oh Lord. We must be sensitive to His voice and receptive to His teachings. God, I just ask that You help me make the best one. Yet you have promised us that you go with us, and that your Holy Spirit is within each of us, guiding our thoughts . Prayer To Make The Right Decision | Daily Effective Prayer For Decision Making sure to SUBSCRIBE (click the bell ) . The reason they mostly disregard that warning is that they believe too much in their knowledge, experience, intellectual capacity, or connection. Amen. Please meet my need. Father, help me to walk in obedience as I make decisions about my life, family, and career. We make decisions every day. Patience Prayer Heavenly Father, remove anything in me that will cause me to make rash decisions. 4 4) Powerful Prayer For Making The Right Decision. Prayers For Daughter To Have Wisdom As She Goes To College. You express your desires to be in Gods holy presence and to feel His nearness as you seek knowledge. Lord, I carry a heavy weight on my shoulders. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.. Those are easy decisions, so much so that some have become habits. Today's a new day, a chance for a new start. Should I quit my current job and go into personal business? You have probably heard the saying "It is hard to steer a . The decision I make today is going to affect my family and friends. So before you decide, seek Gods wisdom and advice first. Alex is a family man and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. Spirit of right judgment and courage, guide us and make us firm in our baptismal decision to follow Jesus' way of love. Lord, please help me to decide. Please shower wisdom and understanding on me in every decision I face. Published: April 1, 2021. I know that spiritual blessings await those who do your will. Amen. You know my need for wisdom, knowledge and understanding straight from You. Prayers for Guidance about a Difficult Work Situation. "When you choose an action, you choose the consequences of that action. This article delves into six prayers for guidance in making wise and right decisions. Help me to focus on your leading and not my past failures. Thank you for allowing me to ask for your wisdom and peace of mind, Lord. Canon of Scripture. This is why prayer is vital in decision-making. I know earthly life is short and fleeting, Lord. Listen to the prayer. Here are 3 du'a to remember when faced with difficult situations. Blessings to infuse thoughts with clever ideas and help you achieve lifelong success. Making Good Decisions. The verse says: Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it.. It may seem like youre not doing the right decision at first, but God will provide you with the wisdom to see things clearly. As I dress, let me wear the armor you've provided daily: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, and the sword of the spiritwith prayer on my tongue: praise for you and petitions for those around me and those I meet. When we are faced with a very short time to make decisions or when we have too many options that looks as though they will bring similar results, we become afraid of making decisions because we know its either the decisions we made turn out to be good or bad. 1 Cor. Make it so that I don't, Even have to decide. You are one step away from having your prayer submitted to Churches, shrines, prayer groups and prayer chains all around the world. Grant me your guidance, which grants me the humble obedience to accept it in Jesus' name. This is the opinion of the Rev. O Lord, I eagerly desire to experience Your holiness and sense Your proximity as I seek comprehension. In Jesus name, I believe and pray. Help me to choose wisely between the options that are set before me. Gather enough Knowledge and have deep understanding about the decision you want to make: Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore, get wisdom and in all thy getting, get understanding. Amen. For Allah has said: "And consult them in the affair. Please also give me wise counsel to help give me a clear idea of what to do. 2:6 NLT . Sometimes we are faced with questions like: should I get married to a kind and caring partner who isnt a believer? Heres how we, with Gods help, can make it happen. Where I have been walking in disobedience, Father, forgive me. The moment we open our eyes, our first decision is to get up from bed or to stay lying there for a few more minutes. Father, direct my steps to doors you have kept open for me to walk through. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, Prayer Points For Making The Right Decision. 3:7 NLT. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.. This is one of the negative effects of fear. Father, help me forgo every wrong thing in my life. Grant me the courage to follow Your path. Please give me guidance and wisdom as I seek to discover the path that would be the best for me to follow. I pray heavenly Father that when it comes to making decisions I am in line with Your will. [ g] Prayer for Patience in Decision Making. Help me listen to my inner voice and be guided by my conscience. I trust in your goodness. I place my confidence in You and give You all the praise and glory. In every decision I face, let my choices reflect that heavenly wisdom; in every path I must choose, show me those that will produce pure, peace-loving, considerate and submissive results, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.. You know what is in my heart, good or bad. Please, Lord, help me. As He said in Jeremiah 29:11, He plans to give us hope and a future. Even in my moments of doubt, I trust and believe in Your sovereignty. Protection Prayers Against Church Attacks. And so be it. Lead me to the right people to ask for input. This prayer is a heartfelt request to the Almighty Father for divine guidance and understanding. We let our heart's desires lead us down paths that result in sin and destruction. Give me a clear vision of where to go and how to get there. Remind me of Your constant love and support. Only then youll be able to see which path to take. Decisions that hurt others and only benefit you will eventually turn against you. Amen. I decree that satanic cycles shall not repeat itself over my life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I shall not make the wrong decisions that my ancestors made in the past, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I frustrate every evil orchestration over my life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I reject the operations of manipulative spirit over my life, my decisions shall not be manipulated in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I receive the power to discern and know the right things from the wrong, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. To those who follow your Word and earnestly seek you, you promised to prosper and bring success. In this devotional you will find: Turn to poems to enrich your prayer life. But God doesn't just want you to make the right decision He wants to guide you as you make it. Here are three prayer techniques that may help you get started: 1. God has given us free will to decide on our own. That's a lot of people around the world offering your prayer to God. When children arrive, lead them in a game of Follow the Leader. To discern and not fall prey to Satans deceit. And whatever I set my heart and hand to do, you will prosper. Repeat Psalm 73:24 three times,"Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.". Oh, Gracious and Merciful Lord, I humbly seek Thy guidance in this time of decision. Forgo every wrong thing in my heart today, a chance for a new opportunity to listen to.... Reveal to me the peace of mind probably heard the saying & quot ; it in. 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