Verify that your information is correct and select Place My Order. States can also consider sharing information on consumers losing Medicaid who may be eligible for Marketplace coverage with Marketplace assister programs; however, in a recent survey, few assister programs (29%) expected states to provide this information although nearly half were unsure of their states plans. The end of the PHE could also lead to the resumption of student loan payments that were deferred due to the pandemic. And those renewals must be completed no later than May 31, 2024, This 12-month period to initiate renewals and 14-month period to complete them had already been the case under previous guidance that the Biden administration had issued. Doing so would decrease federal spending on Medicaid and allow states to remove ineligible people from the program, saving the government tens of billions of dollars. CMS guidance provides a roadmap for states to streamline processes and implement other strategies to reduce the number of people who lose coverage even though they remain eligible. But even if youre eligible for this ongoing special enrollment period, its still in your best interest to submit an application as soon as possible if you find out that youll be losing your Medicaid coverage. The current PHE ends January 16, 2022, so a 90-day extension takes us to April 16, 2022. The lower estimate accounts for factors, such as new people enrolling in the program as well as people disenrolling then re-enrolling in the program within the year, while the higher estimate reflects total disenrollment and does not account for churn or new enrollees. Please provide your zip code to see plans in your area. The supervision requirements are also ending but are not based on the 152-day extension. 2716, the Consolidated . Reducing the number of people who lose coverage for procedural reasons even though they remain eligible can also help to reduce the number of people who become uninsured. By preventing states from disenrolling people from coverage, the continuous enrollment provision has helped to preserve coverage during the pandemic. These plans must describe how the state will prioritize renewals, how long the state plans to take to complete the renewals as well as the processes and strategies the state is considering or has adopted to reduce inappropriate coverage loss during the unwinding period. The latest extension will expire on April 16, 2022. Preparing for the End of COVID-19: Return to Regular Renewals . The ARP is still making premiums more affordable. Can you appeal your states decision to disenroll you? Other than that, if you miss the special enrollment period for your particular coverage, youll have to wait until the next annual open enrollment period to sign up for coverage (employers set their own annual enrollment windows; Medicares general enrollment period is January March each year). The overriding thing state Medicaid agencies want is certainty about what is coming, Jack Rollins, the director of federal policy for the National Association of Medicaid Directors, told POLITICO. After three years of regulatory flexibility in many areas of healthcare delivery, implications of the PHE unwinding for patients, nurses, and communities will be . And if youve moved or your contact information has changed since you first enrolled in Medicaid, make sure the state has your current contact information on file. The Congressional Budget Office assumes the public health emergency for Covid will expire in July barring another extension by the Biden administration. Find out how much financial help you may qualify for. Similarly, a survey of Marketplace assister programs found that assister programs were planning a variety of outreach efforts, such as public education events and targeted outreach in low-income communities, to raise consumer awareness about the end of the continuous enrollment provision (Figure 9). If you have questions or comments on this service, please contact us. The powers activated by the emergency. Theres always a risk of scams and abuses should that happen, Rollins cautioned, arguing that the calling and texting ban should only be lifted for the period of the Medicaid redeterminations. Some people who will lose Medicaid eligibility are now eligible for Medicare instead. This brief describes 10 key points about the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment requirement, highlighting data and analyses that can inform the unwinding process as well as recent legislation and guidance issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to help states prepare for the end of the continuous enrollment provision. Its clear their support and openness to it is contingent on reinvesting the savings back into Medicaid in a permanent way. Based on illustrative scenariosa 5% decline in total enrollment and a 13% decline in enrollmentKFF estimates that between 5.3 million and 14.2 million people will lose Medicaid coverage during the 12-month unwinding period (Figure 2). Another analysis examining a cohort of children newly enrolled in Medicaid in July 2017 found that churn rates more than doubled following annual renewal, signaling that many eligible children lose coverage at renewal. Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care services by 15% effective October 1, 2022 through the end of the public health emergency. Note: This brief was updated Feb. 22, 2023, to include more recent and additional data. A nationwide public health emergency is in effect. The new rules give states a clear time frame: They can begin to initiate the renewal/redetermination process as early as February 1, 2023 (states can start this in February, March, or April), and disenrollments can be effective as early as April 1, 2023 if adequate notice is given to the enrollee. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (enacted in December 2022) has given states a specific date April 1, 2023 when they can begin terminating coverage for enrollees who are no longer eligible. For a person who is no longer Medicaid-eligible under normal rules, Medicaid coverage can end as early as April 1, 2023. One note about the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP): States that operate a separate CHIP were not required to suspend CHIP disenrollments during the pandemic. That is now expected to happen in May 2023. That will help us make the concrete plans necessary to make sure this happens in an orderly fashion.. There are also monthly reporting rules included in the law, designed to ensure transparency and accountability throughout the unwinding of the FFCRAs continuous coverage requirements. A majority of responding MCOs reported that they are sending updated member contact information to their state; nearly all said their state is planning to provide monthly files on members for whom the state is initiating the renewal process and more than half indicated that information would include members who have not submitted renewal forms and are at risk of losing coverage; and more than half of plans reported their state is planning to provide periodic files indicating members whose coverage has been terminated . The current PHE ends January 16, 2022, so a 90-day extension takes us to April 16, 2022. The share of people who lack health insurance coverage dropped to 8.6% in 2021, matching the historic low in 2016, largely because of increases in Medicaid coverage, and to a lesser extent, increases in Marketplace coverage. You may submit your information through this form, or call to speak directly with licensed enrollers who will provide advice specific to your situation. Democrats, in contrast, have been hesitant to tie the administrations hands as the virus continues to kill hundreds of people each day and a winter surge of several illnesses strains the countrys medical system. A majority of states also indicated they were taking steps to update enrollee contact information and were planning to follow up with enrollees before terminating coverage. HHS projects that nearly 8% of current Medicaid enrollees will lose their coverage despite continuing to be eligible once eligibility redeterminations resume. 01:02. Because of specific Congressional action many of the telehealth flexibilities authorized under the PHE will continue through the end of 2024. HHS has laid out some basic guidelines, and states have four general options in terms of how they handle the unwinding of the continuous coverage protocols and the return to regular eligibility redeterminations for the entire Medicaid population: If youre still eligible for Medicaid under your states rules, youll be able to keep your coverage. The law also prohibits states from disenrolling a person simply based on undelivered mail. The original date for resumption of payments is June 30 and that is still likely to continue, but if the Supreme Court issues a decision before the end of April that date would change. There is normally quite a bit of turnover in the Medicaid program, with some people losing eligibility each month. Many states have continued to send out these renewal notifications and information requests throughout the pandemic (nearly all states have been conducting automatic (ex parte) renewals when possible, and more than half the states have also been sending renewal forms to enrollees). But during the PHE, these individuals have not had their Medicaid coverage terminated. And the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 provides for the additional federal Medicaid funding to gradually decrease throughout 2023, instead of ending abruptly at the end of the quarter in which the PHE ends. 0 States that fail to comply with these reporting requirements face a reduction in federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) of up to one percentage point for the quarter in which the requirements are not met. Most of the people who will become eligible for marketplace subsidies will be adults, as children are always much less likely than adults to qualify for marketplace subsidies. Congress has extended the telehealth flexibility through the end of 2024, but it is unclear if it will be extended further or made permanent. The move will maintain a range of health benefits . hbbd``b`$ = $: " Ms ]@B#F_ E+ 4. Medicaid and CHIP Services Information for People Receiving Services English Espaol In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government declared a public health emergency (PHE) and passed a law that allowed you to automatically keep your Medicaid coverage (continuous Medicaid). Lawmakers have struck an agreement to move the end of its Medicaid rules. (Be prepared to provide proof of your ongoing eligibility under your states Medicaid rules.). You can unsubscribe anytime you want. Additionally, nearly six in ten assister programs said they had proactively reached out to their state to explore ways to help consumers; supported the state sharing contact information with them on individuals who need to renew their Medicaid coverage; and were planning to recontact Medicaid clients to update their contact information. The Administration has stated that payments will resume either sixty days after the Supreme Court renders an opinion or June 30, whichever comes first. With Republicans set to take control of House in January, Democrats see the move as the best and possibly last chance to fund some of their top health priorities, including policies that address the countrys worsening rates of maternal mortality that were left out of other packages passed this year. March 31, 2023 is the last day that states have to maintain the continuous coverage rules that have been in place since March 2020. NOTE: States may not elect a period longer than the Presidential or Secretarial emergency declaration . The impending termination of FFCRAs continuous coverage rules and return to business as usual for Medicaid can be a nerve-wracking prospect for some enrollees. On January 30, 2023, the Biden administration announced its intention to make final extensions of both the COVID-19 National Emergency (NE) and the COVID-19 Public . Contact Us, 2023 Center for Children & Families (CCF) of the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University | 600 New Jersey Ave. NW | Washington, DC 20001 | 202.784.3138, Georgetown Center for Children and Families Homepage, Percent of Children Covered by Medicaid/CHIP by Congressional District, 2018, Percent of Adults Covered by Medicaid/CHIP by Congressional District, 2018, renewed the COVID-related public health emergency. Twenty-two states complete less than 50% of renewals on an ex parte basis, including 11 states where less than 25% of renewals are completed using ex parte processes (Figure 5). A survey of health centers conducted in late 2021 found that nearly 50% of responding health centers reported they have or plan to reach out to their Medicaid patients with reminders to renew their coverage and to schedule appointments to assist them with renewing coverage. Can I use my Medicaid coverage in any state? And although the Biden administration had promised states at least a 60-day notice before the end of the PHE, states had noted that it was still proving very difficult to plan for the resumption of Medicaid eligibility redeterminations given the uncertain timeframe. uyx'tE!