Remember to thank and recognize your partner each day. This is the edited manuscript of Lesson 1 in the series, Ruth: A Story of Redemption, prepared by Robert L. Deffinbaugh on January 10, 2010. But when things are the most difficult, thats when we need faith and hope the most. She was bending over all day long to pick up grain. Subscribe today to receive our free Bible Study printables sent to your inbox. How a Man Should Treat a Woman According to God. She might have been married before but now she was practically starting her life over. That journey to Israel must have been frightening. Everyone loves in a different way and has a unique relationship that cannot be replicated or reproduced. Through love we learn how to deal with people and how we can become better people within our individual relationships and as an entire society. Examining the second chapter of Ruth. Your email address will not be published. One of the most important Naomi and Ruth relationship principles is to trust God. February 10, 2023. Ruth and Boaz had a child together and he also took care of Naomi. The Book of Ruth is a fantastic example that exemplifies the rollercoaster ride that love can take us on. As Naomi pointed out, Ruth was free to leave her mother-in-law after the death of her husband. Even though it may not make complete sense during the time its taking place, its important to recognize how God has and continues to change your life on a daily basis with His actions. Elimelech passes away, and about 10 years later, both of Naomis sons die, as well. She moved to a foreign land where she knew no one but her mother-in-law. Clearly, the exalted nation of Israel, God's chosen people, has lost its sense of direction. i. The book of Ruth begins by looking at the life of Naomi. She lost her husband and her two sons. When two people fall in love its a beautiful thing. I hear people say, Gods got Made with by India A place where world feel the words. Were there negative characteristics of Ruth in the Bible? Now that we have dealt with what it means to wait for your Boaz, there are some other relationship nuggets buried in the story. Just because one couple doesnt live like another doesnt mean that theyre any less or more in love than another couple. The 3 life lessons from Ruth and Boaz are: Have An Attractive Character. Now the way was clear for him to marry Ruth. The odds of being taken into marriage were low because she was a stranger among the Hebrews. When we are going through some of our toughest struggles, he often brings us to the mindbarthis is where he gives us strength. However, if we look forward and allow our compassion for one another fuel our outlook then we will see how love can flourish. This is an outstanding characteristic of Ruth in the Bible because this world has become so full of ungrateful people who are never satisfied and complain about everything. And yet it was that sharing and intimacy that was the foundation of the deep relationship these two women shared. If you intend to move from where you are in life, you have to put some skin in the game. Even though Ruth wasnt a Jew and was a Moabite, God didnt allow those titles to change His love for Ruth. Ruth lived out her name for sure. In Ruth we see the attitude and character of one in whom God is pleased. Boaz did say that Ruth chose not to marry a young man. But there is a question for you to ponder: Are you the kind of woman who Boaz would be drawn to? Lessons from the book of Ruth. God has a Redeemer for our lives, too, and His name is Jesus. While there are many things to learn from the story of Ruth, here are seven powerful lessons from this tiny book that stood out to me. He was a wealthy landowner and he earned his keep with his own sweat. Ruth is a traditionally feminine name with Hebrew roots and origins in the Bible which means "companion" or "friend." Ruth was "of the women of Moab" but was related to Israel . Rahab, the prostitute who escaped Jericho was Boazs mother. It means to refuse to rush or settle with someone who does not meet Gods approval. Ruth and Naomi were in a desperate situation. There will be days where you completely mess things up and there will be other days when you succeed in every aspect. Note that he addressed her as daughter. 4:17). Naomi became a mentor to her, teaching her the ways of the Hebrew people and walking with her through the process of securing Boaz as her kinsman (more on this later). A secret relationship is a red flag. The love of a man and the love of a woman should always be considered as an equally powerful element. Boaz did this without any apparent expectation of getting anything from Ruth. He is still working. Site by Gretchen Louise. She had married the son of an Israelite family while they were living in Moab, but at some point her father-in-law, her husband, and her husband's only brother died. What makes the story particularly interesting is that Ruth is . The funny thing is, she was just minding her own business not realizing that she was being watched. Application: God had a wonderful plan for Ruth. If we were to explore them all, this post would never end. And wasnt she quite the friend to her mother-in-law Naomi? God bless you. Ruth was a model of responsible living in an irresponsible age. Obviously, the author was familiar with Israels greatest king. Even Boaz makes mention of her character: It hath fully been shewed me, all that thou hast done unto thy mother in law since the death of thine husband: and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and the land of thy nativity, and art come unto a people which thou knewest not heretoforeBlessed be thou of the Lord, my daughter; for thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich. He died leaving his wife and sons among ungodly people. Naomi reminded Ruth that she was free to leave and go back to her family. 