When a local beauty turned up dead in Nicaragua's San Juan del Sur, the dream of paradise became a nightmare for one expat American surfer. DorisIvaniaAlvarado Jimnez, 25, a pretty, popular San Juan native, was reported to have been raped, sodomized, and strangled with a ferocity that spoke of specific hatred. Only one document cast suspicion on his alibi: a rental agreement from Hertz. On the stand, he had adamantly said that he did not know Jimnez at all beyond seeing her now and again. Upon arrival, he was pronounced dead.. A Canadian filmmaker was killed in January 2015 to the south of the district. There are the impressive colonial cities of Granada and Leon, the island of Ometepe and the Mombacho volcano for hiking and trekking, the coffee farm region of Jinotega and Matagalpa in the mountainous regions, while the gorgeous surf beaches of the Pacific Coast go without saying. CURRENCY RESTRICTIONS FOR EXIT: None. Before April 18 of this year, Nicaragua was largely heralded as a tourism success story, achieving an unlikely rise after a decades-long civil war and emerging as an eco-tourism mecca for. The official police report states that the perpetrators undressed her to rape and sodomize her, then put her clothes back on because of a sentimental attachment, and finally hog-tied her the way she was found. Do you think this could happen to anyone? I asked him. A university student who lived next door to Sol Fashion testified that he'd heard someone knocking on Jimnez's door at around 11:45 a.m., and two loud sounds like something heavy hitting the floor at around 1:00 p.m. Another neighbor said that Chamorro had been hanging around Jimnez recently and that something had happened between them. One expat woman, who would not allow her name to be published, told me that she once pursued a restraining order against Chamorro after a violent encounter; when I asked him about it, he said that she'd hit him first. A 33-year-old Nicaraguan man whom Gutirrez met a day earlier, is the main suspect in the sexually motivated murder. Countries may further restrict travel or bring in new rules at short notice, for example due to a new COVID-19 variant. Central America, between the Caribbean Sea (East), the Pacific Ocean (West), Honduras (North) and Costa Rica (South). I'm stripped down, he said. TOURIST VISA REQUIRED: No (90 days or fewer). The ultimate purpose is not yet clear, but in the meantime I have become a lightning rod for politics, compassion, prayer, and love. A few men in the surfer crowd, I noticed, had turned to hustling, befriending tourists and intimidating them into paying for the night's drinks or staging phony drug deals in which the tourists got burned. And while just six Americans fell victim to homicide in the latter, the murder rate for U.S. citizens is, per capita, higher on the Caribbean island than it is in Mexico. In the cross-examination, the prosecution hammered away at the point that both Castillo and Purdy had incentive to see Volz free, as they had business dealings with him. More than 300 have been killed and 2,000 injured since protests over social security reforms began in April . Other developers take the green approach. He talked about the credibility of Purdy and Castillo, about the phone records. Fifty dollars a day? That first issue includes a nine-page fashion-documentary called Maria's Journey, following Nicaraguan model Maria Mercedes in various states of dress and undress in Victoria's Secret, Prada, and Benetton beginning as she wakes with a yawn and a long tumble of black hair in what is clearly a campesino shack and ending with her posed outside a modern office building, a powerful CEO. And then there were Volz's injuries. More than 31 million Americans visited Mexico in 2016, the National Travel & Tourism Office says, and State Department data shows there were reports of 75 American homicide victims there. Judge Toruo went through the charges against the two men in a loud and emphatic way, rolling her r's just a touch longer than necessary, letting the names of the accused settle around us in their length. I was tortured by the police, he said. CURRENCY RESTRICTIONS FOR ENTRY: Must declare $10,000 USD or more in cash. Then, at a special hearing on January 16, the pre-trial judge, Rivas district judge Dr. Edward Peter Palma Mora, ordered Volz released to house arrest. Bilingual, with a degree in Latin American studies from the University of California at San Diego, Eric had moved to San Juan del Sur in 2005 and become a Nicaraguan resident. BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Four LGBT+ people