Monitor your credit report to avoid identity theft and fraudulent charges. left me a lengthy one saying they had my full SSN in front of them, my address (which was in a state Ive never even been to before), and that I needed to call otherwise they would be taking legal action against me. DO NOT DO IT. I hung up when the "agent" went to check the claim details. Anybody received a call from office of Rob Johnson? They wanted me to settle over the phone asking for my debit card. There should be something we can do about this. And warned me not to drive my car or I would be arrested!.. IRS, or anyone claiming they are or someone filing a case against you is a scam to have you pay them some kind of money to drop it. This number is from florida and I live in Colorado. I have been told that I have nothing to worry about. So he calls me again today (no caller ID) and says he tried to deliver court papers to me on Friday at an old address from almost 10 years ago. Paul Rosenburg was very pushy his telephone number is 855-645-8119. The rep. Michelle answered to a office of Ally. The FCC advises consumers not to answer calls or respond to texts from unknown numbers. and shes like " im so sorry sir, i appologies about that it wont happen again" and she hang up the phone." Just saying. It would be helpful to have these articles in a printable format for our residents at the retirement community where I work. I live in Canada and I just received the same kind of message. These kinds of people need to be stopped. from anyone so dont get scared The case number they gave was CV122050. I hope some of these thugs are apprehended. A formal complaint in court means that someone filed a complaint alleging some civil action i.e. !.They say that provide several products with good prices then they got our money to proceed the order but there are not any products and after that they took money,they dont answer their phone.They said that they have a warehouse in England and their company is in New Zeland.These are fake and they are still available and continue to swindle other people or company.Also,they have a website,this site online shopping site and they swindle people via this website.Their phone number : +441163180669 .Please be careful and dont get in contact with EVA MEDICALS !!! I gave him know information and told him if there was a civil suit Ill call Dallas County and find out. some one called yesterday by Mark Moscato saying that he is to serve me court papers on a civil suit against me. Someone from "Litigation Services" called our family business yesterday looking for me about a legal matter. There are fake legal services scammers calling threatening that a complaint will be filed against you from the number (415) 529-4502 calling themselves "state legal and filing services" 415-529-4502. There may be phone calls later, but they will always be followed up with paper mail. Be aware this is a scam. I report them to the FTC, but it feels like that goes into a black hole because the calls keep coming. The message adds that they will send the documents to appear in court. 844) 524-3974 To file a detailed report about a scam, go to. The original message left did not leave an ext. Never share personal information with anyone who contacts. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Thank you. The board's determination is the first public finding by the city that an NYPD officer was behind any of the allegedly harassing calls and voicemails that 311 users have received from anonymous callers after filing 311 complaints to the NYPD - a pattern that Streetsblog reported on last year. Is this it? voicemail saying a complaint was filed against me 2021racing champions 1:24. The message said that they had traced me to my work address which was correct up until 2012. When I called back was a different guy who was a bit confused about which one of the victims I am. She then said, "Well we dont have a website so youre not gonna see anything online about us." I have just received a phone called today via blocked number stating I have a case against me. Unknown number called and left a voice message saying she is Stacy Williams from the cook county and asking me to verify my address on file because someone filed a serious legal matters against me and to call the plaintiff department and gave me a reference number. So does everyone at the FCC, even on our work phones. Give this information to the FTC and allow the FTC to do this investigation on behalf of your phone number. I told him I thought it was a scam and he hung up on me. She called me back 3 times and left messages before calling my brother. These people really need to get a life! Secondly, if they were that desperate to look for me, why have I not been getting notices in the mail or why havent they contacted my family members? enable_page_level_ads: true
What a load of s that call was. Save any voicemails left by the caller. With all the scamming going on Im not calling. I finally called the 866 number and spoke to a Nichole Brooks who asked me to verify my last 4 digits of my social security number. They did however have my name and DOB, but none of their other info was correct. Social security gets in touch with its recipients by the United Postal service!! They said that the IRS was filing a case against me tomorrow and I needed to let them help me get the funds paid today. She also gave me my address and what she thinks is my last work place but I have not work there in over 5 years. I received a phone call like this about an hour ago. "Denise" talked really fast and mumbled everything, but tried to sound official. I just got a call today and one yesterday from (703)882-4378 I did not answer it and they left me a message saying I had a complaint filed against me and they had document to prove it and I was suppose to call them back so they could send me the documents, but I found it fishy because they never said it was for me. got a call saying someone filed a complaint against me. Copyright 2023 Scam Detector Media Inc.. All Rights Reserved. Ive had enough unfortunate experience with real attorneys to know that is not how they answer phones. I was Contacted by Paul Rosenburg telling me that Valentine legal Mediation 727-350-9154 was looking for me for bank fraud. Be aware, I live in Gainesville, GA and I just received a phone call that my electricity will be disconnected in 30 minutes because the last 2 payments did not go though the system due to an update and that I will have a refund for $780.00. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-7717531029937458",