6 Relationship Lessons from the Book of Ruth There are many things married and single people can learn about in the Book of Ruth. : .. Later we see him ensuring that they have food to eat during their lunch break and he sits and eats with then. Your email address will not be published. Looking at the bigger picture of the Book of Ruth its evident now to see how the famine, Naomis relocation to Moab, the return to Bethlehem, Boazs blood line, and several other events had a hand in the overall plan for Ruths life. He died where there was plenty to feed his body but nothing to feed his soul. So he did the next best thing. Naomis husband had died but he died leaving two sons. Naomi's husband died, and her sons married Moabite women. Naomi organized a plan to let Boaz know that Ruth is open for marriage. They confess their undying devotion and love for each other and in a fairytale theyd live happily ever after. Dear Lord, The choice is always yours. And what a bountiful blessing she reaped! Because Ruth was a childless widow of a Hebrew male, she was entitled to remarriage from a member of Mahlons family. Although she was married before, Naomi seemed not to realize that Boaz had taken to her. When Boaz decided to act on Ruths interest in being married to him, he was not willing to break the law or conduct underhanded business. This was the first romantic move he made. And Ruth, without being asked by Naomi, saw the value and took advantage of the opportunity. Naomi, later on, lost her husband and she was left with her two sons. Go get married. For Ruth and Naomi, they needed sovereignty and in essence a fresh start. Ruth is just a widow one from an enemy nation, at that. Ruth allowed herself to be loved and led by Naomi. Look out for a man who brings freshness to your life. Disclosure: This site contains affiliate links which wont change your price. Just ensure that like Ruth, you are showing up in faith and doing your work with excellence. Ruth 1:1: " In the days when the judges ruled,there was a famine in the land". The book of Ruth is packed with so many lessons about, life, love and faithfulness. The characteristics of Ruth in the Bible makes for an exciting study! Ruth reminds us that no matter what lies in our past, and no matter how difficult our circumstances may be, a little bit of faith makes a huge difference. Ruth and Orpah made two different decisions. Required fields are marked *. Then she had to do the work to make it into barley flour. When Ruth and Naomi got back to Bethlehem, they had to fend for themselves as they were both widows. While the two women have several things in common, they are different in some respects. Naomi is the one who sets the tone for her relationship with daughter-in-law Ruth. Gentleman: if you want a relationship with a woman that glorifies God, read this. And the story its an important one. We know that the other kinsman did not want to marry Ruth because he didnt want to divide his inheritance even further among his existing children. Stressful. It is unlikely that it was written before the time of David (cp. The story of Ruth is set during the time of the judges. This was a sign of her level of gratitude. 4:17). Everyone makes mistakes and no one should judge the other for their past actions as a man or woman. This is an important truth for us today. But she did not. Ruth is the festal scroll for Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, 50 . And yet the life of a foreign widow who has nothing becomes so important that its included in the Bible and her name recognized in the lineage of Jesus. To become a star is the beginning of the end, I have to convince other Democrats and Republicans, What is the recipe for successful achievement, In commendably seeking to protect freedom. She chose to serve the God of Naomi, and she believed there was still life left for her to live. . Ruth made the best decision because she decided to hold the family together at all costs. Naomi and her husband decided to move away from Judah to Moab because of a terrible famine that was hurting their family. Ruth took advantage of what was available to her. They choose to stay together and forge a union. At that stage of his life some things were of little consequence to him. In the book of Job, Job declares, I know that my Redeemer [goel] lives. While Boaz was a kinsman redeemer, when Jesus comes to earth as a man, he becomes our kinsman redeemer in the flesh, and Hebrews 2:11 it says that he is not ashamed to call them brethren.. This was to appeal to Boazs nature. When the meeting was done, Boaz publicly declared and celebrated his relationship with Ruth. He was all too willing to do so. Beloved Lord God, It was Your intention that mankind live in fellowship with You eternally, but in Adam's fall from grace that bond of eternal fellowship was broken and for the first time man was in need of a Redeemer. The reality that Ruth experiences is relatable to couples in love today. Rahab was a prostitute whose faith saved her from the crashing walls of Jericho. It was a sacrifice for Ruth to refuse to return to her family. Naomi told the women, Go back home. Whether youre going through a break-up or divorce, there is a reason for all of the pain. Copyright Feel The Words 2023. She doesnt come from a famous family. Woven throughout, God's lovingkindness shines in each detail. It was an enemy nation, and