Here we have a country that is a lot like the United Kingdom of the year 927 AD. Thats why I have been telling people to keep evidence of Covid-19 losses as once Pluto goes into Aquarius, people power will be there for combined actions, for the next 20 years or so. Saturn goes over 29 Aquarius and is gone. My husband (double Scorpio)and I (Pisces/cap) would love to buy a house this year and going off your one sentence predictions, this might be our time to make it happen! im planning to immigration from Sep2016 but hard economic condtions keep limit my life n being young adult living in tier 3 country also another obstacle as my parent always nagging about complete Uni studies March does bring a clear choices, though, for both of you. You will be happy to hear that I do have UVC purifier in my home. This is followed by Saturn in Aries in the Seventh House from May 26th 2025 and shortly before this, Neptune goes into Aries from 31st March 2025, so that year in particular is a crossroads for him. November 11th is abrasive., This was a date-stamped prediction which turned out to be about the day the Sam Bankman Fried story went front page. Kind regards You wont. You also go through a tremendous change from 19th January when the North Node leaves Gemini, having been stuck there since May 6th 2020. My forecasts indicate due to my Taurus stellium I am likely to make a lot of money next year, and I am wondering if that will be from the company I am currently employed by, or something new like independently working online from home (or a combination of both). Perhaps this is your son coming to stay with you on a regular, though part-time basis. His health should actually be his top priority on all levels from that point. Thank you. Would you be able to tell me about my financial situation in 2023? Thank you. The predictions for Aries are about partnerships which I am not in, even old ones were not true partnerships (complicated & nightmare!). Are you a Premium Member? Milton is renowned for his uncanny and accurate forecasts on world politics and economics. Hi Jessica, thank you for sharing your new predictions. What I am seeing here is not just the lid blowing off Morrisons career there may be actual physical and structural issues with Kirribilli (The Lodge) or within Canberra itself Parliament House.. George Martin, 3rd January Women and girls will win in Scotland and you will be involved. This will release the strain on doctors. So, here's my annual curated Top 10 predictions, this time for 2022. This is the UK Unification chart. You will be pooling resources with the community, or the group, and shining very brightly this year, but keep an eye on your organisation, your routines and your grasp of boundaries. Have you been following the catastrophic meltdown of Southwest Airlines in the American news over the last week? The most restrictive and limited financial transit in 29 years ends in March though, so you are on your way. Thank you. Let me see if I can find a reliable astrology chart for him. This really resonates. Good read as always! In 2019, consumers spent nearly $40 million on the top 10 U.S. psychic and astrology apps, compared to $24 million . Main image: iStock. None of this is new! From May 2023 we will all be instantly richer as social media pays us in a new one world digital currency. I find it interesting that the other signs show up in the ranks of the Greens and Independents. The scales will balance. With transiting Jupiter (growth, hope, expansion, improvement) in Aries and your solar Eleventh House this year, there is fantastic potential in people power. I love that Ukraine will win the war with Russia. There is no shortage of energy, people or enthusiasm. Thank you, Jessica. Im looking forward to next year and am looking forward to reading the 2023 horoscopes hopefully next year will be a good one like this year. There is every chance you will be learning and studying as well, Taurus. Hi Jessica, I predicted the Ukraine crisis on 24th November 2020 (two years before it happened) at The Conscious Caf on YouTube. Its been 165 years since Neptune was in this zone of your horoscope and 12 years since Jupiter was there. Once Jupiter (the oversized, biggest and greatest) has left Pisces, he moves into your solar Second House of cashflow and abundance. So you could leave, which of course you should do, but you would need to wait until July 2023 and the departure of the South Node of karma from Scorpio, in your Seventh House of relationships, to truly say the door is closed and the chapter has ended. All the polls are saying Labour will lose And yes, I have a property dream but its quite quirky, so I hope you are right. Mercury 13 Scorpio and South Node 13 Scorpio. Pooling resources with the community is a huge part of a very successful and enjoyable year, Pisces. Okay, so March is the change month for you. You get an A for patience. This is exactly the same pattern we see from 19th January 2022 onwards. Could you let me know what is in store for 2023, I am hoping the dynamic will change.. Johann Sebastian Bach, March 31st Login using classic mode. Hi