Additional limitations on our obligation to stop payment are provided by law (e.g., we paid the item in cash or we certified the item). To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must indorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Maximum requests you can make per 30 days. We will pay all AAA filing, administration, and arbitrator fees for any arbitration we commence against you. There are no Monthly Service Charge, Balance Requirements or Maintenance Fees associated with this account. We will send you confirmation - either in writing or by another type of record - of your stop-payment order which will include the date on which your stop-payment order will lapse. In these types of transactions the check or similar item is either removed from circulation (truncated) or given back to you. If a discrepancy exists between these online copies and what has been provided to you by Simmons Bank, any documents provided to you by Simmons Bank shall govern. The purpose of this document is to: If any provision of this document is found to be unenforceable according to its terms, all remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. Using the Simmons Bank Mobile App for iPhone or Android, login and select the "Deposit" quick action on your dashboard or select "Deposit Check" from the menu. Automatically renewable time account -This account will automatically renew at maturity. The terms of this disclosure are intended to work in conjunction with the HSA Agreement provided to you earlier. Interest will be calculated on the same basis as during the original term. Please note, accrued interest is not credited until it equals at least $0.01. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. First, if you are a business customer, the AAAs Commercial Arbitration Rules rather than the Consumer Arbitration Rules shall apply and, unless you and we agree otherwise, the dispute shall be resolved by a three-arbitrator panel, with each party choosing one arbitrator from the AAAs roster and the two party-appointed arbitrators selecting a third, who shall preside over the panel. Transaction limitations:You may only make in-person deposits into and withdrawals from your account subject to a hold as provided in the Security Agreement and Credit Card Agreement for your Foundation Card. If you prevent renewal, interest will not accrue after final maturity. Telephoning is the best way of keeping your possible losses down. You agree (for yourself and the person or entity you represent if you sign as a representative of another) to the terms of this agreement. WebThe Simmons Bank Simply Checking Account gives you UNLIMITED check writing privileges. A service charge fee of $10.00 will be charged each monthly statement cycle or a service charge of $8.00 will be imposed every monthly statement cycle if the account has a direct deposit during that monthly statement cycle. Such agencies can, if the law allows, seek relief against you or us on the others behalf. ATM domestic withdrawals: $2.50 to $3.00 ATM domestic inquiries: $0.50 ATM foreign transactions: $0, but a general fee for foreign transactions applies, typically 4% Declined ATM transactions: $1 The following prepaid cards deliver the services you expect, including access to ATMs, without demanding a good credit score or a U.S. bank As always, we recommend consulting a legal or tax professional if you have any questions about managing your HSA. You must file any lawsuit or arbitration against us within two years after the cause of action arises, unless applicable law or an applicable provision of this agreement or any other agreement between you and us provides for a shorter time. Debit/ATM card limits: Maximum amount of total daily withdrawals and purchases. If you have any questions, please call us. A Dormant Account Fee of $10.00 per month will be imposed if there is no customer-initiated activity on the account for more than 730 days. You agree that you will not waive any rights you have to recover your loss against anyone who is obligated to repay, insure, or otherwise reimburse you for your loss. Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. Insert your cash in the envelope and seal it. If the terminal or system was not working properly and you knew about the breakdown when you started the transfer. To use the Simmons Bank Mobile Deposit service, you must have the following: If you qualify for mobile deposit, the service will be available to you automatically. When you are closing your account, you are responsible for leaving enough money in the account to cover any outstanding items to be paid from the account. This fee will not apply until the primary owner reaches age eighteen (18). Webbetween you and Umpqua Bank. make payments from checking or savings to loan accounts with us, the balance of checking or savings account(s), get credit card information at (870) 541-1240 or (800) 272-2102, Voice Response Transfers are limited to primary ownership account(s), make deposits to checking or savings account(s) with an ATM or debit card, get cash withdrawals from checking or savings account(s) with an ATM or debit card, you may withdraw no more than $500.00 per calendar day, transfer funds from savings to checking account(s) with an ATM or debit card, transfer funds from checking to savings account(s) with an ATM or debit card, the balance of your checking or savings account(s), obtain cash advances from your credit cards, you may not exceed $10,000.00 in transactions per calendar day, if available, make payments from checking or savings to loan account(s) with us, the balance of checking or savings account(s). Notice of withdrawal -We reserve the right to require not less than 7 days notice in writing before each withdrawal from an interest-bearing account other than a time deposit or demand deposit, or from any other savings account as defined by Regulation D. (The law requires us to reserve this right, but it is not our general policy to use it.) We may refuse to accept the designation of an agent. Subject to federal and state law, we may monitor or record telephone calls for security reasons, to maintain a record and to ensure that you receive courteous and efficient service. If we do not receive such payment, we are entitled to a refund from you in the amount credited to your account and the party originating such payment will not be considered to have paid the amount so credited. We need only make one determination, but if we choose to make a subsequent determination, the available balance at the subsequent time will determine whether there are insufficient funds. You deposit checks totaling more than $5,525 on any one day. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. You further agree that, if we did not use ordinary care, the time that you have to examine your statements and report to us pursuant to this section will be extended to 60 days. Written notice we give you is effective when it is deposited in the United States Mail with proper postage and addressed to your mailing address we have on file, or, if you have consented to receive notices from us electronically, when it is first made available to you electronically. These indorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. Within the debit and credit categories, we further generally subcategorize and post transactions by category/subcategory. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all indorsement information within 11/2 of that edge. If you are unable to pay this fee, we will pay it directly upon receiving a written request at the Notice Address.) You have no right to defer payment of this liability, and you are liable regardless of whether you signed the item or benefited from the fee, charge, or overdraft. If there is a cross-appeal, the costs shall be borne equally by both sides, subject to reallocation by the panel in its final award as justice or otherwise applicable law requires. For other changes, we will give you reasonable notice in writing or by any other method permitted by law. Mobile deposit is available to Simmons Bank online and mobile banking customers who are at least 18 years of age and have the most recent Simmons Bank App for iPhone or Android. The annual percentage yield assumes interest remains on deposit until maturity and that a withdrawal will reduce earnings. You may opt in the same way(s) that you can opt out. We will give only provisional credit until collection is final for any items, other than cash, we accept for deposit (including items drawn on us). An IRA account is considered abandoned after a year-end Fair Market Value statement is returned undeliverable or upon failure of the owner to execute the election of payment document by December 31 of the year that he/she becomes age 72. Each of you (until we receive written notice to the contrary) authorizes each other person who signs or has authority to make withdrawals to indorse any item payable to you or your order for deposit to this account or any other transaction with us. Nor are we responsible for ensuring your eligibility for making contributions or ensuring withdrawals are used for payment or reimbursement of qualified medical expenses. We must receive it in time to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it. We may rely on the number even if it identifies a financial institution, person or account other than the one named. Except where limited by applicable law, any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys fees and our internal expenses), except for an action you commence against us, may be charged against your account. If circumstances beyond our control (such as fire or flood) prevent the transfer, despite reasonable precautions that we have taken. The report card benefit will be paid at the close of the calendar school year and proof of grades should be submitted within 30 days of end-of-year (May/June) report card. A transaction may affect the available balance of your account prior to the time it is posted to your account. We may supply any missing indorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all indorsements are genuine. Visa Account Updater Notice of Right to Opt Out. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Your consent does not authorize us to contact you for telemarketing purposes (unless you otherwise agreed elsewhere). Beneficiaries cannot withdraw unless: (1) all persons creating the account die, and (2) the beneficiary is living when the last person who created the account dies. Limitations on the number of telephonic transfers from a savings account, if any, are described elsewhere. You cannot directly access the nontransaction subaccount, but you agree that we may automatically, and without a specific request from you, initiate individual transfers of funds between subaccounts from time to time at no cost to you. If the notice is regarding a check or other item, you must give us sufficient information to be able to identify the check or item, including the precise check or item number, amount, date and payee. (2) Claims Not Subject to Arbitration:You and we agree that the following disputes or claims cannot be arbitrated: These exclusions from arbitration are intended to be interpreted narrowly. You consent in advance to any such recording. The amount you can withdraw from an ATM depends on the financial institution you bank with. If your account has an original maturity of one year or more: The fee imposed will equal 360 days interest on the amount withdrawn. If we need more time, however, we may take up to 45 days to investigate your complaint or question. We are not responsible for transactions by mail or outside depository until we actually record them. This site is directed at, and intended to be used by, persons in the United States of America only. Actual credit for deposits of, or payable in, foreign currency will be at the exchange rate in effect on final collection in U.S. dollars. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Please remember that even after we have made funds available to you, and you have withdrawn the funds, you are still responsible for checks you deposit that are returned to us unpaid and for any other problems involving your deposit. You may safely keep up to $250,000 in an individual account or $500,000 in a joint bank account. (9) Right to Reject Arbitration Provision:If you do not wish to arbitrate, you have 30 days to reject this arbitration provision by sending a rejection notice to the Notice Address above by certified mail (Rejection Notice). Accrual of interest on noncash deposits -Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit noncash items (for example, checks). WebSimmons Bank ATMs. We may require that all account holders or authorized signers sign any instruction, check, item, or other withdrawal order even though the signature card for your account allows for one signature. Each renewal term will be the same as the original term, beginning on the maturity date. If you sign the signature card, otherwise indicate your acceptance of these terms, or open or continue to use the account, you agree to these rules. You must make any stop-payment order in the manner required by law and we must receive it in time to give us a reasonable opportunity to act on it before our stop-payment cutoff time. Go digital with our top-rated mobile app. This account is available to Individuals. For more information about the terms applicable to the availability of Mobile Deposits, refer to the Simmons Bank Terms of Service for Online Banking. Truth-In-Savings Disclosure Affordable Advantage Checking Account Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $25.00 to open this account. If your account has an original maturity of less than one year: The fee imposed will equal 180 days interest on the amount withdrawn. These rules provide, among other things, that payments made to you, or originated by you, are provisional until final settlement is made through a Federal Reserve Bank or payment is otherwise made as provided in Article 4A-403(a) of the Uniform Commercial Code. We can refuse to accept substitute checks that have not previously been warranted by a bank or other financial institution in conformance with the Check 21 Act. Available balance -The term available balance means the amount of money in your account that you can use, withdraw, or transfer. We may require the governing body of the entity opening the account to give us a separate authorization telling us who is authorized to act on its behalf. (1) Claims Subject to Arbitration:Except as specified in paragraph (2) below,any dispute or claimbetween you and us must be arbitrated if either party elects arbitration of that dispute or claim. Beginning with the statement cycle in which your account is opened and for each statement cycle thereafter, your Coin Savings account may be eligible to earn either Relationship Premium A, Relationship Premium B, or neither. Pay-On-Death Account You may create a Pay-On-Death account by designating one or more Pay-On-Death beneficiaries. Minimum balance to open the account -You must deposit $10.00 to open this account. Rewards pay on the 26th (or next business day) of each month. The interest rate will be the same we offer on new time deposits on the maturity date which have the same term, minimum balance (if any) and other features as the original time deposit. (Generally, a record is information that is stored in such a way that it can be retrieved and can be heard or read and understood). With the above understandings, you authorize us to contact you regarding your account throughout its existence using any telephone numbers or email addresses that you have previously provided to us or that you may subsequently provide to us. Webass anal stretching. In addition, we may place limitations on the account until your identity is verified. If you stop payment on an item and we incur any damages or expenses because of the stop payment, you agree to indemnify us for those damages or expenses, including attorneys fees. Additional Information -- More information about overdraft services and fees for overdrafts and returned items can be found in our Overdraft Privilege Disclosure, the disclosure titled What you Need to Know about Overdrafts and Overdraft Fees, and our Schedule of Fees and Charges. Any disputes as to recovery of the $500 minimum recovery shall be resolved by the arbitrator, and must be raised within 14 days of the arbitrators ruling on the merits. You shall upload the Electronic Deposit to us on or before the 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time daily Electronic Deposit cutoff - time established by Umpqua Bank. Minimum balance to open the account -You must deposit between $300.00 to $5,000.00 to open this account. The person(s) creating this account type reserves the right to: (1) change beneficiaries, (2) change account types, and (3) withdraw all or part of the account funds at any time. You can withdraw interest only on the crediting dates. If we receive such a second or subsequent request for payment, we will treat the request as an independent item different from the item(s) previously presented. After 12 months of proper account management, the bank may, at the customers request, evaluate the account for another account type. If you truncate an original check and create a substitute check, or other paper or electronic image of the original check, you warrant that no one will be asked to make payment on the original check, a substitute check or any other electronic or paper image, if the payment obligation relating to the original check has already been paid. Deposits and other categories of credits are generally posted before debits. For information on errors relating to a substitute check you received, refer to your disclosure entitled Substitute Checks and Your Rights. Rate information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. Please note, if a transaction shows as pending, it has not settled and posted. If you do not wish to agree to arbitration, please refer to the section entitled Dispute Resolution by Binding Arbitration for instructions on how to reject arbitration. (If the AAA is unavailable, another arbitration provider shall be selected by the parties or by the court.) Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $10,000.00 to open this account. We may allow account owners to designate an agent on their account using a power of attorney. If you have any difficulties, please email or call us at 1-866-246-2400. You may avoid the Paper Statement Fee by enrolling to receive eStatements instead of paper statements for this account. Tell us your name and account number (if any). These rules apply to this account depending on the form of ownership and beneficiary designation, if any, specified on the account records. Rules for stopping payment of other types of transfers of funds, such as consumer electronic fund transfers, may be established by law or our policy. A $3.00 Paper Statement Fee will be imposed every statement cycle in which you receive a paper statement. Create one here.Forgot User ID or Password? You agree to be bound by automated clearing house association rules, which are available from us on request or from Nachas website. You also warrant that any substitute check you create conforms to the legal requirements and generally accepted specifications for substitute checks. as explained in the separate Privacy Disclosure. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. Except as indicated elsewhere, we do not charge for these electronic fund transfers. If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing within 10 business days. However, this time period shall not exceed 60 days. Please click here to change/reset your username or password. A Dormant Account Fee of $10.00 per month will be imposed if there is no customer-initiated activity on the account for more than 365 days. However, if you make a deposit after closing or on a day we are not open, we will consider that the deposit was made on the next business day we are open. In addition, if you receive or we make available either your items or images of your items, you must examine them for any unauthorized or missing indorsements or any other problems. We may close your account or take other action related to your account that we determine to be reasonable under the circumstances even if the action is not listed here. We will also tell you when the funds will be available. We generally post fees for overdrafts and returned items immediately after we post or return the debit item that caused, or would have caused, the overdraft. Please ensure that your email address is current. Not receiving your statement in a timely manner is a sign that there may be an issue with your account, such as possible fraud or identity theft. By rejecting that future change, you are agreeing that you will arbitrate any dispute or claim between you and us in accordance with the language of this provision, as amended by any changes that you did not timely reject. If you violate the stated transaction limitations (if any), in our discretion we may close your account or reclassify it as a transaction account. You authorize us to attempt to collect previously returned items without giving you notice, and in attempting to collect we may permit the payor bank to hold an item beyond the midnight deadline. In the event a special CD term is offered, the CD will renew at the term closest to the CD special term. Dormant Account Fees do not apply to accounts owned by Texas residents and only apply to accounts when the daily balance falls below $2,500.00 any day of the statement cycle. Informing us of your address or name change on a check reorder form is not sufficient. However, there are some exceptions. You should sign the back of your check and write "For mobile deposit at Simmons Bank only" below your signature. They can also file voluntarily file reports for suspicious deposits that are less than $10,000. Most often, ATM cash withdrawal limits range from $300 to $1,000 per day. Posting order is the order in which we post transactions to your account. Multiple signatures, electronic check conversion, and similar transactions -An electronic check conversion transaction is a transaction where a check or similar item is converted into an electronic fund transfer as defined in the Electronic Fund Transfers regulation. For new accounts, we may take up to 20 business days to credit your account for the amount you think is in error. In the event of a conflict, the terms of the HSA Agreement control. Also, it is your responsibility to ensure the contributions, distributions, and other actions related to your HSA, comply with the law, including federal tax law. The AAA Rules are available online at or by writing to the Notice Address. However, you can prevent your stop-payment order from expiring by renewing your stop-payment order before the end of the six-month period. We will not be liable for anything we do when following your instructions. Crediting frequency -Interest will be credited to your account every quarter. If your debt arises from a promissory note, then the amount of the due and payable debt will be the full amount we have demanded, as entitled under the terms of the note, and this amount may include any portion of the balance for which we have properly accelerated the due date. There is NO monthly service charge, balance requirements or maintenance fees associated with this account. In the event a special CD term is offered, the CD will renew at the term closest to the CD special term. If this account is owned by one or more of you as individuals, we may set off any funds in the account against (i) any due and payable debt owed to us by any account owner or (ii) any due and payable debt a partnership owes us now or in the future, to the extent of your liability as a partner for the partnership debt. See the section titled "Your Account" for additional account and rate information. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation. If we are presented with an item drawn against your account that would be a substitute check, as defined by law, but for an error or defect in the item introduced in the substitute check creation process, you agree that we may pay such item. Regardless of the manner in which the arbitration is conducted, the arbitrator shall issue a reasoned written decision sufficient to explain the essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based. A freeze or hold placed on your account may be for any period of time we believe reasonably necessary to allow a legal proceeding to determine the merits of the claim or until we receive evidence satisfactory to us that the dispute has been resolved. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day. 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Central Baptist Church Staff, Articles S