are murdered every day in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to "alarming" new research released on Thursday by a . Victims Identified. The 35 million U.S. tourists who visit Mexico dwarf the number of their compatriots (1.5 million) who go to nearby destinations such as Jamaica. When it came to this case, she said, It's been very important that it must be someone not from here. Officially, 20,000 people live here; according to the local barber, Roberto Lpez Mora, it's really just a few extended families Lpezes, Chamorros, Calderons, Sanchezes, Danglas tracing their roots to the time before records. It doesn't take more than a day to start recognizing faces: the oldest beer-bellied expat with his young Nica girlfriend, the Rastafarian trinket hustler who promises he can get you any-ting, any-ting. But also, the carpenter who makes furniture across from the park and the expat and his local wife taking their tawny-haired kid down to the beach for a swim. The cameras rolled; it would certainly play out well on local television, which it soon did. That is the way I start each day. How can one be scratched by a coffin while wearing a shirt? the prosecutor asked. Florida man grabbed 4-year-old, threw her at column, cops say. This was a "blind point" - an unpatrolled area of the border between Nicaragua and Costa Rica. I reached a point where I was ready to be a little more responsible socially, he says. His mother's side of the family is of Mexican descent, and it's from them that Volz became receptively bilingual, as he put it when I spoke to him in March. The call lasted nearly an hour. Then Volz took the stand. A prominent development appraised by the owner at $26 million was built on land bought for $80,000, according to a son of the family who sold it. Once inside, the tourists were robbed at knifepoint, threatened, or driven around to ATMs to make cash withdrawals. Nicaragua Tourism: Best of Nicaragua Essential Nicaragua Stay A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. Cell-phone records could not prove Volz was the one using the phone, the prosecution claimed, nor could instant messages. The security guard. A lot of the expats in San Juan, Volz explained, quite frankly, I don't connect with them. It wasn't like I moved to San Juan del Sur and was just, Oh my God, a Latina sexy. All the while, the real estate ads promise, their investments will increase at rates that would make the stock market look silly. Why didn't they put him in jail? When I asked if he had any message for Dangla, Chamorro nodded slowly. It says a lot about San Juan's unregulated, unlicensed real estate market that it could not only make room for the youthful and inexperienced Volz but also allow him to thrive. Getty The State Department already issues travel advisories for every country around the world,. He began our interview with this statement: I've been misquoted a lot; that's why I'm recording I have an army of attorneys that are willing to step up in any way that I ask. February 14, 2018. At 4:38 p.m. the first call outside Managua appears on the log, the following 11 calls tracing the trajectory of someone driving quickly, arriving in the San Juan cellular area at 6:34. Eric had said to me, 'Dad, do not come over here; there are guys with clubs.' Eric and Doris had dated for a little over a year, but by the summer of 2006 they'd split: He moved to Managua to devote himself to EP, while she remained in San Juan to run her business. Los Aos Ochentas, as the Sandinista contra war of the 1980s is carefully referred to here, is long over, though the memories of it remain. Cabezas alleges that Baltodano told Alvarado that if she would make a public written statement attesting to Volz's innocence, a cash settlement of $1,000,000 would be placed in her bank account, to which Cabezas, as her lawyer, would be entitled to 20 percent. Staff and tourists near the Mexican resort city of Cancn have been sent rushing for shelter after a group of armed men entered the beach outside a . Rosita is my cousin. He was training to win his fourth medal in track and field the week he died. Police arrested him shortly after the ceremony. They came in and out of the doorway of the Sol Fashion boutique in their neat blue uniforms, taking notes. I'm a warrior, Volz told me. When Rojas asked him why Dangla was lying, he said he didn't know. He soon finished his degree. Last seen alive in front of her shop at 11:30 that morning, Jimnez was found shortly after 2:00 p.m. when the building's watchman, noticing that the boutique was closed, let himself in with a key. A