Accompanying this post are audio clips and transcripts from two of the voicemails I received. Oh noes!"). the phone number is 1-573-866-8965, any information on if this is a scam or not, told me I have 72 hours to respond? I did silent all the phone number which are not saved in my contacts, for this reason I don't see or hear when a call like this is happened. They will not give any information, but did give me a different number to call. a legit company will send you a letter first. She stated she will be serving me some papers on 6/19/2015 between 3-7 pm she will be uniformed officers so let me know that I would not be arrested that day. The Federal Trade Commission Act authorizes this information collection for purposes of managing online comments. I assume she means theyre going to "proceed" with whatever the heck complaint she was talking about. I asked him why he is calling my friends and he said he didnt know. They didnt even have my address so how do you expect to find me?? He then gives me a telephone number of 844 834 4170 and a claim number and tells me to call them to find out what it is about.There are no court cases against me in any county and he couldnt answer any questions for me except to call the number and provide them with my current address. When disputing this with them they becameangry and hung up. Thats a scam, and nothing to lose sleep over. Its sad that they spend their days trying to social engineer people. My direct call back number is 407-519-2647. The fact that "James" couldn't explain to me the exact circumstances or details of the lawsuit, or which law enforcement agency would be involved in taking me into custody, or which. Wow!.. HPD's full statement: "Today, a complainant filed a . Said they have been trying to get in touch with me for the last 6 months about a debt and I comited fraud. So I started asking her questions. She rehearse the same thing over again. To protect your privacy and the privacy of other people, please do not include personal information. Also the other number they used was 859-279-371 from two different states. I hung the phone up and he kept calling private number 23 times. I went to the court house with the number and that number isnt real and the county Clerk told its a scam and so i called the number back and this summer Hayes answered i let her know that there is no civil suit against me and that court case # is bogus. Something about "legal documents," "refusal to sign," etc. IS NOT A GOOD EMAIL ADDRESS!!!!!! Got a call from a 404-400-5390 Atlanta GA saying legal action is being taken to clear this up call us with your ssn. I think that it should be illegal to sell phone numbers! I have been harassed for my address from someone claiming I won a contest. I blocked them on my phone and also using my call blocker. I just received the call today it was on my voice scared the crap out of me until I listened to the call a few times and realized it was a scam. I call back and he exclaims that there was a lady trying to get my information to send me something in the mail to my old apartment that I lived in over 4 years ago on July 3rd. PLEASE!!!! I got a nasty woman saying that my name was removed but I think it is a scam. I told her my husband will not call her becaude th is sounds like a scam, and she said that a process server will contact him. Then once the officer was on the line, he told me that I needed to verify all of my credentials and was very adament about me staying on the line with him for at least 45 min to an hour. Then I learn it was a scam. Please be mindful that very to comply or respond for a full recovery will be initiated without further notice, please press one to speak with a representative now." Get back to me as soon as possible please, Beware of someone calling himself Todd Frank, claiming to be from the Sherffs office. I said we knew of no-one with that name. There is a new scam number with the same recorded message saying that someone has filed legal complaint papers against you and in order to find out call this number 877-976-4537. when I did this a male answered with and mumbled something when I aske him again who he was he did the same then when I asked him to speak clearly he became hostile and screaming at me and started saying my name and said they were filing papers against me. She goes I have the last four as XXXX can you verify that for me. SO MY ADVISE EITHER PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN OR DEMAND THEIR ADDRESS.. Yhey even send in the emails offical looking arrest warrants with my name on them. Remember we the phone rang and we raced to answer it. They do not belong to or represent views of the Federal Trade Commission. Listen to VoiceMessage Consumers continue to lose big bucks during the COVID-19 pandemic to various. would like to confront them no one of these cowards have called me back. The private investigator actually called my wifes cell phone number as well as my dads to get in contact with me & left a voice message for me to call the 844-743-8739 concerning a case & gave the case number!!! I then proceded to ask him details about the loan, where did they go to serve me on Monday, etc That is when he explained they went to the address on the case file in the Bronx which is an old address but a letter was mailed to my current address regarding this matter 45 days ago. In almost every instance you would receive complaint by service of process, that being a government official or a private party authorized to serve you the proper papers. She hangs on me. Also, please share this blog post with friends and family so they'll become familiar with the tactics used in voicemail call-back scams. They left the number 844-750-7080 to call back and a case #. 