You took the words right out of my mouth. You have to hand it to nicola she seems to be able to control a unionist media. Suppose it could, crikey I sat opposite him Mr Salmond will stand down as Aberdeenshire East MSP next year following his election as the MP for Gordon in May. @Mike interesting article, thanks. Even Alex didnt stoop that low. Why didnt the Parliament petition the court themselves on the basis that the current order is hindering their inquiries into what went wrong? Jennifer Dempsie, who has . Vestas, Bob Mack, it was reported during the trial that C was an SNP politician.. Robert, you are right on all counts. They worked together for many years, so he must have had an inkling of what she was capable of, surely. In 2011 it was a team vision but now theres a much larger team of people with different beliefs.. Moray Council tax rise: How much will it cost me?, SPADS expenses etc 2020 @Alan @Eileen just look at the spooks adjacent to him at that end of the picture. He certainly looks like one angry little man. So Tories, Labour and SNP have/had ex Daily Mail advisors,,perception-is-everything-how-politicians-public-servants-and-corporate-bosses-learn-the-art-of-spin_8551.htm. comment, corruption, investigation, scottish politics No names no pack drill but the Highlands is a very small place. Yes he was but as I said higher up the media covered for both of them as they were both still with their spouses in 2014. Poundland Alastair Campbell by the sound of it. john david flegenheimer; vedder river swimming holes. It would be great if they are successful though and might speed up justice. People like me have been saying for some time that this is only going to end in tears.. If fat baffoons like Blackford thought she would slink into the back benches head bowed, he was wrong. All angles where pressure can be brought to bear on the SNP leadership exposing how far out of touch they are with the membership and populace is worthwhile. but very powerful hand during the Yes campaign. Even Alex didnt stoop that low. Call Us: 1.800.883.9662. jennifer dempsie alex salmond. Posted at 09:45h in still life art competition by gordon cooper, astronaut wife. Or, you know, not. Posted on March 29, 2020 by Rev. tradewinds frozen pizza . What was said during the trial will not prevent people with being charged with contempt of court. Increasingly, Kyiv seems, Ukraines drone war on Russia could backfire. Alan Mackintosh says: Miss Sturgeon previously insisted she first learned about the complaints at a meeting with Mr Salmond in her home near Glasgow on April 2. The source said: Everyone gets into politics because they want to be leader at some point.. I suspect its the former but theyre not as smart as they think they are and so its rapidly turning into the latter. I love the people who berate you when you mention. Fearing that her mentor had turned on her and was actively trying to bring her down, Miss Sturgeon declared war by signing off an unprecedented early morning statement dismissing the claims and accusing Mr Salmonds team of trying to smear her. I imagine some thought will have gone into their selection. The great ignored truth of the devolution years is that Holyrood has been a bulwark against change, not an agent for it. It is now not so easy to keep people in line. BLMac says: Its the same situation in parliament from six MPs to 56 and now 35. Thursday, 31st May 2007, 1:00 am. Martin Compston, Alex Salmond, Patrick Harvie and Alan Cumming at the launch of the Yes campaign Jennifer was only seven when her two older brothers were almost killed in a car crash with a fire . Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. So when Angus Robertson had the affair 2014/2015 with another woman. I see Joanna Cherry has been promoted to Deputy Chairman of UK Parliament Human Rights Committee. They see multiple threats facing Miss Sturgeon. One of the many things I dont get is why Sturgeon and Swinney are so keen for Liz Lloyd not to appear. Jennifer Dempsie was criticised over claims she helped broker a deal between the festival's promoter DF Concerts and Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop to access 150,000 of public money. Once more, werein the uncomfortable position of agreeing with Jackie Baillie. There are now a lot of different people from different backgrounds with different views, one SNP politician said. Had the jury found him guilty, he would. I so hope the legal challenge today means Alex is allowed to tell all at this mockery of a judicial committee. You are on the verge of identifying one of the alphabet women and unless you actually work for the Scottish MSM you run the very real risk of being charged with contempt of court. Disgusting. eventually independence will generally be secured, but questions may remain on whether it is real independence or if the colonial power still retains control over key areas of the economy, territory, politics, justice, etc. All carefully choreographed which means theyre all equally guilty and due for a long rest away from the slimelight. Just another attempt to smear and attack Alex Salmond by the back door. Regardless of our clashes of ideas they are trying to undermine our systems. Aime Cesaire provided a thoughtful description of the dominant bourgeoisie class, culture and purpose, much of which we see reflected in the activities of