couple punches flew out of the side, Volz told me. People close to her family invariably say that his foreign ways led her into behaviors considered shameful here. Then Eric wanted to grow, said Thompson, who clearly regrets the loss of his project. One Wednesday night late in January, a block from Big Wave Dave's, a celebrated local hustler and avowed user stabbed a prominent expat twice in the stomach with a pair of barber's scissors, the culmination of a long-running feud. In the photos, her belt is unbuckled and the first two buttons of her fly are undone, revealing the waistband of her underwear. Entering the Modelo grounds, I saw industrial penitentiary buildings in need of paint. Managua is getting a tourist-friendly makeover that has breathed bright new life into the once forlorn downtown area and spruced up the lakeshore promenade with shiny new attractions. While still in police custody, he told me, he'd been tortured, but he refused to elaborate. Social distancing must be observed. The judge threw out Purdy's testimony, because he was in Virginia during the phone call. He wasn't called to the stand in his own defense or Volz's prosecution; when his lawyer demanded that his client be called by his legal name, not Rosita, the judge shook her head and smiled, But that is how we Nicaraguans refer to each other. Chamorro kept a blank face as he watched his only witness, a bleached-blond surfer named Yamil Coky Brook Gonzales, testify that he and his Canadian girlfriend had eaten with Chamorro in the market from 9:00 a.m. to around 11:45 the day of the murder. Her dream, from when she was 15 years old, says her aunt Mara Elena Alvarado, was to have a shop. Jimnez studied business administration at the UPOLI University in nearby Rivas, taking computer and English classes. Where is that sanitation going to drain? Consider arrangements to depart the country quickly. His voice rose to a crescendo as he slammed the national-police laboratory. Walk carefully, he said. At roughly 2:45, Volz received a call informing him of Jimnez's death; more calls would quickly come in confirming it. Speculation had become so rampant by 2004 that Internet investors who'd previously never left the States were visiting regularly on real estate tours, getting the hard sell while enjoying the delights of the bay, the 70-cent beers, the heady idea of financial windfall, the sight of all the pretty girls. It's better this way, she whispered. If Volz's conviction was upheld, the final decision will be decided by the Nicaraguan Supreme Court.) Jimnez's mother held out hers for us all to hear the shouts of the mob confronting the riot police, which sounded as chaotic as it should. In August Costa Rica was in the spotlight when two female tourists were killed within a week. But Honduras is far from Eden.Violence has long ruled here. ), Just as Rojas was about to finish, there was a sudden commotion, and the special-operations officers barricaded the door with their bodies. It was hot outside; the street was a shoulder-to-shoulder line of riot police in armor, helmets, and shields. By noon the next day, I had a little house with a view of the Pacific for $250 a month. I've lost a lot. Our time was drawing to a close, and I would soon walk out into the bright day, while Volz would not. Middle-class by U.S. standards, Volz's parents say that they've spent their life savings defending their son. We can't afford to fight them in court. Humpback whales breach in the distance. Nobody leaves the room, the judge said, and everyone flipped open their cell phones. 16 July 2018. I've worked for two years really hard, and as soon as I get released, I've got to leave the country., When the verdict was read, he recalls, Oh, man, it was a horrible feeling. If we don't get help from the national government, we are going to have critical situations with drainage and electricity., The mayor is not anti-development. Consensus among the embassy staff and the other two foreign reporters present was that the prosecution's case was too weak to have been brought in the first place. The case for Volz's innocence seemed obvious, irrefutable. Eric didn't do it. His voice broke again as he told me, Don't ever in your life let this happen to you.. The young woman's boyfriend says he was also attacked, as local sources blame another European tourist. If the foreign investors behave with social responsibility, he said, community relations will turn out OK. But, he cautioned, what we don't want to see is a San Juan del Sur of America.. Chamorro was stoic. Moroccan authorities believe four suspects in the