Marbles eight months of anosmia had resolved with the supplement. Mobeen is a medical doctor and a software engineer. If you are interested in discussing these ideas further, please comment on one of my posts. This video by Dr. Mobeen Syed provides a helpful explanation of the study and its context. These include an advanced blood panel and whole body nuclear imaging. Thank you,Dr MoBeen, for generously & patiently & lovingly teaching us all how to live better lives. I am optimistic for this, said Dr. Harvey Risch, a Yale epidemiologist and treatment advocate. Dr. The study is in the pre-print phase only, and is currently under review by a peer-reviewed journal. When I took sick, I continued these supplements and added a few more from the FLCCC list, includingnigella sativa,microbe-fightinghoney, melatonin, nasal spray and mouthwash. Copyright 2021 DrSyedHaider | All rights reserved. Last week, a nurse in Virginia shared a voice message with me from a United Parcel Service agent, demanding a prescription and foreign passport before delivering ivermectin and fluvoxamine from India. As a journalist who has covered the pandemic since March, 2020, I am fortunate to know doctors who reject the sicken-in-place, see-you-at-the-ER mentality. As a nurse I particularly love your drawings. Trouble sleeping is nearly universal. Anatomy of an antiviral: Nigella sativa (aka black cumin, charnushka, onion seed, and kaloji) has properties against covid that resemble ivermectins. My lungs were burning until I took famotidine., The drug has been shown effective in a handful of, using famotidine and celecoxib (Celebrex) in a new, If no IVM, he wrote in an email, then use famotidine80 milligrams a day. McCullough himself took ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine among other drugs for his covid infection, which I documented in an, article. No hospitalizations, deaths, or vents!. Many had been to multiple specialists and had million dollar workups, including Chest CT scans, Brain MRIs, exercise stress tests, pulmonary function tests, echocardiograms, doppler ultrasounds, scores of blood tests, allergy testing, and on and on. It is devastatingly sad. This is not uncommon after any severe illness requiring lengthy hospitalization in older age groups, but the severity of chronic illness showing up in the young is unprecedented. It may take some effort and patience, but plan ahead. The Vatsalya paper demonstrating that high-dose thiamine tamps down the Th-17 pro-inflammatory process believed to be associated with the COVID-19 cytokine storm has now been published in a peer reviewed journal, Frontiers in Pharmacology. Thank you, especially for listing Dr. McCullough's treatment plan -- this makes it so easy for people to assemble their kit or 'toolbox. How embarrassing and shameful, he said, that even approved covid drugs are not available. The gasping patient took it himself and was breathing easily within 12 hours. Patients in the UK and Canada report similar problems, while Australia hasprohibitedivermectin for covid. Compare this to flu, and it is almost nothing, Dr. Syed said. Brain fog is a common complaint. It may take some effort and patience, but plan ahead. Starting with last summers myth about poison-control centers overwhelmed with ivermectin calls, the struggle to obtain ivermectin has intensified. Thiamine deficiency would also be responsible for lowering the arterial oxygen concentration reported in patients with Covid 19. COVID-19 Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19. Already there are some indications that severe long term damage has occurred in many who have supposedly recovered. After practicing clinical medicine for a few years, he contin ued his studies in Computer Science with the goal of merging innovative technologies and healthcare. Dr. Syeds pharmacist had earlier refused to fill a prophylactic prescription for ivermectin. : Vitamins D and C, zinc, quercetin, curcumin, nigella sativa, honey, and melatonin. Testament to what Syed sees as medicines and governments utter failure to treat, he said the doctor told him approval would be needed from an infectious disease physician. Compare this to flu, and it is almost nothing, Dr. Syed said. Due to concerns about possible harms resulting from the administration of a steroid too early in the progression of COVID-19, it would likely be advisable to omit a steroid from the earliest stages of treatment. Two well-supported options: FLCCCs early treatment menu, and Dr. McCulloughs six things in the over-the-counter toolbox. These help prevent covid but also are essential if ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or fluvoxamine are not available. Ivermectin 200 400mcg/kg for at least 2 days, depending on severity, and if not resolved the treatment is continued until resolution. My lungs were burning until I took famotidine.. Dr. Mobeen Syed, at home January 14, 2022, recovering from a likely Omicron infection. Many of the studies on the potential role of thiamine in treating COVID-19 are summarized in this review. 3. My lungs were burning until I took famotidine.. I am a 20 year nurse, and I still love learning so much that I am back in school to become a FNP. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By then, she knew early treatments that workedessential knowledge that is denied today, not by happenstance but by one-size-fits-all vaccine mania. Like Dr. James, I got covid in late 2021. Many of these substances are already being evaluated in trials to assess their effectiveness in treating COVID-19, as reflected in the database. So where is Dr. Mobeen Syed's Medical License? This article is part of a publishing collaboration between Rescue and Trial Site News. Summary: the FLCCC Alliance in collaboration with Dr Bruce Patterson/Dr Yo and Dr Tina Peers (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) and Dr Mobeen Syed (YouTube educator) have been working for some time on organizing a protocol for long haulers. But, he said, I have not had to resort to second-line drugs in the last ten days., Other practitioners agreed. I teach this to my nursing students, and Drbeen gave me some new ideas! Also many of the elderly have likely gone from independence to nursing home residence. Daily practices: Frequent gargling and nasal rinse. The more Omicron cases the better until the peak starts to turn downward.. 5. Instead, they are pursuing a different research approach: the formation of a patient registry to measure and compare the outcomes of patients treated with MATH+, not only against the prevailing supportive-care only strategy, but also against other novel proposed treatment approaches employed throughout the country and world.. Cheap and safe if there is no history of bleeding, stomach ulcers, varices (enlarged blood vessels in the stomach or esophagus that are prone to bleeding) or liver failure. Your lectures are saving lives & improving peoples quality of life. Starting with last summers myth about poison-control centers overwhelmed with ivermectin calls, the struggle to obtain ivermectin has intensified. One potential pathway is thiamine deficiency, which is fairly common in severely ill patients and discussed by the authors of both the Th17 research paper and the scientific review of the MATH+ protocol. I hadbookmarked the, of the FLCCC. I went for it. I look forward to brushing up my medical knowledge as i continue my studies in Emergency Medicine! When a cloud of viral particles drifted silently into my soon-to-be-symptomatic person, I had a half dozen early treatment experts on speed dial. I've learned a lot from him. It works by suppressing the overactive immune system and calms inflammation. Id note that these drugs should be taken under supervision of a physician, as I did for my relatively uneventful bout of Covid. So far Ivermectin studies have been disparaged, however, this is a large study (world's largest so far) and provides clear value difference. Every week, we'll collect ideas and vote on which to discuss first. the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), due to the increased possibility of adverse effects. Starting with last summers myth about poison-control centers overwhelmed with ivermectin calls, the struggle to obtain ivermectin has intensified. You must be logged in to give a plus1 award. I enjoy these as a daily FYI. Reported by Dr. Mobeen Syed (better known to some as "Dr. Been"), a prolific medical educator and Youtube personality who primarily reported using it as a preventive in the second week of acute infection, but found it can also resolve long haul COVID symptoms. They cite in vitro research which found, using feline models that some viruses rely on a thiamine transport protein in the disease cycle. Very methodical and straightforward. Daily practices: Frequent gargling and nasal rinse. Nor, for that matter, a medical system ruled by agencies thatfalselyportraydecades-old, safe drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as dangerous and see insufficient evidence to support theno-brainerof covid prevention, Vitamin D. Dr. Robert Malone may be among the worlds leading experts on covid, in particular vaccines. For those who have the resources diagnostic testing may help provide a shortcut and some much needed empirical validation and it is a last resort in the hypothetical case where everything we can think of may have failed. He graduated from King Edward Medical University in 1994. The list goes on and unlike the mortality numbers it is not so much the very elderly who are suffering, it is preteens up through the middle aged that are hit the hardest at least in terms of who is showing up. Then his physician refused to refer him for approved treatments like monoclonal antibodies. Your tutorials are far more than sufficient for my level at the moment. The U.S. and first-world governments still do not want doctors to treat covid early and are doing all it can to stop them. I was already doing it. A particular physician, Dr. Mobeen Syed (see DrBeen's Medical Lectures on YouTube and has publicly stated that he successfully treats his patients who have LongCovid with a "steroid pulse", i.e. promises a likely unnecessary Omicron vaccine by March. Unfortunately, that may be the only recourse in the face of a de facto early treatment blockade, epitomized by the FDA-CDC . Dr. Patterson is a giant in the field of HIV research and the long haul community is lucky to have him investigating this syndrome. The withholding of known remedies is a crime of magnitude by government Intro by Kieron McFadden SOURCE: Liberty Rising The problem with Ivermectin used in conjunction with Vitamin D, C and Zinc is that had . 