The calculation of the last year of the Trojan War is affirmed in the ancient witnesses utilized by the Church Fathers: as being about 1031 1034 B.C. How did 4M Israelis absorbed 1M Russians? Was it a miracle? The temple was first built by Aya in the 14th-century B.C.E., but Horemheb usurped and expanded the temple when he became pharaoh. Dig into the illuminating world of the Bible with a BAS All-Access membership. Evidence for the Exodus needs to include all potential dates. The facts are the positions of stars in the sky seeing by eyes or telescopes; an interpretation of it by Ptolomey or Copernicus is not a fact (physical). Once such a year is fixed firmly, such as the Bible does do for us, we can then springboard with greater accuracy as to what the testimony of the past really is. Their Chancellor, Bay, one of the three leaders of Egypt at the time with Ramesses Siptah and Twosret, had likely died. The Exodus happened in one way or another, and our lawsand our entire purpose for beingare based on it. Therefore c970 480=c1450B.C. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Using a separate Jewish calendar, These debates need to have a few more guidelines beside simply true or false. Jerichos last wall was circa 1540 BC and fell to Egyptian forces pursuing the Hyksos from Egypt under Ahmoses I, founder of the 18th dynasty. The Daughter of Pharaoh Is Bithiah. So vague to be of nothing of significance. Dated to c. 1219 B.C.E., the Merneptah Stele is the earliest extrabiblical record of a people group called Israel. Looking for evidence of these events in the 1200s B.C. The river was not less kind with the baby than his mother, though it moored the sarcophagus at the very shores where the Pharaohs palace stood. WE DO have MANY communications found sent back & forth between Canaanite chiefs & Kings of Egypt. If this is true, then the oppressive pharaoh noted in Exodus (1:2-2:23) was Seti I (reigned 1318-04), and the pharaoh during the Exodus was Ramses II (c. 1304-c. Nonetheless, there were more pious people among the Israeli who tried to make the rest of the folk believe that if they would only submit to Allahs Order and enter the Sacred Land, they would be victorious. Meanwhile, neither the Pharaoh nor any one of his soldiers dared to pass through the road between the two water-mountains until the entire hordes of the Israeli people were on the other shore. In Judges 11:26, Jephthaa speaks of 300 years having passed from the entry of the Hebrews into Israel, to his time. Therefore, for Solomon to dedicate the Temple in the fourth year of his reign (2 Kings 6:1), and for it to be 480 years after coming into the land from the Exodus: the Exodus entry into Canaan must date to ca. The cities of Pi Ramses and Pi Atum. It really doesnt bother me or diminish my faith either way. Therefore, prior to the Olympics, the Greeks must have used this as an event year from which to reckon from for about 216 years actual, or about 256 years on their calendars. Allah ordered Moses to cast off his stick, and when Moses did, the stick turned into a snake, which terrified Moses and stirred him to take to his heel and never to turn around. But Allah calmed him down, and gave him another Sign of His: Push your hand into your pocket; when you get it out, it shall appear of pure white color; these are two proofs to the Pharaoh and his people, who are a dissipated folk. or 13th-century B.C.E. Many historians, scholars and students of scripture will promptly answer no. When Moses came to Our appointment and his Lord Allah spoke to him, Moses asked his Lord saying my Lord, allow me to see You, but Allah said you cannot see me; but look at the mountain if it will remain in its stability, then you will be able to see me. Archaeological discoveries have verified that parts of the biblical Exodus are historically accurate, but archaeology cant tell us everything. In 1422 B.C., Amenophis ruled Egypt, until 1391 B.C. The name of Moses is the most frequently occurring one in Quran twenty-five times more than the name of Mohammed himself . Using 304 days, with no days considered in between? What is that thing in your right hand, Moses? Allah asked. In ancient Egypt, they were also careful to write down important information; it is strange that nothing is mentioned about the Jews in all texts that remain from the time of exudus. Unauthorized use is prohibited. It is but Your trial, by which You mislead whom You will, and You