killings had travelled to the Atlas Mountains intent on committing a crime, but had not selected a target in advance. ADVERTISEMENT. His powerful family is trying to buy him out! became a local mantra. Nicaragua is far cheaper than its neighbors Costa Rica and Panama, but it's just as full of adventures. Louisiana officials claim the man killed suffered injuries to the head before being transported to the hospital. When he described the $3 million an average San Juan real estate office made in annual sales, a ripple went through the gallery and a woman gasped, In dollars? Volz looked at the judge and said he was innocent. It was utter chaos, Jan Volz told me this spring. One day I'll leave here Watch yourself., When the guards called time, Chamorro and I exchanged a hug. I'm afraid., The people in town they're angry, another echoed. 3. The arrangement lasted several months, and both Thompson and his wife say they didn't see anything that would make them think Volz is a murderer. Doris's life was worth a lot more than a million dollars. You know, he told me, this sort of thing exists everywhere in the world. A German tourist has been shot dead in White River, Mpumalanga overnight. Volz's final statement was Nicaragua has a lot of heart. Hundreds of people have been killed in Nicaragua since 18 . ABC News correspondent Bill Stewart reports from Nicaragua, shortly before he was killed by a Nicaraguan National Guard soldier on June 20, 1979. I'm one of the people that has been most hurt by it., The experience had, obviously, changed him. By Tom Batchelor On 11/19/20 at 1:14 PM EST. We excluded any country that received fewer than 100,000 American visitors between 2009 and 2016. One Saturday night in early December, Roque and I had a drink on the rooftop of the La Dolce Vita Hotel, getting started on what usually wound up at four in the morning in the low-key and hidden L'Mche's Bar. Point by point, he went through the prosecution's evidence, highlighting the changes in the original charges, the scratches on Dangla, the conflicting findings about sodomy and rape, the shoddy police-lab work, which included Volz's incorrect blood typing as well as the failure to collect testable material from under Jimnez's fingernails, though her fingers showed signs of defensive injuries. Ortega, after all, led the nationalization of private property following the 1979 revolution, which overthrew U.S.-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza. Earnest and crew-cut, with fluent Nicaraguan-accented Spanish, Thompson, 32, now directs the upscale Pelican Eyes resort's A. Jean Brugger Foundation, which provides educational opportunities to students. VACCINATIONS: Yellow fever (in some cases, see Entry Requirements section). It's expat surfers who are building many of the developments here. An 18-year old suspect was charged. Volz's rsum was already filled with travels; she was a local girl of very modest upbringing. "What makes it shocking is that you feel safe at these all-inclusive resorts," said Mike Sington, a retired entertainment. At noon, Ricardo Castillo, a Nicaraguan journalist who has contributed to the BBC and other news outlets, arrived; he and Volz then initiated a teleconference to Virginia with consultant Nick Purdy, a cofounding publisher of the music magazine Paste. A second examination, by Dr. scar Bravo Flores, the official forensic examiner, found none. But Tony D'Souza was on the scene from day one. Published by at May 28, 2022. Nicaragua has implemented a few other regulations for travelers: All travelers may be subject to a health screening upon arrival. This Central American country actually has one of the highest murder . There is a lot of jealousy here. Check with your travel company or . A campaign and a movement have emerged.. Updated February 23, 2023, 9:08 PM. The travelling party of four was . I am afraid of people here. Binghampton University student Haley Anderson, 22, went missing in March 2018, and it later emerged she had been killed by Orlando Tercero, 23. (His, he said, was unreliable.) I'd been thinking a lot about Doris Jimnez, about what dark thing descended on her that November day. The one coherent thing he managed to do was point his finger at Volz and say, He gave me 50 cordobas., I may be an alcoholic, Dangla stood up at one point and said to Rojas, but I'm not a liar!. This region had its king and both he and his. Volz, it alleged, had offered Chamorro $5,000 to go to Sol Fashion, where the American hit and kicked his ex-girlfriend, then raped, sodomized, and killed her. Two visitors from Canada died after being