I went years with my feet and bed facing towards the closet mirrors been felt scared in paranoia off reflections almost like magnets youd see things. Heres another video that shows the connection between our vision and our sense of touch in the brain, as illustrated by a National Geographic show called Brain Games: The easiest way to remedy this situation is to cover the mirror with cloth (for mirrors on closet doors) or reposition the mirror so that it doesnt reflect your bed (for standing mirrors). These experiences are not fantasy. Let me take you to an anatomy lab and stare at dead bodies with the stink of formalin acid. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. They were remodelers. At night, when the interior lighting is on, visibility from outside is reduced but not completely blocked, and visibility from inside is also reduced. Photo by Ekrulila from Pexels. Such a deep sleep. Because you expect nothing to be moving at where the mirror is. If you cant even withstand that, the problem you should be solving is not feng shui or raw natural instinct like one would do with a child or an animal but a problem deep within that question how good of a human being you have been and whether you are truly comfortable with yourself. You need to find a professional exorcist rather than a Feng Shui expert for this. Some mirrors are activated and are active portals. Thanks for sharing your experience! Save. DO use large mirrors in tiny rooms. Looking in a mirror definitely has its benefits, but have you ever seen your true reflection? Repression. Likewise, many people feel quite uncomfortable having a mirror situated so that they can see themselves when they're in bed. 1. . They flip front to back. These arent the only mirror myths floating around time and space. Hi Tricia, Seems like both options are great options. Secondly, consider artists, politicians, social workers, actors, performersthey stare at the mirror for hours AND GET AN INCOME FROM IT! Turn the knob to reduce glare from the headlamps. Looking into a mirror often is said to make you less socially awkward, and help you develop a better sense of self. Because the mirror doubles and bounces all sorts of energy, it disrupts the tranquility needed in a bedroom for better sleep. So iv just moved back into my mums house its quite and old place, but she bought it about 4 years ago. From what youre describing, placing statues of deity might not help because they seem too strong. I have always wanted a full length mirror. - Older babies (age 13-24 months) respond with a little more . If your son doesnt have any sleep issues, then hes ok. From my experience, most young people doesnt have any issues with mirrors facing the bed. How Arguments Go. The very bed, in its sweet disorder, testified to vileness. A huge chunk of people is of the view that when you stare in the mirror for too long, your brain gets bored and hence, starts hallucinating. Apotropaic magic is a type of magic that is intended to ward off harm of evil influences by deflecting misfortune or stopping the evil eye. The mirror can frighten our soul: https://fengshuinexus.com/answers/mirrors-bedroom-feng-shui/ -Victor. My question is with regards to placement of this mirror which suspends from a door. Part of the experiment was conducted on subjects with just one hand. You Can Act How You Feel, Not How You Look When you look down at yourself from where you're standing rather than glancing. Design: Light & Dwell. Could mirror be the reason to this? See if that is more of a challenge than staring at harmless mirror. If you sleep with a mirror facing your bed, you may want to reconsider. It has different effects for different people I know a few thats scared of mirrors because they were spooked by movies. Interesting read Ive always been fascinated by mirrors Thanks for posting! Good article. My Bureau mirror reflects my cot backside. However, this is just an illusion and it is your brain that creates hallucinations. Also my cot has mirror in it. So to all of our blissfully aware readers, keep on keepin on. by Lori Zawadiuk. If youre not experiencing any issues listed in this article, then I wouldnt worry much if I were you. we are here cos we believe. -Victor. Previously: "Dear Theodore.". This is said to cause mirrors to tarnish, or even turn into an image of the deceased. Four blue eyes. Very creepy. This is supposed to bring you wealth and attract prosperity. Ive dressing table with a mirror that faces my bed, but Ive never had any bad experience. A large mirror in a small room creates the illusion of depth, so don't be scared to go big. Chapter 34. Hey Victor ! Cat scratching reflective surfaces. The author, Italian psychologist Giovanni Caputo, describes his set up which seems to reliably trigger . -Victor, Today I was cleanin out my room n I had a lil stand up mirror Nd I didnt wnna hang it up on my door yet cuz it was late at night yfm so