guide whom You will. We are caught up, said the followers of Moses to him as they saw the vanguard of the pursuers, but Moses, who had had an abiding faith in Allah, did not turn a hair: Nay, my Lord will guide me. At this very moment Allah ordered Moses to strike with his stick at the sea, which was miraculously parted into two parts: each part was like a momentous mountain. Between the two parts of the divided sea was a dry road through which Moses and the Children of Israel removed safely to the other side. One example of using the Patristic reckoning of Greek history is found in the dating of Homer, the author of many Greek myths and false deities. A warm spring, situated in its vicinity, is also still called the Bath of Pharaoh (Hammam Fir'awn) after Pharaoh. In reality, the early Olympiads, which contained 4 years of 10 months each, first started when Ahaz reigned in his first year in Jerusalem, in 741 B.C. Yam Suf is not Red Sea or Reed Sea. But of course! By being able to balance proper Biblical Chronology early on, we can more properly reckon the older dates of both Greek and Hebrew Histories as presented in Patristics. The Early Life of Moses The Bible does not say a lot about the early life of Moses, but we do know this much: The Bible says that Moses became the son of Pharaoh's daughter (Exodus 2:10) and so when he was about 12 years old he would have lived as a prince.The Bible also says, "And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds." Doesnt matter, theres still no evidence of 2 million people wandering the dessertzero! Allahs Command was given to Moses to start out from Egypt on a certain night, and under his leadership the Children of Israel traveled eastwards, aiming for Sinai. It appears that a few years elapsed before the actual major construction began. On Scientific Semantics of A.Tarski (Warsaw Lwow School of Logic) from 1935 will help in theology also! Since Egyptians were paid to work on building sites during Nile river flood, it is unlikely unpaid slaves would have been employed or even needed. In the reign of Amenophis, there were ambassadors sent out to those shepherds driven out of the land (of Egypt) by Tethmosis, to the city of Jerusalem, whereby he informed them of his own affairs (Josephus, Against Apion. But in his Antiquities of the Jews, 8.3.1. When they went to the appointed place, they were seized by a tremendous tremor, and Moses beseeched Allah: My Lord, if You had wanted to destroy them and me formerly, You would have done that. Yenoam is made into nonexistence; Israel is wasted, its seed is not. Ashkelon, Gezer and Yenoam are followed by an Egyptian hieroglyph that designates a town. Kathleen Kenyon, in turn, dated the fall of Jericho between 1350-1325 BCE, which is consistent with the date of 1346 BCE for the fall of Jericho. However, in 332 BC Alexander the Great of Macedonia did overthrow the Throne of kings, the Persian empire, and he released its gold an silver as Greek coins, bearing his image as the head of Hercules wearing a lion-skin head-dress and a seated Zeus on the reverse. More, December 8 is the FEast of Immaculate Conception.People have a short memory. Occams razor, the motivation for cmposing these stories is all too clear. At the same time, we encounter the aspect of retrojection, by which present interests and concerns are projected into the past, to become exemplary paradigms which enshrine a set of values, hopes and ways of life. Josephus uses the reckoning of the familiar Greek calendar (of his Roman audiences) to state that Solomon built the Temple 592 years after the Hebrew Exodus, before switching gears and reverting to the Jewish calendar of reckoning again. I have heard (but not done the counting myself) that the Bible makes about 2,000 mentions of the Exodus. But Moses never turned a hair, and, keeping a phlegmatic mood, he continued: Here is the story of Moses and his nation as it is told in the Koran, as much I could sum up. It is significant that this house was built in Egypt at the same time that Israelites were constructing four-room houses in Canaan. This suggests for me, they are not interested in a search for the truth if that truth does not support their views. When Moses completed the appointed time of his Lord, he said to his brother Aaron be my successor in command of my folk; conciliate between them, and do not follow the way of the corrupters, and then departed for the promised appointment. Ok then find a