shot on Friday Jan. 21, 2022, at the five-star Hotel Xcaret in Playa del Carmen, which is about 45 miles south of Cancun. Volz, the reports noted, had a number of thin, straight lines, one more defined than the others, on the unbroken skin of his right shoulder. These were amended on December 6, and what was read at the December 7 arraignment was that Eric Stanley Volz and Julio Martn Rosita Chamorro Lpez were accused of killing Doris Jimnez. He was jubilant, laughing. A first forensic exam by the supplemental examiner in Rivas, Dr. Isolde Vanesa Arcia Jimnez, described vaginal and anal scratches. You just have to you close your eyes, just have faith, and you pray. He has a cellmate. Into the fray of this fevered market came Eric Volz. During recesses, he would come to the rail and exchange hugs with his mother and aunt, who always brought a sweater for him, which he didn't wear. The spot was deserted. 0. Nicaragua is a country in Central America.It has coastlines on both the Caribbean Sea, in the east, and the North Pacific Ocean, in the west, and has Costa Rica to the southeast and Honduras to the northwest.. Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America with an area of 130,373km and contains the largest freshwater body in Central America, Lago de Nicaragua (Lake Nicaragua) or Cocibolca. She went inside and returned with a credit-card slip bearing what appeared to be his signature, but the delivery driver never saw Volz himself. EPA. Right now I have nothing Thirty years, they say to me: 30 years, 30 years, 30 years., Indeed, prisoners looking down through the barred door at the top of the stairs whistled at us; one of them barked. He had a view you don't see as much in mountain towns, Chris McNamara, a Tahoe climber who made bouldering films with Volz, wrote me in an e-mail. Between the Waves covers feature lovely, light-skinned young Nicaraguan women emerging like Venus from the Pacific foam, some of the shots proving so popular they've been reprinted as local Re/Max ads: a tall girl stepping from the sea in a bikini and hoop earrings, smiling at someone off-camera, no one else on the beach. Five days before the murder, he told the court, he'd overheard an angry Chamorro say, I don't give a damn about this Doris; she's a gringo chaser. Holmann expanded the invitation to include Krusty Dangla's lawyer, Cesar Baltodano, and commissioner Yamil Gutirrez, of the Rivas police. When police arrived at the hotel, they found a man who was not a guest at the establishment. Ensure your U.S. passport is valid and available for a quick departure from the country . I need my daughter., Other witnesses were brought forth to call Volz's alibi into question, including the Hertz delivery driver, Victor Morales, who testified that one of Volz's friends had asked him to say that he saw Volz at the EP office that day when he didn't, at which point the prosecution spoke at length about why Leidy de los Santos would have signed Volz's rental agreement. But he quickly found his footing. Gringo, chele, norteamericano for us Nicaraguans it's all the same thing.. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. It's not hard to see why there's an air of expat guilt about what's going on here. Sixty major housing developments are either under construction or soon to break ground, from the Costa Rican border, a half-hour south of town, up to and well beyond the fabulous Popoyo reef break, an hour north. Judge Toruo pronounced both defendants guilty. Early comments they made about the legal system were used by the Nicaraguan media to ill effect, and local coverage was so one-sided with the people of San Juan relying on the Diario and an incensed Mercedes Alvarado for most of their information that Volz's parents would finally pay to run his side of the story as an ad. The water is warm and clean, the sand soft. Volz wore a jean jacket, the outlines of a bulletproof vest visible underneath. [4] She was asphyxiated from manual neck compression, and ligature strangulation due to the necklace she was wearing. What's most important about Eric is that he lacked a community; it seemed to me like he was one of those people here to make money. Until his bio was removed from the Century 21 Web site several weeks after the murder, he was listed as associate manager of the company's San Juan office, and had also made a name for himself publishing a glossy new bilingual lifestyle magazine called EP (short for El Puente, or The Bridge). San Juan is small. As the conference progressed, Purdy and Volz exchanged instant messages on their impressions of Castillo, a potential