I had set it against the wall at the end of my bed I didnt kno or think anythin of it I went to sleep around 3 am I couldnt sleep all night but once I fell asleep I had the worst nightmare of in my life ..Im only 13 btw I had a dream tht the devil was possessing me in my dream n hurting my ribs and sides from the inside and drugged everybody I tried to tell so there was no way I could get help n every night he possessed me n hurt me n I couldnt escape and the pain felt so real in my dream its like I actually felt him hurting me on the inside while he was trying to take my soul and make me give up wen he was possessing me but out of no where I had took a deep breath and woke up out of it finally.but the dream felt so real like I could feel everything it was the worst feeling ever its like there was no getting help in my dream the more help I tried to get he hurt me even worse it was just so crazy but wen I woke up it was 11:00am exactly and I went to my mom crying bc it felt real n was scary n I told her to come sit in the living room with me n I explained everythin to her n I said I barley have dreams and for me to have a dream like this out of no where dont seam right n idk I just thought to look up is it bad to sleep with a mirror at the end of your bed and it said it will attack un wanted spirits and something about messing up your dreams idk just look it up but it was just so crazyy and scary Im never In my life doing tht agin and dont sleep with your bed facing the door like your feet facing your door bc bck then a myth was that thats how they carried dead ppl and if yu do tht the dead will tug on your feel and try to take you or something idk if its true I never did tht Nd dont plan on it lol but Im jus saying wht I heard n the mirror thing is real it gave me the worst nightmare of my life I felt very pain of being possessed it felt like the worst pain of my life and there was no getting help n the dream felt like it lasted for hours ..it was soooo crazzy. They smile and approach the baby in a friendly way. -Victor. It is our biological trait that allows us to survive on Earth. Thirdly, is how much you know biology of yourself. Sit in a dark room about three feet (1 meter) away from a mirror. If it works, perhaps consider changing your headbox. Once someone has passed away, their soul is released from the body and starts to roam. O Allah, just as You have made my external features beautiful, make my character beautiful as well. There is science experiments on the mirror tests. Mirrors apparently increase energy and direct it the opposite way.. Originally posted to 2ch in 2009, the creepypasta "Real" is infamous in Japan, but not as well known in the West. So this indeed is a rational explanation. Neber said anything to nobody cause they might think i was crazy.. A true mirror uses two first surface mirrors place perfectly against each other at a 90 degree angle. Do it every day for 3 weeks and see how your life changes. My friend turned the mirror in our to face the wall and I was curious as to why he did so thats how I ended up here. AskReddit, Ouija-style. Thank you for your input. Mirrors are portals for higher entities. Its got a glass mirrored wardrobe where the view stretches, and you can see the entire room, its not far off my bed like 1.5-2m off. Im glad that you feel more balanced and positive again! Hi Marie, That situation would be much better. Im Ben my Nigeria, I moved to this new place recently which has mirror on the sliding door of the closet, placed perpendicular to the bed. When youre looking at your reflection the spirit world is supposed to take all of your troubles to their side. How true is this myth? When the soul sees its own reflection, it gets startled, hence the bad dreams and nightmares. First off I would never look in a mirror at midnight. And yet another legend has to do with Bloody Mary. If so, what was your experience? 1. Heat escapes through clear glass, its pattern unseen in fragments. The sound was stolen from my boyfriend who left earlier today he would scare me by doing that voice. However, I have a low bed and the mirror is set high on the dresser.so I cant see my reflection when laying down. Your eyes are embedded with motion detectors. I thoroughly agree about the infidelity part. The ads range from drugs to products that stop you from snoring, all of them promising a better good nights sleep. Should you be scared of mirrors, then firstly you need to ask yourself how much of a civilized human you are. I am afraid of three things: 1. I moved out for 2 years and decided to move back home because I was sick of renting. 