Israelites tended to look down on the Moabites. When he tells them to allow more stalks to fall for Ruth to pick up, they do it. Owning a field was not easy then. Boaz invited Ruth to eat with his employees. Ruth abandoned his family and journey with Naomi back home . They see you when youre good and when youre bad. Today we consider the third option. She wasnt hired but he invited her to partake of those provisions. Ruth and Boaz had a child together and he also took care of Naomi. Relationships today are the exact same! The book of Ruth presents the inspiring journey of God's people from tragedy to triumph. Lesson 1: Sometimes, the right choice requires immense sacrifice. There are two texts in the book of Ruth which speak to the relationship of conjugal love to divine love. The book of Ruth is a beautiful piece of sacred literature, applauded by many for its literary excellence. Everything that she did showed her character, and because of that character, she was honored by God. 3: Ruth appeals to Boaz to be the kinsman-redeemer. We cannot say for sure how old either of them were but there was a notable age difference. But, that was only half the solution to the problem. Ruth, biblical character, a woman who after being widowed remains with her husband's mother. Ruth's story is celebrated during the Jewish festival of Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, 50 days after Passover. We all must understand the importance of being thankful and recognizing others that make a difference within our life especially within our relationships. Boaz was always ensuring Ruth had food. Boaz is presented as a "man of character" ( Ruth 2:1 ). Ruth worked from morning till night. Its a popular saying: Im waiting for my Boaz. so powerful and inspirational, may Almighty God bless those that put their head together to establish this work. God is always in the business of rewarding the faithful. In the moments where life feels like its crushing you, start with a little faith. Later tragically, Naomis husband and two sons died. Granted, she needed some help from Naomi to see it but Ruth eventually gave Boaz permission to claim her as his wife. Introduction. Ruth 1:3: "Now Elimelek, Naomi's husband, died, and she was left with her two sons. In the Book of Ruth, both Naomi and Ruth are continuously blown away by others who thank and recognize them for what they did rather than what they may have done incorrectly. People can be great pretenders. Don't miss the rest of our series on loving your in-laws! No matter what devastating situation comes into play, love will conquer all because it is ultimately what brings people together. Boaz took notice of Ruth. Naomi loved Ruth, but she was willing to let her go back to her family. God bless! The story of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz ( Ruth 1-4) is one of the most moving accounts in the Bible. Instead couples should have equal say on what happens within a relationship and each voice should hold the same value. When you least expect it God provides His children with the things they need in life. Even if you have to pay for it, itll be worth it. Lesson 5 - Willing to Take Advice from Elders. Look for a man who is attracted to your heart and character just as much as he is attracted to your body and beauty. Everyone makes mistakes and no one should judge the other for their past actions as a man or woman. Yet she showed incredible character. While Judges is about breaking covenant and leaving torah, Ruth is about keeping covenant . And after Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was cheerful, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain; and she came softly, uncovered his feet, and lay down. Id say yes but they were definitely not in her control. 1:6-22: Widowed Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth return to Bethlehem. He wanted to make sure she was ok. Look for a giving, unselfish man. Ruth kept some of the food to take home for Naomi. Because of the famine in Bethlehem he decided to move his family to Moab. Copyright by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley, When People Let You Down: Dealing with Disappointment. Ruth 3:10. It is true that dating can be quite a drama-filled journey. One of the major lessons we can deduce from the book of Ruth and Ruth's story is that choosing to serve God requires faith and determination even in uncertain times. Lesson 4 - Remaining Humble While Being Favored. Naomi already felt that God had dealt very bitterly with her, yet she continued to hope. Boaz recognized that Ruth was quite vulnerable. Boaz was a prophetic symbol and his redemptive work lives on even today. There was no king in Israel and leadership was dependent on the judges that God selected. But there is a lesson in the book of Ruth. He wanted to conduct things in such a way that it was above board and unquestionable. The story has three main characters: Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. Look out for a man who is willing to wait for you without pressure. Be Blessed. This book will fill you to the brim with hope, as you see an imperfect family be used mightily by God. She pictured responsible living - 1:9-10, 14. Make the stories of your life good stories so that even if you die, you will leave a legacy of faith and obedience to God. Lesson 4 - Fulfilling God's Plan. Blessing. It was later in the story that any signs of romantic love were expressed. They confess their undying devotion and love for each other and in a fairytale theyd live happily ever after. God doesnt not discriminate and wants His people to have the same viewpoints and understanding. The meeting with the other kinsman was held in the presence of Ruth, Naomi and elders in the community. Each person within the relationship must understand that everyone has imperfections and its imperative that they come to terms with this reality. (NLT). 