single piece of evidence that shows a 2 million strong population making its way around the Sinaiits been thousands of years, still waiting. Therefore, by reckoning Greek history from fixed dates, we find that Homer died in his 71st or 72nd year of life. As noted, it is not IF the Exodus happened but WHEN! [Unknown 8 year tributary period at any time in this 15 year period], Judges 3:8 the children of Israel served Cushan-rishathaim 8 years., Clement: Then the Hebrews having sinned, were delivered to Chusachar [ Chushan-rishathaim] king of Mesopotamia for 8 years., Judges 3:12 and the L-RD strengthened Eglon the king of Moab against Israel., Clement: And were delivered into the hands of glom [ Eglon] king of the Moabites for 18 years., Josephus AoJ 5.4.1.: Eglon, king of the Moabitesreduced [the Israelites] to poverty for 18 years., Judges 3:30 So Moab was subdued and the land had rest 80 years., Clement: But on their repentance, Aod, [ Ehud.] But The Washington Post reported that Schlapp is also braving external and internal strife, "including the exodus of more than half of its staff since 2021, according to the current and former . Likewise Ex. Judges 4:3 [Jabin for ] 20 years mightily oppressed the children of Israel. His son Thutmose was the first born and he mysteriously disappears from the Egyptian records and is said by scholars to have predeceased his father. Moses prophesied to Pharaoh that the next plague would be the death of all the firstborn of Egypt. 1005 B.C. The descent of Heraclidae 957 B.C. January-February of 1063 B.C. . (Julius Africanus, Fragment 15). At last, when the interview was held, in the presence of the Pharaohs viziers, Moses imparted to the monarch the purpose of that meeting: The testimony of the Galilean Israelite, Josephus, is that he agrees with the Greek reckoning that puts King David, in Jerusalem and building it, in circa 1060 to 1063 B.C.! "Pharaoh turned and went into his house, and he did not take even this to heart. Pharaoh of the Exodus: Rameses III. 9 things to know about Holi, Indias most colorful festival, Anyone can discover a fossil on this beach. Didnt make an imprint? The attack on the biblical record because of a lack of solid evidence for the Exodus and conquest in the 1200s is unwarranted. A third piece of evidence for the Exodus is the Onomasticon Amenope. Finally, the very first reference to Israel appears on the Victory Stela of Pharaoh Merneptah, one of Ramses sons. Although archaeology can illuminate aspects of the past and bring parts of history to life, it has its limits. Photo: Israel Finkelstein/Tel Aviv University. In answer to the charge, Al-Samerie said that he could get a handful of the dust that bore traces of Gabriels horse, on his coming to execute Allahs Order of drowning the Pharaoh and the Egyptian army, and that by casting this dust into the furnace he could achieve the miracle of a mooing golden calf: In such way had myself abetted me. Does the Merneptah Stele Contain the First Mention of Israel? (He ruled from the late 14th century through the early 13th century B.C.E.) Rob, that was debunked as fake news ages ago. There was NO confrontation with Pharaoh ( He was already dead),.There was no death of the first born of Egypt. Pharaoh and His Army. Volunteer magicians came from all over Egypt to the Pharaoh, who accommodated them in his royal palaces and promised to bestow special favors upon them if they won the day. Verse 22 of that same chapter makes a previous statement once again: "Pharaoh's heart became hard.". Defending the Bible Intl. Facts are archeological evidences plus what can be derived off from the interpretation called Bible stories; Bible itslef is not the textbook of a history! Pharaoh was a magician, and even better at it than his court magicians. 480 divided by 13 is about 37 years per high priests tenure. Post-539 B.C., we are to calculate against a 12-month calendar. ), later called Pi-Ramesses. Moses knew the route well having only recently returned to Goshen from Midian.. Thus those who take this view are not really taking the text seriously. Therefore, if there was an exodus the Israelites did not have a reliable date for it. 2 million people didnt drop a thing? A more compelling case might be based upon landmarks and events and people which can be verified. . But maybe someday. is the point of the greatest trouble in calculating actual years in Greek reckonings. 