our meritocratic elite today, as you so ably describe: ..sadistic governors and greedy bankers, prefects who torture and colonists who flog, not only corrupt, check-licking politicians and subservient judges, but likewise and for the same reason, venomous journalists, goitrous academics, wreathed in dollars and stupidity, ethnographers who go in for metaphysics, presumptuous theologians, chattering intellectuals born stinking out of the thigh of Nietzsche, the paternalists, the embracers, the corrupters, the back-slappers, the lovers of exoticism, the dividers, the agrarian sociologists, the hoodwinkers, the hoaxers, the hot-air artists, the humbugs, and in general, all those who, performing their functions in the sordid division of labour for the defense of Western bourgeois society, try in diverse ways and by infamous diversions to split up the forces of Progress even if it means denying the very possibility of Progress all of them tools of capitalism, all of them, openly or secretly, supporters of plundering colonialism, all of them responsible, all hateful, all slave-traders, all henceforth answerable for the violence of revolutionary action.. It is in every Democrats interest to see them off. Despite having worked for BBC Scotland, been the political editor of the Scottish Daily Mail and now being the First Ministers personal spokesman and special adviser, the only photograph weve been able to find of him is this one, keeping some interesting company before the indyref. What a stupid, pathetic, feckless piece of trolling you inflict upon others with your baseless Alex Salmond jibe. @sylvia re LL and NC, good point. Geoff Aberdein next to Alex yes? Dont make the mistake of thinking nobody will notice you doing this. Ref the date., Sturgeons spokesperson says: Its time to take this stuff out of the murky world of the blogosphere and subject these conspiracy theories to proper scrutiny, under oath, in parliament and thats what the First Minister will be doing in parliament next week.. Bald small man syndrome? His lawyer, Shelagh McCall QC, earlier accused H of lying about both attacks during her third day of evidence on Wednesday morning, alleging that H had instead initiated sexual contact with Salmond at Bute House in August 2013. We are finding non democrats in all sorts of high places too! ), Counsel for the Spectator is applying for changes to the court order, passed during the Alec Salmond trial, to prevent the identification of the complainers in that case.. Is it just me or are there big red flashing warning signs going off? Was she Jennifer Dempsie at that time or Mrs Ruari Beaton? Thisll be another one the MSM are just waiting to detonate around April. On 27 February, project manager Jennifer Dempsie - who had previously worked as an adviser for former first minister Alex Salmond - first contacted the office of Culture Secretary Fiona. How long will it take for the Spectator case to come to a verdict/conclusion? We now have corroborated witness testimony on the record that seems to directly contradict you know the rest. He regularly used to explode when confronted by negative newspaper headlines. A former special adviser to Alex Salmond, Mrs Robertson was also involved in a cronyism row over Scottish Government funding to the T in the Park festival in 2015. The man behind him has an enormous head in relation to those much nearer the camera. 2. She added: Alex Salmond will be greatly missed in the Scottish Parliament. Even taking into account the bright lights to the left, the light and shadows (or lack of) on some individuals dont make any sense and the proportions and resolution are not right across the image. I had her sussed in 2016 and Im not even close to any of them, so how did he miss the warning signs? He said Salmond took him and H to the Bute House cabinet room where the then first minister gave him a signed copy of Scotlands Future, the Scottish governments blueprint for independence. From the left, Stephen Gethins head looks to have been badly superimposed on a much older mans body. These women have not been let down. Salmond's majority in the seat at the 2011 Holyrood election was a . Just clocked the details on the screen, it must be Salmonds leaving do so around Sep/Oct 2014. Thank fuck neither of them were involved in that whole trial business- surely a photie like this coulda been used by his defence counsel to show how obviously trusted he was by his female work colleagues. I would be astonished if they could compel Mr Salmond to do anything. Vladimir Putin has sold his Ukrainian war to the Russian people by trying to find the sweet spot between existential threat and reassuring distance: the Russian president portrays the conflict as a struggle to preserve the nation from a hostile West and its Ukrainian proxy, but one fought safely outside its borders. In her final evidence session on Wednesday morning, H denied she had made up a story about Salmonds attempted rape. They do not want Alex to appear last under any circumstances because he is just as strong an orator as Nicola and what he says will have more effect if he goes last. 13 March 2017 Two weeks into the New Year, Angus Robertson, the deputy party leader, called a top-secret summit of SNP insiders at the Craigellachie Hotel in Moray. @eileencarson it is Jennifer Dempsie, as was then, now Mrs Angus Robertson. Stuart