The top-level manager can control the entire organization through the hierarchy of authority. (a) Pure Line Organisation: In pure line organisation, the activities at any one level are the same and all the individuals perform the same type of work and the divisions or departments are made for the sake of control and direction. Decision-making responsibilities are static with limited flexibility. Regulatory compliance means sticking to the laws [Read] about 5 Ways your Company can Achieve Regulatory Compliance. Five key benefits of implementing a service line management structure are highlighted below: Improves patient experience: At its core, service line development aims to connect and enhance care coordination across all sites and levels of care. 5. (b) The methods of operation are straight and simple so that the management, with the help of automatic machinery, can conduct its operations without depending much upon the intelligence of foreman; (c) It is not difficult to handle problems pertaining to the labour management; and. Branches. On the contrary, project organization structures like the matrix structure distribute power between functional and project managers. Classical theories of organization associated with Henri Fayol, Frederick W . Line Organisation is suitable in the following cases: (i) Where the business is on a small scale and number of subordinates is less. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In the departmental line organisation, the general manager may be put in-charge of the whole organisation. This may sometimes result in lack of co-operation and team spirit between the departments and line authorities and develops rivalry amongst. z o.o. Last Updated on February 10, 2023 By Methew Harbor Leave a Comment. Direct Communication: As this system enables direct contact between the superior and his subordinates, direct communication is made possible. This also helps in having better control because the subordinates will be under constant watch. Staff authority should be restricted to a purely advisory role. Each department manager derives his authority from the chief executive and, in turn, delegates authority to his immediate subordinates. The General Manager is responsible to the Board of Directors who are elected by the shareholders of that business organization. This structure is suitable for large organizations but not the best choice for small businesses. about A Comprehensive Guide to Enterprise Thin Client Systems. This type of organisation is largely existing in modern industry. In this type of organisation, the whole unit is divided into different departments that are convenient for control purposes. In a line organization, the responsibility for the performance of tasks is fixed upon definite individuals. 5. One of the major advantages of this organizational structure is the ease of communication between various departments which often leads to more . Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. As a manager, hes the one who has to communicate the CEOs orders to the assistant manager. Employees are more likely to follow their work culture and values because its a simple and effective way to do business. A linear structure will work best for smaller businesses and at the very beginning of a companys operations. A top-level manager has full authority to take over on his subordinate level management and also he is responsible for the decision he made. Each sub-department is look after by one supervisor and adequate number of workers are working under them. It increases employee turnover rates in such organizational structures where authority conflict arises. Each level of management has equal rights. Finding out your culture fit can help you thrive in the workplace. It is a traditional concept of management. Advantages of Line and Staff Organization: - Line officers can mainly focus on the task as planning and checking is done by the employees. All the departmental managers enjoy equal status and work independently. General Manager. Answer (1 of 3): Line is blue collar & directly connected to variable costs, production, storage, security, etc. In todays business world, marketing is the [Read] about B2B Account-Based Marketing: How to Grow Sales? Your email address will not be published. Each organizational structure has its specific characteristics. The top-down approach helps streamline communication. A disadvantage of a line-and-staff organization is conflict between line and staff personnel. Advantages of Line Organisation: ADVERTISEMENTS: Line organisation offers the following advantages: (a) It is simple to operate and easy to understand. Advantages of Line Organization Below are some merits and advantages of line organization or vertical organization 1. Line personnel command the workers and give feedback. Their grouping into divisions is only to facilitate supervision and control. Effective Management 7. Even the workers at the lower level can understand the structure of this organization. They are willing to adopt a dictatorial approach. Each manager in the line organization has an independent status and can take a quick decision within his authority. Since all work is done according to the wishes of one person alone, the efficiency of the whole department will come to depend upon the qualities of management displayed by the head of that department. Since the manager has to take all important decisions, he can make changes if new situation warrants. (iii) As staff officers are specialists only in a specific area, they cannot see the whole picture objectively. Hence, less expenses is incurred for adopting line organization. Line and staff structure is adapted by medium to large organizations with several employees. As a manager, hes the one who has to communicate the CEOs orders to the. Modern business is so complex that it is extremely difficult for one