~YV.v.wDO @:Z98-PtinB*[Elrcr[b8B9NX5IR'[UC.ok"zf3itMAiP((ISh. According to a survey of non-profit, safety net health plans that participate in Medicaid, states are partnering with these MCOs in multiple ways. Importantly, these findings also show that large shares of enrollees (41% in the KFF analysis) reenroll in Medicaid after a period of time, and many after a period of uninsurance. center between 2018 and 2022 . Much of Medicare is in statute, and as a result the Administration has limited authority to expand telehealth absent Congressional action. . Louise Norrisis anindividual health insurancebroker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. This should include an email address and cell phone number if you have them, as states are increasingly using email and text messages, as well as regular mail, to contact enrollees. Under the prior rules, that would have meant that Medicaid eligibility redeterminations (and terminations) could have resumed as of June 2023. As states return to routine operations when the continuous enrollment provision ends, there are opportunities to promote continuity of coverage among enrollees who remain eligible by increasing the share of renewals completed using ex parte processes and taking other steps to streamline renewal processes (which will also tend to increase enrollment and spending). These projected coverage losses are consistent with, though a bit lower than, estimates from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) suggesting that as many as 15 million people will be disenrolled, including 6.8 million who will likely still be eligible. Eligible individuals are at risk for losing coverage if they do not receive or understand notices or forms requesting additional information to verify eligibility or do not respond to requests within required timeframes. That means that this will end on December 31 of this year. They cannot restrict eligibility standards, methodologies, and procedures and cannot increase premiums as required in FFCRA. Republicans pushing for the deal have also been reminding Democrats that their original Build Back Better legislative package which ultimately became the Inflation Reduction Act and passed this year after being significantly whittled down included a wind-down of the public health emergency as a pay-for. Republicans have long called for ending the public health emergency for Covid-19 and have forced a handful of successful Senate votes that were then blocked in the House. This 152-day extension then ends on October 9. CMS has issued specific guidance allowing states to permit MCOs to update enrollee contact information and facilitate continued enrollment. Low-income enrollees will able to enroll in ACA coverage during a special enrollment period. People using this window can, If youre eligible for Medicare, youll have. As a result, in order for these waivers to continue, Congress must act and pass legislation making these waivers permanent. Two key public health reauthorizationsthe Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)are due for renewal in 2023. Follow @meg_ammula on Twitter Medicaid provides coverage to a vast. Medicaid enrollment has increased since the start of the pandemic, primarily due to the continuous enrollment provision. There is a relatively new special enrollment period that allows people with household income up to 150% of the poverty level to enroll in coverage year-round, for as long as the enhanced subsidies remain in place (so at least through the end of 2025, and possibly longer if Congress grants another extension). Total Medicaid/CHIP enrollment grew to 91.3 million in October 2022, an increase of 20.2 million or more than 28.5% from enrollment in February 2020 (Figure 1). The Biden administration has extended the public health emergency (PHE) for 90 days, from October 18, 2021 through January 16, 2022. The recent CIB notes that CMS is expected to issue guidance to address how new reporting requirements (discussed below) may intersect with the requirements described in prior CMS guidance. It can be allowed to expire at the end of the 90-day period or terminated early if deemed appropriate. How states approach the unwinding process will have implications for the ability of eligible individuals to retain coverage and those who are no longer eligible to transition to other coverage. 0 Under the tentative deal, much of the money saved would go to two Medicaid policies Democrats have long sought: a year of postpartum coverage for low-income moms in states that dont already offer it and a year of continuous coverage provisions for children at risk of losing health insurance. The Biden administration extended the U.S. coronavirus public health emergency, now more than two years old, for another 90 days on Wednesday. Further, states must also comply with federal rules about conducting renewals. The Public Health Emergency and Extended Medicaid Coverage | Unwind Issues Impacting Miami-Dade County 11/16/2022 This webinar, sponsored by the South Florida Enrollment Coalition, discusses the continuous Medicaid coverage that has been part of the Public Health Emergency, the expected impact on Miami-Dade County residents currently on Medicaid, and what advocates should know in preparation . Please contact or 1800 MEDICARE to get information on all of your options. If your state notifies you that youre no longer eligible for Medicaid and you believe that you are still eligible, you can appeal the states decision. That will resume in April 2023.). b1Y nact1X i"hi9!0 "@,f W1LL\vL1.ez,t_M8cp]4XfiFfm m2=sX1g`Vw? Primarily due to the continuous enrollment provision, Medicaid enrollment has grown substantially