'daughter of Pharaoh') in the story of the finding of Moses in the biblical Book of Exodus is an important, albeit minor, figure in Abrahamic religions.Though some variations of her story exist, the general consensus among Jews, Christians, and Muslims is that she is the adoptive mother of the prophet Moses. In reality, it was probably vaguer and less impressive. But the vast majority of the Children of Israel lingered: Moses, we will never enter it; so go you and your Lord together to fight them we are seated here, they ignominiously retorted. And using Josephus with a new understanding that he applies this same 10 month calendar prior to Cyrus I, and knowing how to properly date the Bible by taking its annual reckonings literally, we will see the Bible reckon the actual Exodus date as 1551 B.C., vetted by Josephus and by the Greeks as cited by Early Christian Church writers. Theyd changed. True or false is difficult enough with many of the specifics regarding this matter. This was followed, again, by a 480-year gap between the entry into the Promised Land by Joshua, and the Temple of Solomons dedication. But Clement also cites the Greek historian Eratosthenes, who appears to phrase an oversight to historians. Different historians have assigned it to the period of the (a) Hyksos (b) Amarna Age (c) Ramses and Merneptah (d) 20th Egyptian Dynasty. Then where are the missing Jews? was their leader for 80 years., Josephus AoJ 5.4.3: Ehuddied after he had held the government 80 years.. But the plagues lasted for a long period, becoming unbearable, and so they asked Moses: Pray to your Lord God on our behalf to turn away from us His afflictions; if you do, we shall believe in Allah, and shall send the Children of Israel with you. Nevertheless, when We turned the plagues away from them, they abjured their allegiance to Us. The inevitable sequence of the Pharaohs wrong deeds was nearing, and the Children of Israel, acting on Moses commands, had long prepared for the Exodus and were waiting for Allahs Order. His birth, according to Philochorus, was 180 years after the Trojan War (Clement, Miscellanies, 1.21). However, current archeological estimates put his death around 1550-BCE, which is several years prior to what we have concluded to be the earliest possible Exodus date (at least 200 years earlier than 'popular' estimates). His second son was Akhenaten who abandoned the Egyptian gods and started his own religion worshiping Aten the sun god. It is well known that large numbers of people left Egypt upon their defeat. Generally, persons and places in Bible refer to historical data since the 8th cent.B.C. All rights reserved. And it is not a favor that you have enslaved the Children of Israel. The Hyksos were able to enter Egypt easily shortly after the Exodus because of the devastation that the 10 plagues caused and the Ipuwer Manuscript describes this time. The Aish Rabbi Replies. Partying of the sea is a physical or historical fiction for sure but as a narrative tool has a poetic sense; surely, Decmber 8,1991-the date of a formal end of Soviet Union is a historicial fact! After their departure, Pharaoh hardened his heart and sent his army after the Israelites, who were encamped near the Red Sea. This means that the Exodus would have occurred at the beginning of his reign. After the ten plagues, the Israelites left Egypt and famously crossed the Yam Suph (translated Red Sea or Reed Sea), whose waters were miraculously parted for them. Evidncia do Exdo de Israel do Egito (Biblical Archaeology Society Staff, []. This begs the question of whether the life of Moses and the life of Amenhotep II line up . 2:23 and 4:18 state that the Pharaoh who oppressed Israel is dead, and there is a new pharaoh when Moses returns to Egypt, which means the Pharaoh of Ex. Is the pharaoh of the exodus the same as the exodus? And its almost eerie how the core of the story parallels or even prefigures other events in history involving similarly displaced, migrating or exiled peoples. And am appalled that these so-called seekers after the truth, engage in silencing any dissent to their views by shutting off all comments to their videos. The Calendars were set up, to count time; and, specifically, to recognize the days for the beginnings of the religious festivals, which all have their origin in the cycle of planting, growth, harvest, and dormancy. Its still lies, Im sorry you couldnt figure that out, but as you believe nonsense you seem easily lead and not a critical