1. While your confidence may be wavering, Gods promises are not. The story of Naomi in the Bible and lessons we can learn, The story of Rebekah in the Bible meaning, characteristics and lessons learned . Sermon by Mr. Ken Frank (dve882). Good, godly relationships should not produce more problems and stress than you bargained for. The title of kinsman had heavy responsibility. Both Ruth and Naomi, her mother-in-law, have returned to Israel from Moab widowed and forlorn. Ruth was a Moabite woman and was considered to be a foreigner in Judah, which was a huge deal in their culture at that time. There are three lessons that can be learned from Ruth and Naomi's relationship that are reflected in this verse. Just 10 years later her sons die, too. The story of Ruth and Naomi is one of the best-loved stories in the Bible. We will start with some of the spiritual lessons we can learn from Ruth in the Bible. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Kenneth Way September 26, 2016. He brought something to the table that marched Ruths hardworking and virtuous nature. He didnt judge her past and didnt penalize her instead he embraced her past by also providing for Naomi. Bathsheba (referred to as Uriahs wife in the genealogy of Jesus) only became Davids wife after David took her for himself and killed her husband. As much as is possible, try to get to know your significant other through the people he or she interacts with outside of your presence. Boaz was one such person but there was another who came before Boaz. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. While you may be going through pain in your current heartbreak, its important to realize that this is all for a reason. Ruth was no Hebrew but God used her to continue the family line through which Jesus would be born. Also, there was a considerable age difference between them. God had every intention of Ruth being part of the story for the lineage of Jesus. Be sure to check out The Story of Naomi in the Bible and lessons you can learn. Lesson no. All rights reserved. After moving to Moab with her husband and sons, she loses her husband and becomes a widow. On top of that, she was a widow, she was childless, and she lived with her mother-in-law. Love is a very interesting concept. The story of Naomi and Ruth are woven together closely that their stories are nearly inseparable. Through Naomi, Ruth learned about the God of Israel and chose to put her trust in him. relationship between God and his people and vice versa." Without the reality of erotic conjugal love, our knowledge of God's love would be so much the poorer. I. Thanks for sharing some of it. No matter what, they see it all and because they are there each day its easy to get lost in that safety net. . It's loaded with life lessons; it teaches you about the importance of being at the right place, being ready for change, hope, determination, wisdom, generousity, strategy, kindness, favour, being at your best, the list is endless. In fact, Ruth's sister-in-law, Orpah, chose to leave: In The Midst Of Bad Circumstances, The Lord Is In Control Of Your Life. Where in the Bible does it talk about Ruth and Boaz? When Boaz commented on Ruths character, he did so based on more than just his observation of her. In case you have been frustrated and despondent with finding your Boaz, know that God is interested in giving you the companionship you desire. Mrs. Mckinnel would stay at home, while her father was the type of person who saw well in everyone. 1. My favourite book in the Bible is the book of Ruth. So the Book of Ruth would roughly equate to the Book of Friendship in Hebrew. Like Abraham, Ruth left her life of false worship, a life surrounded by a predictable routine and people she knew. Naomi planned to return to Israel and encouraged Ruth to stay in Moab and return to her mother's family. The Book of Ruth provides many relationship lessons that perpetuate the meaning of true love. Its four chapters . Even though we are basically desolate because of our sinful actions, we will all be forgiven and have the opportunity to make our lives better. Once they realize that their significant other doesnt have bad intentions when they make mistakes, theyll discover that their relationship will truly prosper. Issues that require mental and emotional effort should probably happen when people are not tired and hungry. by I Gordon. The Hebrew word Boaz used to describe Ruth means some one of moral strength, sound integrity and courage. Join me on this journey as we study the depth of . Through love we learn how to deal with people and how we can become better people within our individual relationships and as an entire society. The story is told in the Book of Ruth, part of the biblical canon called Ketuvim, or Writings. The truth is that this other kinsman should have already come forward to claim Ruth and help to get settled. Ruth was a stranger in the land. True friendship is self-giving. No matter what devastating situation comes into play, love will conquer all because it is ultimately what brings people together. Go get married. A man of Boazs age was expected to have already Wed and started producing children. Tucked between the books of Judges and 1 st Samuel, it can be easily missed when thumbing through the Old Testament. 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