Secondly, the virus has mutated and different variants are going to behave differently," Gounder says. I can function - but Im miserable. Cases of the super cold are continuing to spread throughout the UK, with millions of Britons experiencing classic symptoms of cold and flu despite winter coming to an end. Her cough lasted a good 6+weeks & triggered major asthma attacks (she does have asthma, unlike me). Oh look R396, theres a shiny, new penny over there. I still think it was similar to what I've heard described as Covid symptoms, but as I'm in the middle of the country and Covid was then unknown, that is unlikely. There are already hints that this year's cold and flu season could be bad: On Oct. 14, the CDC reported early increases in seasonal flu activity. Feeling better does not equal cured. Ugandan health officials say they have controlled the spread of a strain of Ebola that has no proven vaccine, but there are pockets of resistance to health measures among some in rural communities where illiteracy is high and restrictions on movement and business activity have left many bitter. I've been laying in bed mostly. Theres another really important way to fight viruses. This strain absolutely doesn't want go away. 10,000 military members from around the world attend these games. Thank you OP, for your timely warning A WEEK after I got this infection. I wonder if we all had it. "To diagnose flu, you need a fever and headache as well as some respiratory symptoms such as the sore throat or nose and cough - but you might not get those. Cases of respiratory syncytial virus . omg DL has ACTUALLY become a load of elderly people talking about their medical complaints in the waiting room, Because everyone is sick, idiot, R91. He was right and I am beyond grateful. R351, thank you for your comment. Theres just nothing social going on here thats worth the trouble. Then I was shivering. I've this in NYC for two weeks. I had a fever followed by three weeks of a debilitating dry cough in late 2019. I was tested for flu (not flu) and given two injections in my butt, and a prescription for some souped up cough medicine. The illness described in this thread has a sinus component. No one in either of our households got sick, though everyone else had much more limited cat contact. If we all found out we have the antibodies, we could all be allowed back to work. The only thing is that COVID-19 spreads extremely quickly. Based on data from insurance claims, adult flu vaccinations are down about 5 million compared to where they were last year at the same time, said Lynnette Brammer, who leads surveillance for the CDCs influenza division. According to a CDC update on May 6, 2022, at least 109 children in 25 states have been identified in the Unites States as part of the cluster of cases. Visiting brother leaves, several days mom not better, I start her on the med combo, feels better in about a week. When i fist encountered this thread six months ago it ran a chill up my spine. Dallas, tx checking in. She was in good health otherwise. Was this later proven to be early, undiagnosed Covid? Prince Andrew 'fears he won't be able to afford Royal Lodge if King Charles cuts his 250K grant - but is Can you solve this trivia riddle? There's a really bad strain of cold going around And it SUCKS. Finally there's the stress of going back to work after Christmas.'. I tested negative for flu and strep. When it finally loosens up I usually have a sore throat and then the congestion starts. Ive been on antibiotics since Tuesday and Im only just feeling better. Of some kind. With the pandemic still ongoing, its going to be really important that people wear masks, Gordon says. Hopefully that's what I had too. I've had no fever, though I did have night sweats several times, and they would then turn into chills. Head cold symptoms usually appear one to three days after you've been . As big banks fail savers on rate hikes, SIMON LAMBERT on how to Dirtiest places in your work kitchen revealed by grim swabbing test. Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. If you do come down with a cold or the flu, then drink plenty of fluids - at least eight glasses of water a day. A month ago I would have said my cold (which was almost exactly what OP described) might have been CV-19 because it was so severe and lasted for so long, but my fever only lasted half a day and didn't get above 100.8, so I doubt I had it. What a stupid, stupid thing to say, they were all just put symptoms compatible with the flu, or COVID, or pneumonia, or similar. I got this last year about this time. Get Cold & Flu Activity Report for Seattle, WA (98104). Do are your told. Recently, I've had a lingering sore throat, tiredness, weakness, and lots of mucus. One co-worker had a really bad cough, and I remember her complaining her taste buds were messed up. But at my next 3 month visit my WBC were still elevated so I got sent to a hematologist. Reminder, the next time you point your finger at someone & claim theyre disgusting for giv8ng this to you youre going to give this to someone else. Even if you test negative on the first day, Gounder recommends retesting on day two to be sure. Yesterday it started getting worse again, and today I hardly have the energy to get out of bed. Hospitals across the country have reported a surge in cases of RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, a common virus that causes lung infections. Also, there were 2 strains floating around too. R355, as youve posted on this thread 12 times I guess that makes you the dumbest ass of all. Just because you know THE TRUTH doesn't mean you need to fucking tell people. Until then, the case fatality rates being bandied about are just speculation. My sense of taste returned quickly but sense of smell has not except for occasional phantom smells from time to time. R87, your boss sounds like a complete jackass. Female farmer, 20, who stuffed apples into her Tinder lover's car exhaust and