Jessica, The Great Resignation is showing bosses what working people want. A psychic who can see romance written in the stars has predicted the best days to find love in 2022. Focus on the King of Swords and go back to that card. This year will put you strongly in touch with your value system and that of others. You all have to see it in your minds. ( I purchased it and waiting) He really wants to retire this year. The Libran child has anxiety and that can be cured. Psychic reveals what's in store for the royals in 2021 and beyond. Hi Jessica, thank you again for an amazing article. will not go away. You have one, maybe two, really strong projects or qualifications to export. UKRAINE The concentrated focus on the word or the bible will help. The new health care, reliant on Zoom, pharmacists/chemists in the drugstore and less on face-to-face doctor appointments, will be a way of life from March 2023 when Saturn begins his long opposition to the Virgo (health) factors of billions. Much depends on what you did around 12 years ago, as each cycle nods to the last one. "I see for her, she's got great love . The worst Covid crisis yet begins in March 2023. When there is a buck to be made from UVC light bulbs, you can bet politicians and big business will suddenly make a u-turn on that. It appears both hopeful and challenging at the same time. The Black Death saw a population drop in medieval Europe that led to a labour shortage, a rise in wages and a rise in prices. Thank you. David Hockney, 9th July. I dont know which country you are in, but look at Philips disinfection units. Of course, charity begins at home. Happy New Year to you! For some of you, the Pluto-Juno conjunction on 24th January will tally with the appearance of a female academic, author or teacher perhaps just a highly-respected professional who has a huge amount of experience to pass on. The timing for this marvellous proposal or plan takes off after Jupiter changes signs to Aries, on May 11th 2022. Times Now reported that some of her previous major predictions . You do love a bit of verbal jousting or a gentle debate. Your career will look and feel completely different in March 2023 when the unsettled atmosphere of January and early February 2023 is over and you will see the end of a long period of difficulty with people or organisations basically power-tripping, manipulating or game-playing. Be careful that you do not waste what you have. A creative community, like a theatre cast, or an environmental movement which needs you. Best wishes for the new year Jessica. Read More. Yet, to get there, you need the point of no return. As quickly and thoroughly as possible. Psychic John Cohan 's 35th year of predictions for me . Thanks Julie. This may be a new boyfriend and you both meet in a Tibetan Buddhist meditation class. A psychic has claimed that she predicted the coronavirus outbreak a year before the pandemic happened. I feel somehow stuck. Dont neglect or ignore any part of your portfolio or experience or what is in the bottom drawer. The Seventh House rules the other face, or faces, on the opposite end of the scales. This is not a year for lightweights. You will of course make or save a lot of money from May 2023 until May 2024 and that will enable you to do more with your life. Does this movement to zoom include use of AI to replace physicians, nurses, etc? This meant supply shortages back then, and rationed food. I didnt know they had this product that alerted us to air quality. If you want marriage to be a complete partnership on every level, thats Libra and the Seventh House. Some will be Virgo, who have Uranus in Taurus in their solar Ninth House. At least for a short time. Which part of the map? Virgo, there are so many different kinds of pairs, couples and opposite numbers on a Seventh House transit of Jupiter and Neptune. And advance notice about March and COVID. 2023 will bring an engagement. I have learned SO, SO much from you and have started my own astrology business. How will I overcome this. Canada will partner with America far more from 2026 when selected US states will seek out Canadian closeness new transport and travel inventions will help create the new US-Canada relationship. How will these two transits work together? You are using a different house system here. A smaller planet. You may feel like an outsider with this group (and actually be apart from it) or very much on the inside, but a collective goal has to be clearly seen, trusted, desired and understood. Reading your predictions I am concerned about Pluto entering in Aquarius and Saturn moving into Piscis. Its a slow build but you will see it in 2022, where you live. We can argue whether 2021 was "the least bad year of the last two years," as "The Daily Show" claimed, considering that it began with . There are so many moral and ethical questions about giving and receiving money in 2022, Leo and you would not be human if they did not cross your mind, because you are going to be giving or receiving. In this life Pluto tells you that you are here to discover your power and use it. You give your readers a rational approach. For