2. The answer is yes. -Victor. You have the tendency to scare yourself when you see hallucinations, hear something unexpected, and feel something weird. Umm we like to look at ourselves in bed. As for Feng Shui, I can hardly give you any advice without a full review of your place. Also my mental health deteriorated quickly, which was a result of lack of sleep but also I changed to a quiet person (normally I am very talkative and outgoing) and got really black thoughts. I was feeling something is not right still I ignored. It helps us keep an eye on our form and allows us to track our physical progressi.e. Here are just seven reasons you shouldn't look in a mirror every day. Thanks for your article! December 20, 2021 by Lucia. Is that OK ? I think if you are superstitious then you are probably more likely to have issues. Photo by Kin Shing Lai on Unsplash. You know who tamed me,no one! Sometimes he will also climb onto the vanity in the bathroom and paw at the vanity mirror. Why am I ranting here? Thanks for sharing your story! Trust me, I know. In this guide, well provide helpful tips on how to avoid (and reverse) any back luck you may encounter. on 10/10/18 i have my mirror at the head of my bed I see something more than one time in my room i was thinking it my phone I wake up feeling very sick. Some experts say that a mirror reflecting the bed brings nightmares. Some people say that if you look in the bathroom mirror at midnight you will see who your boyfriend will be. And no matter what you do All my friends make fun of you Look in the mirror All is Haywire D2 & Bluj Maybe you're right Maybe I should end my life Maybe I'll do it tonight Look in the mirror, when I'm expecting light But all I see is my knife Maybe ), keep the following do's and don'ts in mind when decorating with mirrors. A cavern opened in my mind, black, full of rumor, suggestion, of half-heard, half . But sometimes this doesnt just happen to people with sleep drunkenness. First, it can be bad for your eyesight. Im glad to hear that youre sleeping well now!!! The meaning couldve been lost in translation over the years. I kinda over-did it. How about just removing the mirror instead of breaking it? OK, let's say, you do not believe what I wrote above, because you have not had an experience in the astral plane. Then one day it dawned on the woman that the bedroom was a particularly strong source of that unusual activity. One that after I tell the story you can tell me how to destroy it, PLEASE. An encounter with spiritual being 10. Today, many people hang mirrors across their front door to reflect negative energy away and protect the home. I wake up more refreshed less tired. Again, thank you so very much for your help in your assistance! However, the paranormal activity continued. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! The reflection in the mirror having a mind of its own. I woke up at 2 in the morning and its 5 now. Hi Derrick, Not so scary for you! Not ideal if you're seeking a peaceful night's sleep. With 1080P front and rear cameras, 70mai Rearview Dash Cam Wide records double-vision live videos without any blind spot. Another common wedding tradition is a little more risky; but just as fun. So if you sleep by a partner that snores, you may notice that the irritating sound is louder than when you sleep somewhere else, perhaps a hotel room without a mirror facing the bed. -Victor, hi um one question what if my mom dosnt wanna remove it plz answer fast because she had one and me to for hard sleeping and its scary, Hi, One easy way is to cover the mirror with a blanket or piece of cloth. Anyway, thanks for the write up. message first as I dont answer phone numbers unknown to me. If the outside of the restroom (option 1) is a bit dark, you can use the mirror to illuminate the area. Because this superstition has affected my renovation and Im pissed by how many percentage of humans around me (including my renovator, contractor, seller, agent) buy into this shyt that I have to deal with. She has even tried to do it on the TV . Also, a mirror facing the bed is just one factor of bedroom feng shui. Spiritual energy needs to be heightened 8. With its trapezoid, sporty-looking shape, and a touchscreen to help you utilize all the features, this model has the bang-for-buck ratio quite high. He later successfully replicated this strange face-in-the-mirror illusion experiment on others. Cut the apple into nine slices, and eat eight of those slices. Also dreams Got even more vivid as if Im in another dimension, walking in the dark in my neighborhood. Uncle Dixer has a simple solution to your question: https://fengshuinexus.com/answers/mirrored-closet-doors-reflecting-bed/ -Victor. Photo by Annette English . My neighbours hall mirror faces my front room mirror despite the wall. pls pls place mirrors everywhere in your bedroom and good luck. I never knew that could have been affecting my sleep. It can also cause sleeplessness and nightmares. Victor, we have a large dresser with a mirror attached to the unit facing our bed and have struggled with the issues you describe. My second option would be to place this door hanging style mirror on the door leading out from the bedroom. To begin, let me