contributor to EP. Volz's father, Jan, is a country-music-tour organizer and founding member of an alternative Christian band called the 77's; his mother, Maggie Anthony, is an interior decorator. In January, friends brought a host of Nashville musicians together for a benefit concert. A frightened Estrada testified that she cut Volz's hair. 04-10-2022 09:23. in News. While I still disagreed with Alvarado that Volz killed her daughter, I understood her sorrow, her furious desire to see someone pay for this crime. The expat recovered after surgery; the hustler was arrested and released, and a few weeks later he left town. A mariachi band played a haunting traditional song, Very Pretty Doris, as her relatives tearfully decorated her grave with plastic flowers and ribbons. Roque has begun to appear in the surf magazines; his mentor, American board shaper Tom Eberly, believes in him so much that he quietly paid for Roque's initial English lessons, getting him ready to succeed on a larger stage. And then I read the evidence regarding Volz's alibi: cell-phone records, a time-stamped instant-messaging log, page after page of statements by the ten people most of whom I would later interview myself supporting Volz's account. The proceedings opened with efforts by the prosecution, led by Isolda Ibarra Arguello, to establish the time of the crime. The cramped gallery was separated from the prosecution and defense tables by a narrow wooden rail. On the higher end, this could mean a $500,000, 2,500-square-foot house in a gated community overlooking one of these stunning beaches, with its own restaurants, swimming pools, shops, clubhouses, DirecTV, wireless Internet, and full security. As I left, I thought back to Modelo and the last moments I spent with Volz. Again with great emotion Chamorro told me, I don't know who killed [Doris], but I know that it wasn't me. With a murder rate that is eight times the global . Caruso, 56, died on June 17 after staying at the Boca Chica Resort in Santo Domingo. I was not going to leave my son. When they first started El Puente and money was tight, Volz shared a house with Thompson and his local girlfriend, Arelis Castro Lpez, now his wife. And there's days that I don't feel good Even the strongest person eventually it gets to you. He relies, he said, on the letters he receives from friends and strangers alike. We can't even jaywalk without being harassed by the police.. He asked me to say hello to his family, and if I could give him a little money to buy a soft drink, he'd like that. He was a security guard at the apartment. Tercero murdered Anderson by manual strangulation on March 8, 2018 at his Oak Street apartment on the West Side of Binghamton, a city in Broome County, New York. They all of a sudden feel very appreciative for what they have Those are the kind of things that really make me feel this is not all for nothing. I'm a guy who makes a salary, Jan Volz said. The magazine, as he wrote in his first publisher's letter, would be devoted to everything from the explosion of surf culture to local anxiety over the oncoming waves of foreigners, construction, and the almighty dollar. Professional, bilingual, and printed on expensive paper, the premiere edition appeared in July 2006, boasting a 20,000-copy run, a viable presence in five countries, and a look to rival Vogue. He was home for the holidays from the job he held, legally, in Texas. Soon enough, Volz and Chamorro arrived, and the cameras began flashing. From 10:30 to 11:00, model Maria Mercedes and a friend said they met with him. Like all of Modelo's 2,000 prisoners, they are locked in their cells from 4:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. We shook hands and sat in folding chairs; a guard observed us from a chair in the corner. The men go out in their narrow pangas for tuna, for roosterfish, for bonito, for whatever they can pull in on their handlines. Many others simply say that he seemed aloof. February 24, 2023, 12:14 PM. She admitted that the police lab had done a terrible job and chastised them for it. After her death, Volz canceled a Thanksgiving business trip back to the States to attend her funeral. 3 Min Read. CNN At least 273 people have died and 2,000 have been injured in the unrest that's rocked Nicaragua since April, according to the human rights arm of the Organization of American States (OAS). Chastised them for it it would certainly play out well on tourist murdered in nicaragua television, which it did! I reached a point where I was ready to be a little more socially... 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