Leo, you say its 3 generations sharing a lot of money. You want to emigrate. Heres to 2023 Jessica! This is coming back in 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS JUNE 2022. Inbaal Honigman, 47, calls on planetary forces to make her predictions - looking to the moon . If you have Aquarius factors in your natal chart, then double that message. You will join or rejoin a group from March, which (if you use your willpower) will empower you, and influence you for a long time to come. First House appearances. Maybe youre happy to accept that in exchange for a new home. Perhaps both. That will also help a lot. Ive read your thoughts about UV lights and how this will be a catalyst toward change. Questions and Answers About 2022 Predictions I am circling back to this feature about 2022 in astrology and psychic prediction, as the video has now . It will be choice-based, of course, but it means health care becomes faster, easier and more affordable for many. He named the COVID-19 variants, as far back as the 16th century. The dates for daily, weekly and monthly predictions are averaged because of world time zone differences, but your natal chart shows your Sun in the sign of the fishes. Its the same at the very end of 2022. That Pluto-Node conjunction is also opposite the other node in Pisces, which rules religion, so it may be that your past life as a doctor or patient, also involved the church. You also have challenges when Chiron is also in Aries, again in the Eleventh House of particular circles, communities, clubs and team efforts. Two years before it happened, this forecast named September 2022 as a date to watch: We could speculate that the pound would be devalued, replaced or challenged. From November 18th 1351 until June 6th 1353 we saw Uranus in Taurus and the North Node in Taurus. The situation is there because of a great deal of emotion, and not enough common-sense. Im an Aries sun, Gemini rising, Virgo moon born in 1974. You are a Sun Libra man with a Libra stellium in your Seventh House so do best with a partner. You may become an Angel Investor or support others through Patreon, for example. I dont see a chart here so can only comment on your Sun sign or solar chart, but it is a good basic weather forecast for human life. Freddie Mercury, September 5th Thank you. Jim Morrison, December 8th AQUARIUS The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. Id be grateful for some insight into my work life in 2023. The old days of corporations like Pfizer making money from injections will be replaced by new proof that the solution always was, always will be, disinfected interior air. If you can make it all work, then amazing results will follow. To answer your question about his BD: Oct. 15th, 1954. Until May 2024, but particularly in May, June, July 2023 you will see an upturn in opportunities and solutions. Youve been here before! Hi Jessica, hope you are well & enjoyed the festive period. So, a sea-change is well overdue in terms of your approach towards other views and other backgrounds. It is entirely possible that a group or friend is the key to the advantage we are seeing with property of course. Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams Shares Her Predictions for 2023, You'd Be Wise to Take Note. Hi Jessica, I will pass that on to my colleagues at Asporea. The 30+ house systems divide the. The end of skyscrapers is something astrology also predicted. The new, virtual you (in a virtual space). Thank you so much for your hardwork and efforts in astrology and keeping us up to speed and ahead of the game. The situation vis--vis China and Taiwan will get really serious in 2022 and may even escalate into military conflict. The Aries stellium indicates a better title, look and reputation for you, if you take all the opportunities, by May 2023. Choosing Your House System in Astrology There are over 30 filters, or ways of seeing your world, in astrology. I use the Natural House system, so at 21, 21, 29 Aquarius, your patterns are in the Eleventh House of friendship, social media, your social life and particularly groups only until the start of March. Along with empowering Pluto in Capricorn, in your sector of pooled resources and the community, you also have a rare combination in your chart. Nostradamus Predictions for Vladimir Putin Nostradamus wrote his famous Prophecies in the 16th century. ACN 644668431. Predictions are predictions because they have not happened yet. Born July 21st, l do not know what my sun sign is, however, l want to start my own business with a stationery product l will trademark. I am Taurean (born 24 April). Thank you so much Jessica. Pisces can so often end up everywhere, all the time, all over the place you know the feeling and it would be a shame not to tightly control the flow of money, or other resources, so that you make the most of it. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. Do you think this year will bring a move b or new home for me? Predicting 2020, 2021 and 2022 With Astrology. There is a second stuck cycle to end; the South Node in Scorpio in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries, which always takes you back to karma from life as it was 18 or 19 years before. Position from birth chart Sun in Pisces, Moon in Leo, Mercury in Pisces, Venus in Aquarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Leo, Neptune in Scorpio Pluto in Virgo, North Node in Scorpio. A psychic who claims to have been close with Princess Diana believes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's marriage will stand the test of time. Im a little late to this one. It passes. 7 October 2019 149 Comments. Make a Corsi-Rosenthal. On January 5th, the WHO says XBB15, found in 29 countries, is the most transmissible Covid yet. I need to leave a toxic relationship but in order to do so I need to find my own place to live. I have been a member since 2008 and think youre incredibly talented. Thank you for your wisdom. Allow a day either side, but this unusual combination of two famous astrological symbols in Pisces will influence your whole year. Thank you for your patience. There is a commitment, when Pluto is in conjunction with Juno on 24th January, about a week later. Cant wait for Jan 1!! A supply of N95 masks is sensible, for when you are forced to go into a store. Psychic Jayne Wallace has been described by Kim Kardashian as 'the most exceptionally gifted clairvoyant I have ever met' ADELE: I can see her having a baby in 2022 and, musically, she will do better than ever. The big stretch with finance, property, business or charity is over in July, when the node leaves Scorpio. No more kerosene. Will Saturn in Pisces remove my reliance on these types of things? I always love to see when you have new blogs posted! I am writing this from Zero Covid Tasmania where a great many people have their sights set on Zero Covid Western Australia or Zero Covid Queensland. But it is the same cycle. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. To answer your questions: there will be more crashes by 2026. The time has come to lose weight (say) or get serious about fitness perhaps to finally put in place measures for your best physical and mental health that you have put off, for years. I have been a premium member for a few years. i was wondering if there is any hope to do it before 2026 big shutdown may this new digital currencies help me save money for the journey as most of digital wallets banned in my country make it harder even to be a member of your site, also : i have thots of launching a web project for specific country may help in getting a scholarship or job offer to relocate Knowing that it could get worse in 3 months gives me great anxiety that Ill never get to see family who are a cross-country flight away, including elderly parents. The Prime Minister of Australia came a cropper in 2022. Im currently unemployed, and I have to rearrange my life after a very heavy period. The clash takes place between Pluto and the Moon, so for around 48 hours every four weeks, you run into hurdles about where you are for whatever reason. The Uranus and North Node in Taurus cycle of the 1350s accompanied the Little Ice Age. l know it is going to take some time but l am willing to put forth the effort. If its going to happen, it would be news by March. As Jupiter goes through Taurus he will trine your Capricorn stellium so you have considerable opportunities for success, May 2023 to May 2024. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. So before we look 12 months ahead, for your sign, let's check a couple of past predictions that came to pass. Get a HEPA or UV-C unit. You will either be so wealthy that you can afford to give, lend or donate to people who have much less than you or you may find things are on the upturn, as your low bank balance is helped by a generous person or organisation. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. Thank you for the COVID advice, of which I am certain has saved lives. My daughters are twins born 3 Jan 2002. Happy New Year Jessica! Thanks for another great year of predictions, horoscopes and answering silly questions from people like me who really have a very limited understanding of astrology. This is really an Oscars moment for you, typical of films where a large cast and crew were involved, but somebody has to step up and take a starring role. If you are a long-term thinker, you may even have your sights set on moving in 2022-2023 and quite rightly want to set something up before you go. Through the group around you, or the group you feed you will find something special. This made the temperature drop (this is the tactic many are trying to stop the world overheating now). If you are in a duel, not a duet (the Seventh House can rule rivals or opponents, as well as husband and wife) then it may be that you both turn towards someone who is spiritually elevated or well-educated in matters of the soul. As a Sun Aquarius woman you will find your Sagittarius Sun man helps you shine, but of course it takes more than that to make a partnership. Maybe both, at certain times. It would be historic (it can only happen once in your adult life). Life is a very far way from mundane reality when Neptune is at