scrawled profanity on his School compares make-up to a harmful DRUG: Headteacher makes U-turn after secondary replaced mirrors in High street giant WH Smith has been hit by cyber attack as hackers access company data including info on Can YOU guess the book? Does anybody feel like you're getting better, then the next day, you feel sick again? The most impactful thing employers can do to keep their workforces healthy is to provide paid sick leave so people can stay home when they need to. When at the grocery store get the wipes before you get your cart and wipe the handle down. Still, "there's morepressure to get people in, and it's hitting at the same time as cold and flu and RSV season.". No fever, swollen glands, lots of expectorating. Eerie to look at threads like this knowing what we know now. I knew someone who had this and it turned out to be rabies. Couldn't sleep during the worst of it. First off, get your RAT test to see if its COVID, and then preferably do a telehealth call first to decide whether you then need a clinical exam as well, Dr Hespe told These are the most common cold and flu remedies fact-checked. Thinks what he knows is true. Ugh. The virus went to her brain. Yeah you all had it before anyone else did. And NOTHING I have taken, has alleviated the coughing. Ive had a cough for 2 years & kept telling my dr every 3 months when I visited & she kept treating it as something minor. According to this thread, it looks like coronavirus started in mid-November and some Datalounger from New York City gave it to some Chinese person in Chinatown who went back to Wuhan. Damn 'em. Chest pain or discomfort. One of the reasons why chicken soup has always been proven to cure colds and related illnesses. There is another bad cold going around now. Instead, I switched to tea, which just felt much more soothing and comforting. I spent most of the month lethargic on the couch. Yes, a sore throat that lasts longer than usual with a cold. Tons of people are. This is like the original 9/11 thread, documenting the tragedy in real time. Epidemiology, outcomes, and associated factors of coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction-confirmed cases in the San Pedro Sula metropolitan area, Honduras. Aldi releases list of 30 sites where it wants to open stores - is one of them near you? Adding a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to essential fluids such as water or herbal tea is another way to soothe a sore throat, though there is little evidence to prove its effectiveness as a cure for other symptoms. r326, went to Myanmar and Thailand with a friend, with overnight stops in Osaka in Dec, in Hong Kong in Jan, and an exchange in Narita, arriving in L.A. 1/11. Oddest thing I've ever had. No DM shit or anything with pseudoephedrine - they will only make the sinus pain worse. Having had Covid, my feeling is that it was made in a lab and escaped. I had a bad chest cold with phlegm that lasted for over 2 weeks. Well informed and detailed. Sustained daily intake of vitamin C has also been proven to reduce the severity of colds overall, though you should use this as a prevention tactic - not a cure. I didn't go to a doctor, because I'd heard so many stories about medical offices being full of it and I didn't want to cross-contaminate myself or anyone else. People with the "super cold" typically won't lose . RSV is a common contagious virus that infects the human respiratory tract. More than once. It was such a relief. Heres when you can see it, Rajwinder Singh charged with alleged murder of Toyah Cordingley, Rajwinder Singh arrives in Cairns where hes accused of killing Toyah, Woolies recalls popular meat over contamination fears in one state, Child abuse squad investigating after baby seriously injured at dog beach, the floodgates have opened to a myriad of pathogens, Less likely to have a loss of taste or smell. R181 Exactly. A few years ago Mucinex tried to sue everyone and get them to stop making it -- they do this every few years, apparently -- and some companies didn't start making it again when the lawsuit was thrown out. Which is why China knows exactly who is patient zero. For those who are double vaccinated, Covid presents itself similarly to a common cold, meaning the symptoms are even harder to tell apart. I had to cart all my shit to my office and developed a mucusy cough that night. I have elective surgery coming up in December, and I think theyre either going to end up cancelling it or I will. Like flu and COVID-19, colds are also caused by viruses and can be passed to others. Each one lasted about two weeks or more. I was sick as a dog for 4 weeks with night sweats , no taste , no smell, and fatigue, I am not one of those asymptotic people. It wasn't that long ago that ReDell Atkinson remembers her coworkers taking extra precautions around the office with masking, social distancing, hand-washing and staying home when sick. Cold and Flu Activity Map and News | WeatherBug 0 Cold and Flu Each year, on average 5% to 20% of the U.S. population get sick from seasonal influenza, commonly called "the flu." The flu can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications in many people, but can you tell the difference between the flu and the common cold? [quote] I forgot to add the fever part of my symptoms. Young children are the main reservoir of common cold viruses and the other main places of infection are the nursery or school. 