give you what feng shui experts have to say about this. Hi Viviana, Scary experience you got there. For apartments, the mirror is usually on the sliding door of the closet. If a mirror is reflecting a dark object, sleeping in front of a mirror is a bad sign. You have to consider how much you hate yourself in order for you to be tormented by your own image. Please, dont be like me. You are good as long as you cant see any mirror reflections when youre in bed. Check out this post for more info: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-tips/feng-shui-mirror-placement-home/ -Victor, Well said Victor thank you! I somehow stumbled on your writing due to the interest what influence mirrors have on people and I really can acknowledge that it does. Hi Ivana, If you havent experienced any of the effects mentioned in this article and youre not bothered by them, youll be fine! My grandmother used to say if you didn't then woke up and looked in the mirror in the middle of the night, you'd actually see a shadow over the top of your reflection. Legend has it that spirits from the other side will suck your soul out through the mirror. As such, they can carry both positive and negative vibrations. =) -Victor. Of course I checked it out and nothing..My parents were on vacation in Vegas at the time. It clearly shows you what thoughts you will need to change if you want to have a joyous, fulfilling life. Sleeping in front of the mirror at night is similar to having a mirror facing the bed at night. Its facing my sons bed and facing the sliding glass doors too Or can we hang it higher? Mirrors and spirits have a powerful connection, and this is what makes mirrors highly sensitive and spiritual. Now when there was a mirror it seems like everything comes to me was bad. 1. -Victor, So many deep insights that has obliterated by civilization and modernism. This is because "the mirror doubles and bounces all sorts of energy. -Victor, Two mirrors in living room one cover the fire place and one hanging on the walls back of the sofa.its that bad luck, Hi Senolita, This should be ok. Always dangerous WHICH OF THESE STATEMENTS IS TRUE ABOUT SLIPPERY ROAD SURFACES? I was sleeping on the side on my left shoulder, and I felt a cobweb or actually fingers touching my right shoulder with a slight movement saying your next wish a deep raspy voice. To take Jays question further, the mirror does not face bed directly.. but due to it being on the side of the bed, it does reflect a part of the bed. Then when i googled about it found this article and covered the mirrors. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You have to dig deep to find that answer, many cant even stand a few minutes of silence with their own self, let alone mirrors. You know that experiment where you stare into the mirror at your own eyes and hold the gaze until you start seeing your face go all weird. A new twist on the classic mirror game, this Reddit-popularized rite involves setting up candles, a fan, mirrors, three chairs one that you sit in and two that you place mirrors upon and then. Dont go playing with fate though. In this guide, we expose the top mirror myths and superstitions, ranging from. cat scratches mirror. This quote has aged well although we rarely get it right. The right placement of mirrors using feng shui methodology can correct almost any problem. Of course . Hi Judy, Im not sure about mirrors opening portals, but the story does sound creepy and paranormal. what if we move the unit all the way to the side of the wall so we cannot see ourselves? What if the mirror is built into the built in wardrobe? The ancient Chinese believe that when youre asleep, youre between two worlds the Yin (spiritual) and the Yang (our world). It is said that if the married couple looks into a mirror shortly after they say I do, they are uniting their souls. To your point, I would add that people should stay away from the Ouija boards thats been used, or other symbols thats been used for some ritual. And her lips were redder than the reddest of lips. -Victor. Doorways, windows, mirrors, shiny mirror like surfaces (like pools of water) and certain symbols, are actually demonic gateways. These movements will distract your sleep, sometimes raising your alertness and waking your survival instincts. Its flexible, lightweight, and has amazing impact strength. I feel that mirrors can be quite spooky, especially if the environment is darkened. Not to mention that the man seemed oversexed and sometimes they had all-nighters resulting in lack of sleep, oversleeping in the morning and going to work late. Mirrors should not reflect ANY part of the bed where a couple sleeps, I suppose ? Hi Katherine, Im assuming that your mirror is facing your bed. -Victor. Hi Tina, Anything that covers the mirror would be fine, as long as your kids are comfortable with it. Covering a mirror after the death of a loved one originated as a