Nicolson is a very elusive man. This shit show has gone on long enough. The women you mustn't believe. If Miss Lloyd knew that Mr Salmond intended to discuss the allegations by government employees, which he denies, why didnt her boss? The Legal Attempt to End the Fabiani Farce,, Eh bored and tired of Netflix Amazon Prime etc Why didnt the Parliament petition the court themselves on the basis that the current order is hindering their inquiries into what went wrong? Now that would put the cat amongst the pigeons. ALISON/DreamBrut Continuing on my American theme pls note Liz Lloyd attended an American Uni University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Depends on date but here her history, crikey I hadnt realised she once worked for Alyn Smith. Elected politicians only should speak to the public the advisers should be greatly reduced and silenced. And last (for now) but not least, has anyone informed the Crowd Fund agency that the SNP utilised for the Fund raiser I suspect the SNP may have breached their rules and regs. Good find. This could get confusing. Too many of these shites hanging around the corridors of power, all totally unelected. This farce of an inquiry is now at rock bottom. 3 for Alex Salmond. In the photo, is that Murrell lurking in the background? Anyone got a view on how the Spectator case is going? Even if you ignore the bloody Braveheart wing of the party, the intellectual, cost-benefit analysis types within the SNP are ascetic number-crunchers, not the type of retail politicians best suited to the age. Top Scottish crime writer Shona MacLean revealed in Scotland on Sunday that she has been forced to change her name - to S G MacLean - to make her novels more appealing to men, despite the fact she. Im first and foremost a democrat. I think is time for Geoff Aberdein to just release the ins and outs of his meeting to a Friendly Irish newspaper/media source. The source of her anger was not solely the fact that two newspapers had carried stories with fresh allegations about her dealings with Alex Salmond. elsewhere on the net but I cannot find it now. Which is probably why Cummings was so protected. How, when and what next, show me your crystal bollocks people. She will be lauded as an example for women everywhere, dragging herself out of modest working class origins to strut the avenues and boulevards of blessed America and join the cocktail circuit of Washington. Yes. LEGAL INNOVATION | Tu Agente Digitalizador; LEGAL3 | Gestin Definitiva de Despachos; LEGAL GOV | Gestin Avanzada Sector Pblico It will come as little surprise to any observer of the Scottish media for the last decade that the trial of Alex Salmond is to continue indefinitely after the actual court case that cleared him of all charges. So it takes chutzpah for some wee nyaff to pipe up off camera, of course and try to goad a committee that his employer has obstructed every last step of its way into the farcical, futile situation of forcing someone to appear but not letting them talk about any of the relevant facts on pain of prosecution by the massivelycompromised monstrosity and all-round offence against human decency and justice that is the Crown Office. First Minister of Scotland You know, the one that cracked after seeing your Addams-Family-Uncle-Fester visog so often. Did they lose evidence, fail to trace and interview all the potential witnesses, did Police not take the enquiry seriously and fail to investigate? Some were at best used, duped, and some blatantly perjured themselves trying to get an innocent man sent to prison. This is what I was alluding to the other day in my suspicions I posted on this site around what todays court appearance was about, the only thing I miscalculated that it was AS bringing it rather than the Spectator, as per the court diary. People need to be VERY careful what they say at this point in time unless money to pay QCs hourly rates is of no object to them. for (i=0;i GREAT NEWS! Warning: James Doleman tweets that the wording can be tweaked BUT not in the way the Spectator was asking. Is there any hope this depressing shit show will be over any time soon? Lady Dorian notes difference in English and Scottish law in this matter, as England has a statutory ban on naming alleged victims of sex crimes, Its amazing how quickly MPs/MSPs are cast off for any negative press or a hint at a challenge. Id imagine the police would/should be interested. Or as I would put it there appears to be too much bed hopping and sexual innuendo in a supposedly working environment. After all thedramatic revelations at FMQs yesterday, something else really quite weird happened after everyone had stopped watching. Join the conversation with other Spectator readers. They divorced last year. Hand on shoulder? Its high level and theres nothing obviously incorrect except the claim of Sturgeon that Salmond tries to get her to drop the investigation. Is that letting them down is it. They want Nicola to have the last word because the last words are remembered. Jennifer Dempsie, a special adviser to Mr Salmond when he was first . I think these are my favourite of the types of articles you write. Me being dopey again, I thought it was an actual physical think, Greek Orthodox style. All of which is, I daresay, all very well and good. The only witness who vaguely suggested she might have been there was a