2021 May 18;72(10):e476-e483. Do NOT go to a clinic and ask for antibiotics without a chest X Ray. Thanks, R356. I've never been overly worried about catching the flu, but this year it 's running rampant through my part of the country so I'm not taking any chances. I too suffered from this odd cold mid December. My friend's mother was only 56. Dont forget to vaccinate your children, too. I had it in January and it lasted for 3 weeks. The claim made here was that chicken soup has been proved to cure colds and related illnesses. Underlying all of this is the need for psychological safety, she adds: "At the end of the day, workers have to know they're not going to be penalized for taking time off. I got the flu shot a week ago, then this weekend got a little bit of sore throat and some runny nose. 2021 Nov 9:NEJMoa2116298. The outbreak is expected to become even worse, peaking at 9.7 million people within two weeks, nearly double the level recorded at this time last year. "No one can predict what'll happen, but it's reasonable to be very concerned" that respiratory tract infections will rise into the late fall and winter, he says. I dont care if I picked it up there, Im never going to stop eating there. Also night sweets. click ACCEPT. Documented Covid deaths from Seattle as early as Feb. 6th now. Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site Little did we know that this thread would signal the beginning of the end. Everyone on my flight to London seemed to have it as well and we were all sharing cold/flu meds with each other. Flu season has almost always been a predictable part of every winter, but the COVID-19 pandemic threw things out of whack. Feel fine now but it was awful. Luckily, I'm a hand washer, so I don't think that I spread my germs to too many people. According to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services, more than three-quarters of pediatric hospital beds and pediatric ICU beds are currently in use nationwide, compared with an average of about two-thirds full over the past two years. I'm coughing, but there's no congestion. Mister Know it All. It was the longest she'd ever been out of the office. Who are these people who can call in sick to work? We work in a hospital. I remember back then, maybe in January.2020, my neighbor never left her house for a month. Rhinoviruses, which can cause roughly 50% of all common colds are spread easily in the Spring and Fall. Acetaminophen is a liver toxin and the damaging dose is too close to the therapeutic dose, particularly if you are taking an extra strength cold product. Definitely not the flu but so much stuff coming out of my head and chest. Mucus has been the star of my viral infection. Sheesh!! If this round of antibiotics fail, Ill have to get IV treatment, whatever that entails. Thats all. But theyre not contagious. Most Americans dont plan to get a flu shot this season, two new omicron subvariantsare spreading fast, and "the vast majority is behaving as if there's no pandemic," Swartzberg says. This may be the greatest thread on DL ever. Thanks so much for your good advice and tough love, R7/R14. The military world games were held in Wuhan in late October 2019. a fever or high temperature loss of or change to smell or taste It now includes nine other symptoms which are common signs of other respiratory infections too: shortness of breath feeling tired or. Still unsure whether any of that did me any good. Over the last two years Dr Hespe said weve had a ridiculously respiratory-tract-infection-free zone, and weve become complacent with not having viruses around us. It's just a covid. I also had this terrible cold for 2 1/2 weeks. Romero said the CDC was preparing to send doctors more information about who should qualify for these test-to-treat strategies. Normally, she's alway outeither working or taking care of her parents..always on the go. I'm pretty sure I had it. We're entering that time of the year when there are multiple communicable diseases in play, and the similarities between them will make it hard to distinguish which one you're experiencing. 2020 Jun 10;70(12):2503-2504. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciz683.PMID: 31344224. My sister & I both slept & snuggled with her cat & were face to face with it. Know the Difference for Best Treatment, Safeguarding Our Health: Vaccines Protect Us All, Understanding COVID-19: How To Protect Yourself During the Pandemic, Face Masks and COVID-19: Protecting Yourself and Others, Seeking Allergy Relief: When Breathing Becomes Bothersome, Complimentary Approaches for Flu and Cold. And it's not pneumonia, because the doctor checked. COVID-19 symptoms can take longer than flu symptoms to develop, she explains. Your doctor is wrong. Stay hydrated. We have vaccines for two of the three viruses we talked about influenza, and COVID 19, he said, and he urged Americans to take advantage of them, though not enough have. I'd seen it earlier and was amazed how early Covid was with us. Now, I just got a sore throat, but it seems to be subsiding. Where did this shit come from!? I had a relapse and treatment again in August. No combination of nasal goo and spray keeps my nostrils from being completely scabbed over. Everyone in this thread is describing sinus and congestion issues. Back in L.A., I did some research about that, and apparently it was normal for that airlines (some kind of fumigant, which I wasn't happy about inhaling), but 2 days later, the Chinese officially announced their cases. Here are the most common symptoms associated with a summer cold: Sore or itchy throat Fever Coughing Sweating Runny nose Headaches Fatigue Body aches Treatments I was always a coffee drinker before I caught this dreaded cold, but once I had it, I just didn't want to drink coffee any more. And now we know it came specifically from a Wuhan lab, with proof that the scientists working there were some of the first to get sick from the virus. Thanks R418. My roommate got tested for Covid yesterday. I've barely been sick at all this year thankfully. It does not say chicken soup is proven to cure colds and related illnesses as Datalounge fraudom declared in this thread. At least 60% of my co-workers has this weeks-long "cold" last December and January. (AP Photo/Hajarah Nalwadda). "You shouldn't come to work sick. You have to be a strong advocate for your own health! I thought it was going away mid December , but after a few days it even felt worse. 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