Kabbalist tradition. For a three-dimensional object standing in front of the mirror, there is an image of the object created behind the mirror with the right side still on the right, the . Alice-and-Jerry-blue . when i sit on bed facing mirror, my body except head reflects in mirror. I wondered what Joey's mother would say when she saw the sheets. Then I thought of my father, who had no one in the world but me, my mother having died when I was little. Hi Jessica. In ancient China and in todays modern feng shui, having a mirror facing your bed isnt a good idea. Hey, its cheaper than an alarm system. The woman felt threatened because she was being touched: shoved, hair pulling. Also, mirrors, are an interdimensional portal. A password will be sent to your email address. Take a single piece of the mirror and touch it to a tombstone (immediate effect). Looking in the mirror at the gym serves a variety of purposes. Looking into the mirror and being this monster, horrible and transformed into something evil. Then the idea of animal testing to see which animal can assess themselves in a mirror. An image of a Victorian doll appeared between my pillows facing the mirror. Using the same concept, others say when the soul returns to the body, it may mistake the image in the mirror from the real body, hence the saying of soul-stealing. If you were scared by yourself like the person from the video, it may be hard for you to go back to sleep. The couple were not married but living together and hadnt been together very long when the woman noticed some strange activity going on. -Victor. But instead of going back in history to decode what was really meant by these sayings, let us see what modern science has to say about this topic. Hi Bob, Thanks for your great input!! It is distracting The distracting nature of mirrors shifts your focus to the reflection of things around you instead of on you. Youre good as long as it doesnt bother you! In this post, you will see my opinion as to why feng shui doesnt like mirror facing the bed. Be careful which symbols you use, and if you arent clear of the meaning of a symbol, get rid of it immediately because it can do more harm than good. Ive now taken my stand alone mirror back down stairs. The shadows are black. You should be ashamed and must take priority in fixing that above all else first before trying to fix others or other things. You can walk up to your mirrors and swipe on them 3 times with your hand, motioning across the surface of the mirror, while stating the mirror is now closed. However, the best bet is to simply cover the mirror when you are not using it. The reason you see something green in the mirror is because the mirrors that common households have are not perfect mirrors that reflect all spectrum of color and light. Staring into a bright light can damage your eyes and looking at yourself in the mirror can be just as bright. More problems manifested somehow in these months and when things couldnt get worse they did. Things you say to yourself in front of the mirror have a greater effect on you. So at 3am I came across this article, although not providing me with the answers im seeking, it did give me food for thought. MIRROR. You get anxious easily 9. Ive definitely had some experience. She doesn't have her claws out when she is doing this, but it is the same as she would do when she is scratching like crazy on her post. Mirrors reflect light rays such that the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. This void allows spirits to come into the world of the livingbad spirits included. I KNEW this was my chance. And yes the only thing is I do get startled by the reflections. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! These are possibly real aetheric attacks. I can help 580-490-2621 Ok so iv never had an issue, I work 10 hour day so I dont see why my body clock would wake me up @3. check ourselves out. They feel awkward at first and become firm beliefs over time. The first half of the video below will help you understand this phenomenon. Not long after that, he started slinking around and our 20 yr marriage was over. But after reading your article i just wan to know if we shouldnt hang the mirror. It is used to asses childhood mental development on the ideas of self-consciousness. It was worst the first few times, when I had just gotten my license, but the nagging fear has never gone away to this day. alex wilson weather channel, similarities between basketball and badminton officials, , What Joey & # x27 ; s mother would say when she saw the sheets reflect light rays that! Of half-heard, half by yourself like the person from the body and starts to roam common wedding is! Years ago STATEMENTS is true about SLIPPERY ROAD SURFACES tried to do with Bloody Mary flexible lightweight. Are actually demonic gateways bit dark, you will see who your boyfriend be. 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