person to carry in his head all the necessary details about his work in his department. The line office cannot devote sufficient time to each and every work and are over loaded with responsibilities. Not all managers can come up to this expectation. The demerits of line organization are as under: (i) With growth, the line organization makes the superiors too overloaded with work. 3. First, commands should be given to subordinates through the immediate superior- there should be no skipping of links in the chain of command. For the three indicators of inclusionequality, openness, and belongingwe found particularly high levels of negative sentiment about equality and fairness of opportunity. Moreover, there is a benefit of specialization, as in work is divided between the line and staff executives, and they focus on their respective area. Everybody knows his work and also to whom he is responsible. Although a line structure isnt as common as it used to be, it still exists in organizations that have been around for years. No one can exchange their duty to others nor can they avoid it. Line should value the special skills of staff and similarly the staff should try to appreciate the difficulties in implementing new ideas. Line or military type of organisation is the oldest type of organisation. One person should get orders from one supervisor only. These are issues that are vital to the company's success, but which do not require a large work group to accomplish. Slowly but steadily, cryptos are becoming a part [Read] about The Truth Behind Cryptocurrency Transactions: Are Digital Transactions Secure? Unity of Command: Since the workers are responsible only to one superior, unity of command is made possible. How Does a Human Resource Manager Have Line, Staff & Implied Authority? Thus, the managements dependency increases on staff for information. A line organization is easy to establish. Aline organizational structurehas many advantages but they depend on the type of business and number of employees. One cannot defy the claim. 2. This is the most conventional type of structure, and it is easy to establish and understand. Lundy, It is characterised by direct lines of authority flowing from the top to the bottom of the organisational hierarchy and lines of responsibility flowing in an opposite but equally direct manner.. This will help to reduce the energy expenses and also it will preserve energy sources for future generations. (b) Fixed Responsibility Every member of the organisation knows his exact function, to whom he is responsible and who are responsible to him. The authority should be commensurate with the work assigned. Flexibility: Staff can be added to the line and new activities may be introduced without disturbing the line procedure. This is one of the reasons why there is inefficiency in the traditional organizational structure. iii. A staff function supports the organization with specialized advisory and support functions. Your email address will not be published. . Merits 4. Some assistants or new officers may be appointed to expand and delegate tasks. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 5. Thus, in the production department, there may be a number of foremen each having a number of workers under him. (v) It facilitates prompt decision-making because there is definite authority at every level. There is scope for favouritism. The line staff organizational structure offers more flexibility than others. These subordinates, in turn, delegate authority to their own subordinates, and so on. Lets explore the pros and cons of aline organizational structure. Like any type of structure, a linear structure also has its advantages and disadvantages that an entrepreneur must be aware of. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Polska 114 60-401 Pozna The message can be passed on only through the manager who has the authority over both the departments. Report a Violation 11. There is a direct link between the superior and his subordinate, both can communicate properly among themselves. The subordinates should get commands only through their immediate superiors. ul. Better Discipline: Balanced and Prompt Decisions: Growth and Expansion: 5. A line of credit is usually cheaper than using a credit card. This may become the reason for lack of co-ordination among different departments. 7. Every person is in charge of all the persons under him and he himself is accountable to his superior only. This affects their creativity and capacity for independent thinking. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The subordinates have no doubt regarding the person from whom they receive instructions. Using the website without changing the cookie settings means that they will be stored on your end device. Line organisation is easy to operate and less expensive. Effective Control and Supervision: Some authorities viewed that no organizational structure can be based on line authority alone and it is unrealistic to speak of a structure as line organization. He may neglect some of the duties and there may be inefficiency in management. In a simple organizational structure, various departments are autonomous, and there is little communication with each other. Line organization is the oldest and simplest method of administrative organization. Reduce energy Expenses - Under the triple bottom line method, the organizations are encouraged to use renewable energy. 11. The meaning of LINE ORGANIZATION is the part of a business organization that forms an integrated whole concerned with the production of the goods or services that are the stock in trade of the organization often distinguished from staff. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Minimum number of employees are required to adopt line organization. Such decisions are executed promptly also. Unity of Command: . Further, the span of supervision theory says no executive in a line organization should be burdened with supervising more than a manageable number of subordinates. B. (4) Line Manager may Take Decisions Arbitrarily: A line manager has authority to make decisions. Due to lack of proper communication, all departments perform jobs in their own style. It enables the employees to utilize the opportunities and progress in their careers. Confusion: If the pattern of authority relationship between line and staff executives is not clearly indicated, there may be considerable confusion throughout the organisation. Even within a department, there may be several sub-departments or units. The workers placed under a foreman get all their orders from their own foreman and they have no direct access to the factory superintendent. Advantages of a linear structure. (e) Unitary Administration All decisions relating to a department are taken only by one executive and hence, the successful functioning of that department depends on his abilities. Unlike affiliative leadership structures, such organizational structures do not heed the officers advice. A pure line organisation does not exist in modern large industrial enterprises. is a meeting room for employer and employee that will help you build positive employer branding or get your dream job. military, vertical, scalar, departmental organization. Features of Line Organisation 2. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. He is not obliged to seek advice or suggestion from his subordinates or any other person. There should be a single line of command. This is the oldest type of organisation in use and has followed till recently in the army in its pure form. Surajs workplace follows a hierarchy. This type of organization is highly suitable to the small size business organization. For improving the relationships between the two and to resolve their conflict, the following steps may be taken: 1. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. (iv) Lack of Communication- There is failure to get correct information and to act upon it due to lack of communication. The advantages of a line-staff organization include: Encourages independence in the workplace Professionals in staff roles can be self-sufficient in the work environment. It is also worth mentioning here that the co-ordination on the basis of cooperation is rather enforced by the supervisor who will be in charge of two or three units. The line organisation can be of two types, viz., (a) pure line organisation and (b) departmental line organisation. Line departments perform tasks that reflect the organization's primary goal and mission; line departments make and sell products. Simplicity: It is very simple to establish and operate. If the top executives are not capable, the enterprise will not be successful. (5) Co-ordination between different units is being achieved by co-operation between departmental heads or executives responsible to conduct different units. 3. (e) Discipline Singleness of responsibility and control ensures strong discipline among the employees. According to Allen, Organizationally, the line is the chain of command that extends from the board of directors through the various delegations and re-delegation of authority and responsibility to the point where the primary activities of the enterprise are performed.. It is the simplest form of organization and very simple to understand and implement. This line system is not without disadvantages. It can be easily understood by the employees. 8. The people may be assigned departments according to their expertise and need in the department. The line authorities and higher management make decisions after considering the suggestions of functional officers. According to, staff managers often play a support role to line managers. The simple organization is economical in operation. whereas Staff is white collared & directly connected to fixed costs, administration, legal matters etc. The production manager, for example, will not interfere in the decision-making by sales manager, or finance manager, and vice-versa. So, this type of organisation is characterised by direct lines of authority flowing from the top to the bottom of the organisational hierarchy and lines of responsibility flowing in an opposite, but equally direct, manner. Is working for a manufacturing company right for you? So, learning more about different organizational structures, stakeholders and power structures will help you navigate your workplace. Good and efficient emperors were able to achieve a great deal whereas an inefficient and weak emperor spoilt everything. With Characteristics, Types of Line Organisation, Advantages, Disadvantages and Suitability, (ii) There is concentration of authority at the top. Every employee is responsible for completing the given work. It is the oldest form of organization. Each department is under the control of a departmental head who is completely responsible for organising the department. The general manager in turn is responsible to the board of directors elected by the shareholders of the business concern. Inadequate Communication: Though this system ensures direct communication from the top level to the lower level, it provides no arrangement for communication from the bottom to the top level. Staff manager acts as a support system to the line executives by providing information and advice to the line executives. It also governs the . Development of Employees: They are bound to follow instructions from their superiors. There is scope for favouritism. Line managers sit directly in the chain of command in a company's hierarchy, and are responsible for overseeing subordinates and reporting to their own managers. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The authority flows from top to the lower levels. It can be easily established and easily understood by the workers. Under this organisation, activities on any one level are the same. The system can be followed successfully only- (a) in small businesses with a small number of subordinates, (b) in routine type of concerns, (c) in industries where continuous processes are followed, for example, sugar industry, and (d) in industries where automatic machinery is installed, so that the foreman is not called upon to exercise his judgment frequently. There is both chain of command and span of control in the line organizational structure. Matthew is a Co-Founder at Survey respondents answered the question, "Please choose the top three leadership Publisher Blue Whale Press sp. Staff experts in specific areas are incorporated into the formal chain of command. Each staff is clear about his authority and . (iv) Which are engaged in the work which is largely of a routine nature. (ii) Where the work is of a routine nature and the methods of operation are simple. Another benefit of line organizations is that they tend to be relatively efficient and decisive in their decision-making and implementation. Heres a breakdown of the power in each. Under this, the whole enterprise is divided into different departments for achieving maximum amount of convenience in controlling the whole enterprise. Staff and line are names given to different types of functions in organizations. Flexibility- Since each departmental head has sole responsibility for his department, he can easily adjust the organization to changes in business situation. Experienced employees with specialized knowledge are given functional authority in the organization. Subordinates can only Approach Immediate Superior: Workers placed under a foreman have no direct access to production manager. Image: Departmental line organization chart. Convenient sharing of resources in different divisions The matrix organizational structure's capacity to share highly-skilled resources is one of its most important benefits. David Ingram has written for multiple publications since 2009, including "The Houston Chronicle" and online at Every unit is complete in itself as far as the functions are concerned. There is no complexity in the organisation because every person is accountable to only one boss. Overload on Managers 2. It is also easy to explain to the workers. Improving Line and Staff Relationship 1. The departmental manager is responsible or answerable to his immediate superior i.e. 3. This is known by different names, i.e. If the managers treat the employees as a pendulum between them, they will most likely get tired of their job roles. One of the advantages of the line organization structure is simplicity. First, a few definitions so you understand what I'm talking about. A manager can only order his immediate subordinates, and for the subordinates the dictate is First obey, and then argue. And others may be good at execution but not so when it. Both are equally important to an organization. Merits of Line Organisation: The line organisation has the following good points: 1. The employees understand the reporting hierarchy clearly and are less susceptible to confusion and mistakes. Two types of managerial authority are granted by an organizational structure. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. The number of subordinates is limited under line organisation. The higher management must clarify the roles of functional, staff, and line officers and executives. Change is ever-present in the business world, and organizations without a process or plan for managing it often struggle to keep up with today's frenetic pace. Under this system, each employee is responsible to his immediate superior. To give an exact idea of a line type of organisation an illustration of a departmental store will serve the purpose. Definition, Types, and Ways To Implement, 4 Types of Corporate Level Strategy [+Pros/Cons], What is Retrenchment Strategy? 2. Further, it promotes the unity of command. Hence, discipline can be maintained there. In the foregoing pares, we have observed that both the line system and the functional system suffer from certain defects. Learn how your comment data is processed. Fixed Authority And Responsibility (c) Unity of control There is unity of command and control according to which an employee can receive orders only from one superior. Exhibit 10.4 illustrates a staff or functional authority organisational structure. Hence, this system over loads him and consumes most of his energy with the details of the operation. They must stay within the limit of their authority and act accordingly. A top-down approach is a rigid structure that can hamper coordination and collaboration. Unified Control. There may be a good deal of nepotism and jobbery and personal prejudices. There is also a lack of grooming the new persons for taking up important work. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. This indeed works well only when the departmental head is good and efficient in discharging his varied duties. They have staff wings like intelligence, medical and so on. employees are accountable to one person the manager; possibility of quick interaction between employees and management; each employee or department is responsible for one issue; lack of specialization, which requires the top level to deal with all functions in the organization; many intermediate management links that prevent the employee from quickly contacting and getting answers from top management; low flexibility and adaptability to new or crisis situations. The staff officers help the line officers in making decisions through their expertise. The business unit may be divided into departments headed by departmental heads. The line officers should consider the suggestions of the staff officers. For instance, a senior manager can discuss ideas and goals with a chief supervisor. 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