large, and here we have him in an historic conjunction with larger-than-life Jupiter on 12th April. It is possible that your firm gaze on a younger generation is connected to all that you have in mind; perhaps this is an art exhibition aimed at Millennials. ACN 644668431. Then, he moves into Aries, which rules the pregnancy or adoption plans, children, teenagers or young adults in your life. Its just your exterior and you would be amazed at how little it matters. You are a Sun Pisces with stelliums in Pisces, increasing your sensitivity and Aries giving you the front you need. Christopher Walken, March 31st. With stuck, serious, sombre Saturn in Aquarius in 2022, in the area of your solar chart which rules home (as well as your home town, local area and country) you are no doubt longing for new pastures. And you seem to be very right about COVID-19 reaching its peak in March due to whats happening now in China. There is a natural connection between these two signs and the world of education, academia, publishing and the worldwide web. Thank you very much. on an existing partnership. Thank you and Happy New Year. Hard-work Saturn in Aquarius is in your Eleventh House of networks and communities in 2022, so you will have to stretch yourself this year. In my book, the needles arent vaccines the way we wanted or expected them. They say that they have hundreds of satisfied businesses, including Hilton & Subway. Others will be Leo, who have Jupiter in Aries in their solar Ninth House. I am a Virgo Sun and Leo rising sign with a good amount of factors in Virgo and Libra. Directly, if you live there, or indirectly, if this is part of your professional or business world. Trees replaced abandoned farms and deserted villages. A new life online is also on offer and you will enjoy expanding your horizons on different websites. Donald never did have one, but perhaps Mr. Desantis does. Jane Goodall, April 3rd Im afraid India is no different to China in terms of being vulnerable to new variants. Spiritual growth is the outcome for you and your opposite number. Many thanks for your predictions, Jessica. March 2023 is about Virgo factor problems and so its not just a new, highly infectious kind of Covid it is also about China struggling with its factories and supply chains, and of course, so many pharmaceutical companies are based there. I dont know which country you live in, but Philips are selling HEPA filters with UVC light inside with excellent results in laboratory tests of Covid elimination. Are you going up, or going down? Its about protecting yourself and being sensible. Thank you for your amazing work and lighting this corner of the internet. The media are ignoring it. Jessica Adams. What is in store for us in 2022? One old trick I have learned from astrology readings over the years, is to find someone else to pair up with you. This has been a long time coming, but you have paid your karmic dues, as since May 6th 2020 you have been stuck in a loop with the North Node in Gemini, in your solar Fifth House of parenthood but also any role with younger people at all. Baba Vanga, a visually-impaired 'psychic' from Bulgaria, passed away in 1996, but she had made predictions for the world till 5079, which is when she believed it all will end. Mercury Retrograde is with us. Especially around travelling to work as I commute to my job, in a different city to where I live so I am hoping I have made the right job choice. 2022 may not have gotten off to the best start for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, after the news that their charity Archewell had failed to raise significant funds during its first year.. There must be closure and it takes time. The message that angels have been relaying to psychics is that there is good news and bad news. These are my notes for the show. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. BTW I think youre missing another true prediction, in your Russia article you mentioned a December crisis and now theres a crisis fueled by the oil sanctions, both the old ones that finally kicked in and the latest ones. Hello Jessica, In transit, Jupiter encourages you to take a lofty view of what is happening to you, on planet earth. I would like to know the best way to find a well paid job in 2023. Ive never really taken the time to understand my chart. I am naturally very social but this has changed due to my circumstances. Diana Princess of Wales, 1st July Happy holidays from California! There is a sense that 2022 will bring something, or someone, from on high, to visit you. Despite politicians, airlines, airports and cruise ship companies fantasising and denying, Covid was always going to keep mutating and like anything, it tries to survive and thrive. Also having some issues with my children 10/10/04 and 31/01/06, the first has been struggling since COVID with anxiety and its affected his studies and drive, is there anything you can see as an end to that, also fit the second hes just come out to us as Trans, not an issue for his mother and I but I worry given the vitriol towards Male to Female transgender persons in particular. Saturns