thinker. Josephus AoJ 5.5.3-4 Israel delivered to Deborah administration and commander Barak. Slavery and liberation from it maybe even not once but a few times is the real history in Ithink in 6or 5th century B.C. Its fiction. They were not slaves, but were vintners. If the documents are as old and verbatim as some proponents claim, then the original account, say, dictated by Moses himself, would reflect the original Egyptian titles and not the one derived. Watch the dvd Patterns of Evidence, Exodus . This is again a late addition supported by Helena mother of Constantine over 1500 years after the event. In this sense, the narrative was written and shaped to express interests and hopes of post-exilic Israel, and projected into an ancient past, to a time beyond the possibility of realistic recollection. When Moses did as he was ordered, the great sensation came: his wooden stick became a grand snake and swallowed all those tools of the magicians, who, recognizing that what Moses had done could only be from a True Gods power, prostrated on the ground, and announced: We have believed in the Lord of the Existence, the Lord of Moses and Aaron. Its obvious most of this was written centuries after it is supposed to have happened, Jewish scribes at the behest of a king post Babylon exile, to show they had divine claim to the land. The Exodus is a dead issue and has been a dead issue for over 30 years. [actual Jabin, king of Canaan] He boasts of defeating them. That is to say they are a Christian Fundamentalist Biased organization. The name Pi-Ramesse went out of use by the beginning of Egypts Third Intermediate Period, which began around 1085 B.C.E., and does not reappear until much later. The Clementine Stromata Book 1, Chapter 21 with Josephus Antiquities of the Jews (AoJ) and the Bible, presents us a clear outline. The truth then (as now) for any historical account lies somewhere in between these. Breathless with excitement, all who came there saw with their own eyes the Egyptian magicians casting onto the ground some sticks and ropes, and, as they all, including Moses and Aaron, were bewitched, the magicians tools appeared to them as if they were moving like snakes. Stopping for a while, he looked about and could see in the distance a burning fire. For what? In the Soviet Union mention of Jewish emigration in press or in public speeches was outlawed. This is what happened to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:30-37. But this Pharaoh could not have been the ruler at the time of the Exodus! Israel is followed by a hieroglyph that means a people. My conclusions? A third piece of evidence for the Exodus is the Onomasticon Amenope. Deut. Yet we are culturally, thru ritual , traditions and ideologies, still in 5778.. (or 2018) .. The Pharaoh that was leading Egypt in 1446 BC would have been Amenhotep II who reigned from 1453 - 1419 BC. What would happen if groups of Egyptianized Caananites had a sudden or even catastrophic migration of some kind or another back to an ancestral homeland? This is where Moses and his people found themselves while fleeing Egypt according to Exodus 15. Date of the Exodus is very difficult to fix with certainty. I read your article with interest and more particularly the parts devoted to chronology because as an assyriologist I am specialized in absolute chronology. So, do not make my enemies crow upon me I feared you accuse me for sowing division among the Children of Israel; and for not acting on your order. I believe that the proper interpretation may be that Othoniel co-ruled with Joshua (as his general and then as his chief administrator) for 40 years. The Lord miraculously allowed the children of Israel to pass through the Red Sea on dry ground to escape, while the . There was NO reconciliation EVER. He determined at once to kill the child, of whom he had become very suspicious, but the queen managed to make him reprieve the verdict by suggesting putting the boy to a test. "I am the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt. The point of the narrative is to bring out the significance of this birth in the history of Israel and to stress the value of trust in God even in adversity and apparent disappointment. In this planetary genocide only 8 humans and a wooden boatload of fauna survived. No archeological evidence of this Exodus exist in Soviet or Israels archeological sites. All of the lineage , rituals and traditions are based on this date. Therefore, this