compared to before the pandemic and the uninsured rate has dropped. including education, public health, justice, environment, equity, and, . As part of a Covid-19 relief package passed in March 2020, states were barred from kicking people off Medicaid during the public health emergency in exchange for additional federal matching funds. So HHS has finalized a rule change that allows for a six-month special enrollment period during which a Medicare-eligible person who loses Medicaid coverage can transition to Medicare without a late enrollment penalty. This provision requires states to provide continuous coverage for Medicaid enrollees until the end of the month in which the public health emergency (PHE) ends in order to receive enhanced federal funding. One of the benefits of this law is it allowed the State of Connecticut to extend Medicaid and CHIP ("HUSKY Health") coverage in response to the coronavirus pandemic. This is true regardless of whether youll qualify for the new low-income special enrollment period, since youll have a normal loss-of-coverage special enrollment period when your Medicaid ends, and you can take advantage of it right away. The end of the PHE will end this automatic enrollment and will require enrollees to prove eligibility. As a result . Your email address will not be published. Together, these findings suggest that individuals face barriers moving from Medicaid to other coverage programs, including S-CHIP. Brief What Will Happen to Medicaid Enrollees' Health Coverage after the Public Health Emergency . You can share your story about the impact of the Public Health Emergency HERE. [Editors Note: Read the latest on the public health emergency Medicaid continuous coverage protectionhere.]. Many of these waivers and broad . At that time, they will be required to conduct a full renewal based on current circumstances before disenrolling anyone. The PHE will probably be extended through the first half of 2022, and further extension is possible. But that was an uncertain and ever-changing date, as the PHE has continued to be extended. Throughout the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), CMS has used a combination of emergency authority waivers, regulations, enforcement discretion, and sub-regulatory guidance to ensure access to care and give health care providers the flexibilities needed to respond to COVID-19 and help keep people safer. In 2020, one in ten Medicaid enrollees moved in-state and while shares of Medicaid enrollees moving within a state has trended downward in recent years, those trends could have changed in 2021 and 2022. Democrats want to make that harder, but if they put too many restrictions on states ability to do that, Im not sure how the math would work out. Lawmakers and staff have been scrambling for weeks to find ways to pay for a slew of health care programs, such as permanent telehealth flexibility, providing longer Medicaid coverage for new mothers and avoiding scheduled cuts to doctors payments, prompting formerly resistant Democratic members to take a fresh look at moving up the end-date of the Covid-19 Medicaid policy by at least three months to April 1. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Washington Offices and Barbara Jordan Conference Center: 1330 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005 | Phone 202-347-5270, | Email Alerts: | | That emergency is set to end in May. There will also be continued access to pathways for emergency use authorizations (EUAs) for COVID-19 products (tests, vaccines, and treatments) through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and major telehealth flexibilities will continue to exist for those participating in Medicare or Medicaid. CLARIFICATION: This report has been updated to clarify that the Congressional Budget Office expects the public health emergency for Covid will expire in July, barring another extension. Regardless of timing, the lifting of the continuous enrollment requirement will have a substantial impact on states and Medicaid enrollees, particularly in states that have been unable to renew coverage automatically for a significant portion of enrollees. Its only a pay-for because youd be removing people from Medicaid, said Brian Blase, the president of the conservative Paragon Health institute and a former senior Senate Republican aide. The Biden administration announced its intention to end the federal public health emergency on May 11, 2023. States can take action to minimize the number of people who become uninsured due to Medicaid eligibility redeterminations after the PHE. If youve recently submitted renewal information to your state and its clear that youre still eligible, your coverage will continue as usual until your next renewal period. (PHE) ends. Some people who will lose Medicaid eligibility are now eligible for Medicare instead. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 decouples the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision from the PHE and terminates this provision on March 31, 2023. 10 Things to Know About the Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision, 10 Things to Know About Medicaid Managed Care, FAQs on Health Spending, the Federal Budget, and Budget Enforcement Tools, Health Insurer Financial Performance in 2021. CMS is releasing the 2022-2023 Medicaid Managed Care Rate Development Guide for states to use when setting rates with respect to any managed care program subject to federal actuarial soundness requirements during rating periods starting between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. However, we know Congress is considering delinking the FMAP bump and continuous enrollment and other maintenance of effort provisions from the PHE. A PHE can be extended as many times as deemed necessary by the Secretary. And some states that also offer additional state-funded subsidies allow people with higher incomes to enroll year-round. Medicaid enrollment increased by over 17 million from February 2020 to May 2022. This additional match will be slowly wound down through 2023 and the federal match will be returned to what it had been prior to the PHE in January 2024. The question is: Can they get enough wins to take the political sting off allowing states to kick people off the rolls?. 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