2023's exciting new method! This information should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or disease.THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE CLINICAL JUDGMENT OR GUIDE INDIVIDUAL PATIENT CARE IN ANY MANNER.Click here for full notice and disclaimer. Either unable to get to sleep or stay asleep or both. (We) ended up self treating with high dose famotidine [also called Pepsid] and adult aspirin. Both drugs are over-the-counter. Thought to work primarily due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Thank you so much. DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2011.08.018 . Every intervention sends the body a message and it is possible to send mixed signals and not get anywhere despite choosing therapeutics that work like a charm when used separately. Very happy to get ivermectin in this pandemic, said one. It was available back then to people my age. If you read Hormones Matter, like it, please help support it. They had seen specialists ranging from cardiologists to neurologists, pulmonologists to rheumatologists, endocrinologists to gastroenterologists and all had come up empty, in many cases finally telling them that it was just all in their heads the usual fall back when every test comes back negative and the syndrome hasnt been seen before. One possible connection: increases in Il-17 cytokines seem to be triggered by an increase in hypoxia-induced factor 1 (HIF-1). The enzymes that require thiamine have been deprived of it for so long that it can be expected that they have deteriorated physically in their metabolic responsibility. I have finished my third CME lecture. Malone discovered famotidines efficacy during his first run-in with covid in February 2020. But not thiamine. Since the brain to some extent affects the functioning of every organ, inflammation and dysfunction within the brain could be the root cause of many widespread symptoms. Shining light on the vaccine injured. (We) ended up self treating with high dose famotidine [also called Pepsid] and adult aspirin. Both drugs are over-the-counter. Three U.S. customers told me the company delivered without a problem. But in my experience failures are the exception rather than the rule in long COVID care. Dr. Syeds pharmacist had earlier refused to fill a prophylactic prescription for ivermectin. This is a very intriguing post. They are easy to follow and help me make sense of complicated processes. Cell 146, September 2, 2011. Amazing, and I learned a few new things. You make difficult, complicated concepts learnable. Nutsch, K and Hsieh. It was available back then to people my age. Heres how: Mit Patel, a marketer for the Mumbai-based company, said customers are given tracking numbers, and orders will be reshipped if they get waylaid. He graduated from the prestigious King Edward Medical University Lahore. Because of this most physicians advise patients not exercise until symptoms have fully resolved. In critical illness, the prevalence of thiamine deficiency is 1020% upon admission and can increase up to 71% during ICU stay, suggesting rapid depletion of this vitamin. Given the hypoxia induced by COVID-19, it is perhaps not surprising that there might an increased in HIF-1, leading to increased levels of IL-17, which has a cascading effect in triggering other pro-inflammatory processes and possibly contributing to the COVID-19 cytokine storm. al. The NIH reveals that they stopped talking to the vaccine injured. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects generated by its activation of the Sigma 1 receptor. Heres how: Get the supplements. No hospitalizations, deaths, or vents!. The drawings made it make sense. This compares with mortality rates for hospitalized COVID-19 patients of 15.6 to 32.0 percent reported in other studies. Then his physician refused to refer him for approved treatments like monoclonal antibodies. You have the very best medical videos. Dr. Mobeen finally reveals his wife and niece were both vaccine injured. by Syed H. Haider, MD | Mar 1, 2021 | COVID-19, Many patients have remarkable results with Ivermectin and the FLCCC protocol of vitamins, but some patients arrive late and very sick, by Syed H. Haider, MD | Jan 31, 2021 | COVID-19, Ive been at the forefront of treating and preventing COVID-19 online since early December 2020 when, Dr Pierre Kory of the Frontline, by Syed H. Haider, MD | Jan 28, 2021 | Real Health, Western medicine is known for being effective, even amongst practitioners of alternative medicine. Very good teacher. An intriguing role for thiamine in countering the inflammation associated with some viruses is raised by the authors of the paper on the Th17 proinflammatory response. Dr. Boros said he is making no predictions for the future, while Dr. McCullough said he simply did not know if Omicron will end the pandemic. #LongCOVID #Ivermectin #DrSyedHaider. I had read the research. I summarize each in turn. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, the World Health. Omicron is undoubtedly different from the Delta variant that had sorely tested the early treatment portfolio. Learn how your comment data is processed. But it also can defy the fabled just-a-cold description that, in some cases, may not call for treatment. However we may all be confusing, Your email address will not be published. Anxiety like symptoms are common. Dexamethasone 0.5 mg three times a day for 2 days then two times a day for 2 days then once a day for 2 days (can also substitute other low dose steroids if need be like prednisone 5mg). Im so happy that Omicron is milder, that Omicron is winding up the pandemic, said Dr. Mobeen Syed, known to a half-million subscribers of Drbeen Medical Lectures on YouTube. What they do not understand is that thiamine, and particularly its derivatives, are being used as drugs. In essence, they argue that it would be unethical to deprive patients facing a deadly disease of treatments they believe to be effective. For the record, below is the protocol I took from day one of my covid symptoms. In the video above, he speaks with Dr. Mobeen Syed about trends in the management of COVID-19, including what he believes could have wiped out . He returned to work as an insurance agent in Iowa the next week; she went back to her, In November to late December, Dr. Kory said, I took my foot off the gas pedal and am now getting patients through with just the first-line treatments from our protocolthe combination of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and fluvoxamine. With Delta, I was burning through those and using second-line medicines like, and even third-line medicines like prednisone in almost all patients. Eventually these patients had come to the suspicion that their symptoms might in some way be related to an earlier COVID-19 infection. Mobeen Syed is a physician. The trial, which focused on patients with IBD and severe chronic fatigue, found high-dose thiamine to be effective in improving the patients symptoms. The inhibition of systemic lactate production by CO2 inhalation during hypoxia would serve to maintain optimal cardiovascular function. From France, treatment advocate Dr. Christian Perronne, author of the aptly titled, Is There A Mistake They Didnt Make?, told me, It could be the end of the pandemic soon.. Assemble a list of potential practitioners. One way is through increased respiration. A medical doctor and software engineer, Dr. Mobeen Syed (known to his fans as Dr. Been) has been teaching medicine since 1994. I OVERTREAT rather than under-treat, he texted me. Could High-Dose Thiamine Reduce Mortality from COVID-19? Thats the bad news, but only sort of.Subscribe to the Trialsitenews COVID-19 ChannelNo spam we promise. He has been teaching medicine since 1994. Dr. The gasping patient took it himself and was breathing easily within 12 hours. Monoclonal Antibodies:I was nearly better when, on day five of symptoms, I got the infusion. C. When T Cells Run Out of Breath: The HIF-1a Story. Or, may be just let us all know that you still stand behind whatever CDC, FDA, etc. Still, Pfizer promises a likely unnecessary Omicron vaccine by March. Dr. Paul Marik, a critical care doctor at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in East Virginia, is renowned for his work in creating the "Marik Cocktail," which significantly reduces death rates from sepsis using inexpensive, safe, generic medications. Click here for full notice and disclaimer. A great lecturer of the century. I was already doing it. Interact with Dr. Been. Dr. Marbles MyFreeDoctor just moved to a new platform that will allow the donation-dependent service to add more doctors. By all indications, the U.S. and Europewhere a west-to-east tidal wave is unfoldingwill follow the South Africa-United Kingdom model. While there is a theoretical basis for believing thiamine could be helpful, we wont know whether and to what extent it is helpful in a real-world setting until a trial is done. GOVERNMENT The withholding of known remedies is a crime of magnitude by government March 30, 2021 1. But even without such access, I would have known what to do. I thought I was going to die, he told podcaster, . The beauty of this: All of these are readily available online or in specialty stores. Dr. Mobeen's Omicron is undoubtedly different from the Delta variant that had sorely tested the early treatment portfolio. I was fatigued and glum for another week, the aftermath, I think, of a brush with a disease with potentially long-term implications. The data reviewed in this post add to the evidence base supporting a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test whether thiamine alone or in combination with other agents could help to slow the progression of COVID-19 and/or mitigate the cytokine storm associated with some of its worst effects. (His updated Omicron protocol is shown below. 2012, Article ID 819467, 10 pages, 2012. Dr. Bruce Boros, among the earliest doctors to use ivermectin, texted, I try to get three days of ivermectin into them EARLY and they seem to perk up quickly. When Dr. Mollie James was infected with covid in March of 2020, she was working in an ICU ward in New York City, the hell of the exploding pandemic. A new protocol for patients suffering from Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome (LHCS) has been developed in a collaboration led by Dr. Mobeen Syed ("Dr. Been"), Dr. Ram Yogendra, Dr. Bruce Patterson, Dr. Tina Peers, and the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Day one of my covid symptoms gave me some new ideas my age to get to sleep stay! Stay asleep or both Delta, I got covid in late 2021, 2012. https //! Platform that will allow the donation-dependent service to add more doctors treatments that workedessential knowledge that is denied,. Also are essential if ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or fluvoxamine are not available to its anti-inflammatory effects generated its... 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