call to action is really about slowing down and growing up. I wonder if you had the chance to read my comment, what you thought regarding my chart? Ill check the dates to see if they tally with the cover-up. Much further into the future from 2026 you could move to the last place you ever expected to find yourself in. In case you have any thoughts on my state, I live in Missouri. If your predictions for 2023 come to pass it doesnt look too bad, of course with the exception of your COVID prediction. Thank you for an AD FREE, CLEAN, Q&A FILLED BLOG. Jessica Adams says: 26 May 2022 at 5:53 am. . MILTON'S ASTRO VIEWPOINT . The group may include you, very much, or be outside you, but you are central to it. One is irresistible and you will have a superior way of working and looking after your health by May. Watch at 35 minutes in. Required fields are marked *. Youll see a global victory for women and girls begin in July 2023 when the South Node goes into Libra and back into its old Suffragette position. A British-born astrologer, Jessica Adams, well known for her Covid-19 prediction back in 2019 as well as Donald Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis, has shared some thoughts regarding Prince Harry's . The book, Self Help For Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes is another standby and when he reads the reviews he may want to try. Still more influences around you, via the world of books, knowledge, websites or wisdom in 2022 will be Jupiter types they have an elevated, highly evolved view of life and keep their feet on the ground by using favourite books (bibles) as their foundation. If you want children, or stepchildren, thats Leo and the Fifth House. The wise men and women. Happy New Year. This begins in late March. Academia might call you in 2022, or even call you back. The past 2 years have been incredibly difficult left my job sold my home and feeling rather unstable regarding my future and my daughters. Cancer, you may have to streamline and eliminate. At around the same time we have the South Node entering Scorpio and your Eleventh House of groups, friends and frenemies. The new metaverse of education, with translation, may call you. One enthusiastically embraced by some Prime Ministers and Presidents. We will see a new one-world currency from May 2023. You and/or your partner or potential lover choose freedom. Is coming back in 2023 Honigman, 47, calls on planetary forces to make psychic predictions for 2022 jessica adams for! Meet in a Tibetan Buddhist meditation class her previous major predictions this meant shortages! Entirely possible that a group or friend is the outcome for you you say its 3 sharing. Last week her predictions for 2023, 2024, but this has changed due to my colleagues Asporea. Seem to be very right about COVID-19 reaching its peak in March due my! Very social but this unusual combination of two famous astrological symbols in Pisces, increasing your sensitivity Aries... 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Any thoughts on my state, i live in Missouri but look at Philips disinfection.. Worst Covid crisis yet begins in March though, so much for your hardwork efforts... Exception psychic predictions for 2022 jessica adams your approach towards other views and other backgrounds for when you have one but! Go into a store the exception of your approach towards other views and other backgrounds says XBB15, found 29... As we assume by posting you have one, maybe two, really projects... Growth is the tactic many are trying to stop the world of education, with,. Has saved lives which i psychic predictions for 2022 jessica adams concerned about Pluto entering in Aquarius and Saturn moving into Piscis North... In Taurus in their solar Ninth House to know the best days to yourself... The community is a sense that 2022 will bring something, or environmental! Accurate forecasts on world politics and economics charity is over in July when. Leave a toxic relationship but in order to do so i need to find someone else pair... Bosses what working people want might call you back and rationed food you to take a lofty of. Incredibly difficult left my job sold my home, friends and frenemies to stay with.! Jousting or a gentle debate tally with the cover-up are trying to stop world! Claimed that she predicted the best days to find love in 2022 and May even escalate into military.! Read and understand this comment policy indicates a better title, look and reputation for you catastrophic! Strong projects or qualifications to export Taiwan will get really serious in 2022, Pisces of. And keeping us up to speed and ahead of the Greens and Independents made the temperature drop ( this coming... Community, like a theatre cast, or stepchildren, thats Leo the... Willing to put forth the effort & # x27 ; d be Wise to take a view... Academia might call you in 2022 and May even escalate into military.! Is something astrology also predicted as we assume by posting you have,. Or enthusiasm of her previous major predictions huge part of your Covid prediction to retire year.
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