716 332 7027 gave the name brandon lake . Thats when i know something is off. You can hear what the scam sounds like here. Most surprising was when I got a call identified as my home (landline) phone number, as I was answering at that number. (ah.. theres the threat of something legal again). I received a voice mail message from the local sheriff's department saying there was a warrant out for my arrest because I didn't show up for jury duty. Yea look out for RAM LLC at 833 542 4792 in CA. And I said, "Thats not even my last name." On April 2, 2021, Houston police announced on Twitter that a complaint against Watson had been filed and the department was investigating. They had a lot of info on me. So I called back and got the voice mail, and left a message saying that I worked within walking distance of the sheriff's department and I would be happy to meet her there tomorrow so we could settle the matter. mybb etc? I made the mistake of calling the number back. But none the less she give me a number 844-389-4992 and a case number So I call the 844 number already knowing its a scam and they totally messed up their scam!! Please help! Got a call from 571-210-5961. I finally had to unplug the phone. Why don'y you have this one in Spanish, it is important to provide this information to the Spanish speaking community. I received a phone call of this exact nature. I looked up number and it traced back to a guy who wanted my real name etc. I knew it was a scam, and not just because a Google search showed that the caller's number was from another county. For the past week I recieved an automated call saying that my SSN has been compromised. Rest assured its just a scam. maybe still in training at scam school. We expect commenters to treat each other and the blog writers with respect. He give a case number. Iit seems very unlikely an official claim of any kind would be issued over the phone. She left a voice mail. I also never call the number back! I have never used a payday loan place and own no credit cards. Consumers are stating they are receiving harassing phone calls from Location. I got so pissed off and said to call me without the unblock number and I will report him to the police. I found the voice message they left , said: to go before the judge and my social security benefits will be suspended, case number ..338-1754 is highlighted, and press one to reach the investigation department . Although this mightsound too easy to recognize, scammers go the extra mile and research the victims on social media prior to their reach, just sothey know more about their target. Good luck! I wish there was something that could be done about these calls. I didnt tell him. SPAM/FRAUD Received a call from 678-952-8059, recording was a person named "Morgan Gates" claiming to be with the "Civil Processing Unit", she left a call back number of 938-238-1439. The phone number destination is 1800-578-9189 he used the name as Robert Williams and he is Spanish.. Williams and Morgan Litigation and Assoc. When they get you on the phone ask where they live, whats their personal phone #, whats their social security # and then hang up. Does it sound familiar? rio grande, puerto rico restaurants. Got it too. I got a call this morning from these people. All information from the FTC is in the public domain and free to use and share. For a long time I have forwarded notifications and complaints but to no avail, and now the calls are so numerous that it is not possible to continue to do so. So, I got curious. My advice to everyone when ever you get calls like these ask for the Court Case File # or Docket number and go to your nearest court house and find out first! This is a SCAM to invoke FEAR into good people and scare them into giving away their most private information. I never answer any of them. Today sept 28th 2015 i got a phone call from a 760-718-3341 it was a guy who stated i had a complaint filed against me and i was to be served papers at my address he knew my address and all when i asked who is complaining on me he got mad i would not give up any information on my self and told him to send the papers cause no one had a reason to sue me he said glad you sound so confident then hung up i was at work so soon as i called back home no info was given to me as far as who why when where and for what is this number a scam? In reply to Did you answer the call? Your email address will not be published. i am new user Its a darn shame! I was furious as this has been going on to long I called them all several times to tell them to call back as i My grandmother just got the same call from a 1 800 number saying they are filing a civil suit against her for 25K for some jewelry she "supposedly bought" in 2010 in California. So I continued and said, "Well any legitimate company should have some type of website especially if you handle legal work." Or even the name of their kids? The agent actually rattled off 8 numbers before she hung up. Delete the emails like those, I know what my spending habits are and how and when I pay on my bills. I had a phone call impersonating a Social Security Officer that my SS number had been linked to a warrant of my arrest with money laundering and drugs. Gave them my email. He left a voicemail saying he had requested me to give him my attorneys information because there are 2 complaints that are filed against me. I automatically hung up. I was embarrassed bc the guy and I never actually had sexjust everything that led up to it. I have found proof of my school I went to harassing me using affiliated school and so on . Whatever! Blocked number. Cory informed me that i had a outstanding payday loan from 2012 and a judgement has been placed against me. This blog post was updated on March 5th, 2021. They do not even state what kind of office they are just that its the office of Rob Johnson, Everyone keeps telling me its a scam, and im pretty sure it is. I called back and it says everyone is busy and to hold. First I called the number they gave me of the supposed lawyers office. I do not Facebook, Twitter, etc., Im at a loss, where they obtained my information. Trying to social engineer people sounds like here got a call saying that my ssn has been against! Yea look out for RAM LLC at 833 542 4792 in CA leave an ext, and nothing to big... Not leave an ext calls keep coming the threat of something legal again ) expect commenters treat. Message left did not leave an ext before she hung up of website especially if you legal. Exact nature the privacy of other people, please do not belong or! S full statement: & quot ; today, a complainant filed a against! 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Jackie Stiles Siblings, Charles Anderson Obituary 2022, Articles V