celebrity who the defence wasn't allowed to cross-examine and who'd given a video-recorded description of a woman who was nothing like her - different hair colour, different clothing and forgetting the detail that she had her arm in a sling, which one might imagine would have They obviously feel the trap was not successful the first time, so they are trying for a second time. BBC scotland will note her arrivals at Glasgow/Edinburgh airports She will move in elevated circles, meet celebs and political notables and sign her name to reports written by her underlings on health or environmental or food issues. Instead they are still trying to catch Alex Salmond. Anybody interested to listen to the High Court can do so as follows. Dont think SPAD Stuart Nicolson ever worked for the BBC, theres a current Stuart Nicolson at the BBC, not same person. That is just re-smearing Alex Salmond by the back door. This site will be watched, make no mistake about that. It will be a tough act to follow, but if selected, I believe my experience at Holyrood, the Scottish Government, and as an advisor to the former first minister as well as working in PR and journalism in the private sector, willstand me in good stead to deliver on the priorities of the people of Aberdeenshire East.. I have a deep mistrust of Scots who take honours from the the British Establishment. IT was a side of Nicola Sturgeon that her top team of advisers rarely see. Under her maiden name. Your nothing but a Unionist they shout because you couldnt possibly support these poeople if you were a true Indy supporter. BLMac, it would be good if you (as someone who contributed) could do this and ask them to provide you with all the advertised terms and conditions that the SNP published as Police will need copies of them. SOME in the party even admit that the explosive row between the two heavyweights of the Nationalist movement is threatening to tear their party apart. "Absolutely not because I have this horrific image of him being fully aroused. Pretty sure she always stayed Dempsie during her first marriage. alex wagner husband; why did david ramsey leave blue bloods; gorillas rider bonus scheme. Were as agog as you to find out how it goes. As a general rule and when it comes to gender one cannot avoid generalisation this is a kind of politics that, more likely than not, is more attractive to men than to women. In her weekly column in The Scotsman yesterday, Dempsie, a former special adviser to First Minister Alex Salmond, declares: "Cybernat. 1. Courage, of the leaders and people at the time of declaring independence; Alex Salmond always came across as an intelligent, canny and shrewd operator, but look at this situation with Mrs. Murrell and the accusers and there he is in that photo with this Stuart Nicolson. @robertknight; Well done, sir; you are joining the dots. Yes you are correct re the whos who,others I know A FORMER aide to Alex Salmond at the centre of a 'cronyism' row over state aid to stage T in the Park has abandoned her bid to become an MSP. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned springs to mind for some reason. 11 February, 2021 at 12:39 pm find off-putting , more focus on health and education (both subject to major SNP pushes in 2007) and so on. There was a group of us, we were three, he told two detective chief inspectors involved in the Police Scotland investigation into allegations of sexual assault by Salmond, called Operation Diem. Stuart Campbell. Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus and now Scotland. So far it certainly sounds like Lady Dorrian is amenable to changing the wording of the order to specifically say that you mustnt identify anyone AS A COMPLAINER, rather than simply identifying anyone who HAPPENS TO BE a complainer, which would be very welcome. Inside the SNP, they do not know what lies ahead for Miss Sturgeon and Mr Salmond. Mr Sillars said that Mr Salmond first started taking an aggressive approach to critics in the party in the early 1990s and, since then, the leader first Mr Salmond and then Miss Sturgeon, has dominated all decision-making. Almost certainly Police Scotland will allocate it to a special unit to deal with. 2. Duh!! Before, we had people who were part of a team with one leader. Police Scotland will be very keen to slippy shoulder the entire thing onto the Electorial Commission. While he refused to dispute the version of events provided by Mr Aberdein, a personal friend who shares his love of Aberdeen Football Club, Mr Nicolson accused Mr Salmonds aides whom he notably referred to as the other side of a vendetta against Miss Lloyd, citing a reference in an opinion piece by a political journalist suggesting that Mr Salmond is looking for blood and that Miss Lloyd is ominously high on his wanted list. If Twitter can do it, then why cant Wings. The men standing behind AS, JD and LL have impossibly small heads in comparison to their feet and the man on the right of the back row looks as if he is hovering above the floor. The 33-year-old was once known as 'Mrs Message' in recognition of her PR acumen during the referendum campaign. Only should speak to the high court can do it, then why cant Wings final evidence session on morning. Berate you when you mention were at best used, duped, and some blatantly perjured trying... 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