Pharaoh is not the one who died in the Red Sea during the Hebrew Exodus in the era of the Hebrew Judges of Israel, who judged IN ISRAEL. Is this a miracle? raditionally, the first Olympiad is thought to have occurred around 776 B.C. Distinct from slavery. There are Bibles with maps of the Exodus and none of them show a transition of the Red Sea. Youve been told you know, now move on. The Exodus wasnt during the reign of Ramses the Great. This is a loaded question. I agree with Richard, via hyperbole, and gross exaggeration, Gods mighty deeds are presented in such a way as to wow the listeners/readers of the text. 24 At morning watch, however, the LORD looked down on the army of the Egyptians from the pillar of fire and cloud, and He threw their . workers house uncovered in western Thebes. You shall observe all My laws and all My rules to do them: I am the Lord.". Thus you have two archaeological events that coordinate to when we must date the Exodus or at least include as a potential date for the Exodus rather than the popular dates for the Exodus, which lack critical evidence for the Exodus that dating the Exodus at the time of Akhenaten provides. In conclusion Amenhotep III is the Pharaoh of the Exodus, Thutmose III is the Pharaoh who was reigning when Moses was born c.1472 BC and his daughter took him in, possibly Beketamun. How maths (v.simple) will help: from Adam to the Restoration of Temple in 164B.C by Maccabi=4000 years/ One Great Year (for Greeks)= all the sum of lives (of persons)and periods (also in Egypt, 400years). The house is undoubtedly a four-room house. He is the Lord of you all and your fathers of old, went on Moses. The primitive manner in which the culture existed for millennia (polygamy,marketing of slaves and keeping multiple sex slaves etc) and their lack of understanding of even basic natural law clearly reveal the source for the mythology. The covenant between God and Abraham in Genesis 15:13 includes the prophecy: "And they [i.e., future oppressors] will enslave them [i.e., the Israelites] and torture them for four hundred years .". There is ample evidence for an Exodus in the 15th century BC. Did the ten plagues on Egypt occur by a wave of Moses magic wand? Now millions are leaving Middle East for Europe. These specific place names recorded in the Biblical text demonstrate that the memory of the Biblical authors for these traditions predates Egypts Third Intermediate Period. Pi-Rameses in Egypt has been excavated and it was founded by Rameses I and II in the 1200s. Even to this day the exact place where Pharaoh's dead body was found afloat on the surface of the sea is known. What is the matter? addressed Moses the two women. Shortly afterwards, while he was seated in the shadow of a tree near the water-well, one of the two girls came to him and told him that her father wanted him to come to their house to recompense him for his good deed. In Joshua 16:10, 21:21; and Judges 1:29; we find that Gezer was portioned as half-Jewish priests with their families and half-Canaanite. Haggai tells us when Zerubbabel will become the Signet Ring. New AI may pass the famed Turing test. These three place names appear together in Egyptian texts only from the Ramesside Period. Imagine the fear and agony of coming face to face with extermination. If you find yourself in a leadership position, don't let it get into your . Hear what he says, said the Pharaoh, turning to his viziers. Exodus during the Ramesside Period, when Egypts 19th Dynasty ruled. His arguments are reasonable arguments to the extent that they try to connect the dots for an event that would have occurred long ago. @ F taking the witness of the Koran for Biblical narratives is like taking Shrek for Grimms tales. A fictionor fact is a false dilemma. Set up by Pharaoh Merneptah to commemorate his military victories, the stele proclaims, Ashkelon is carried off, and Gezer is captured. Almost worn out, Moses stopped for a rest at the point of Midians water-well, where he found a group of shepherd men watering their cattle and two women keeping back their animals. And expanded the temple was first built by Aya in the 15th century BC reign of the... Suf is not Red Sea on dry ground to escape, while the persons and places in Bible refer historical. Difficult to fix with certainty to say they are a Christian Fundamentalist Biased organization help in theology also into ;... 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