Jeff the Killer was the first creepypasta I'd ever read, and boy was that a mistake for the first time. attacks when approched but mostly just stares at people It is popularly viewed as a disturbing humanoid creature living in the northeastern United States. In August 2010, the story was first posted to the Paranormal subreddit. Found in the same wooden box were two empty envelopes addressed to William and Rose, and one loose personal letter with no envelope. After adjusting to the dark for a half second, I was able to see what caused the strange reaction. The thread started with this post: Alright, this is for the people who like the three-eyes, no apparent mouth, pale skin one. The internet is home to many strange and unusual legends. See if someone can make a Creepypasta out of that. Rake Men seem totally possle. That month, a picture of a monster character from the first-person shooter game Resistance 3 known as a Grim[18] appeared on a local news station in Louisiana, with the reporter stating a viewer took the photo at a local hunting ground. The exact origins of creepypasta are unknown. The Rake uses its large claws to disembowel its prey. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. Yup, that sufficiently creeped me out. They saw me and pierced me. I don't wish to talk about the Rake. Is there a special way he picks them? I know and fear that one night Ill wake up to see him staring at me. Oh God! Early creepypastas were usually written anonymously and routinely re-posted, making the history of the genre . 3. So he decided to pull open the curtains to see what had made the sound. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. His wet hand. This led us to wonder if the Rake had visited any of us before our last encounter. The Rake was spotted in mostly rural areas, leaving a wake of terror and intrigue in its path. I dont know how long he stood there for watching it, but I know he was freaked out enough to close the windows completely on a really, hot summers day, which is unlike him because he was always so insistent on keeping them open. Whereas in oral transmission of folklore these idiosyncrasies were harder to keep track of, they can now be examined and documented, allowing new insights into how and why certain elements of s mythos persist whilst others die away. I eventually located a man in the next town over who had a similar story. I don't remember hearing anything at the time, but for some reason, the voice on the recorder immediately brings me back to that moment. That night I was woke up at 3 am to the feeling of something watching me. A cant decide. When he turned to face me, he gasped and pulled his feet up from the end of the bed so quickly his knee almost knocked me out of the bed. In a flurry of motion, the creature scrambled around the side of the bed, and then crawled quickly in a flailing sort of motion right along the bed until it was less than a foot from my husband's face. The most striking feature of the Rake, as the stories go, is its eyes. The Rake is a creepypasta story featuring a humanoid creature that stalks and attacks people in a manner similar to Slender Man. I will not sleep. All I know is that Ive heard it before, and I now believe that it spoke when it was sitting in front of my husband. The word "creepypasta" comes from the concept of "copy/paste." Through misspellings and laziness, many people started calling stories that are copied and pasted a lot online "copypastas." . That image is a heavily edited portrait photo that first appeared on Youtube in a video labeled NNN, in which it appears only momentarily. pale greyish skin We have to remember that only humans think or rationale so that means that the rake is an animal created by humans somehow because if it were an animal there would be more than one rake in the world. At this point I was somewhat under the assumption that we were supposed to help him. At about 4am, I woke up thinking my husband had gotten up to use the restroom. "Three years ago, I had just returned from a trip from Niagara Falls with my family for the 4th of July. 2 large eyes on the front of the head because of trips >>14832777 and nature ", "He came to me in my sleep. yet, The Rake is at least capable of human speech and is likely quite intelligent. Much of this creepypasta characters spread seems to have resulted from its use at the end of screamer videos alongside Jeffs catchphrase, spoken before he kills of Go to Sleep. I sleep now, but the thought of it still haunts me. When I got to the hallway, the light from the bedroom was enough to see it crouching and hunched over about 20 feet away. We got in contact and began talking about our experiences. I am absolutely terrified of the rake but Im not scared of what it will do Im more scared of what it looks like. During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern United States involving a strange, human-like creature sparked brief local media interest before an apparent blackout was enacted. During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern United States involving a strange, human-like creature sparked brief local media interest before an apparent blackout was enacted. Where Ben Drowned has gained the most praise however is in the manner of its storytelling, with its creator a poster user the name Jadusable moving from a single platform such as message boards to Youtube channels, comments on those videos, modified computer games, sites and hidden messages and link to tell the story in a range of modalities and across a variety of platforms. Once again I awoke and heard his voice, and looked into his eyes. The main objective of the hunters is kill the Rake. Primarily focused in rural New York state and once found in Idaho, self proclaimed witnesses told stories of their encounters with a creature of unknown origin. I cant listen to it long enough to even begin to transcribe it. Multiple people also mentioned being spoken to, my daughter included. Goodbye. Literally Media Ltd. I rolled over to look around the room and my eyes locked onto something standing beside my mom. . besides who needs it? And once I awoke and saw his form. James employing the idea to great effect. For several months, my son Justin and I stayed in a hotel near my parents house. The creature then placed its hand on his knee and ran into the hallway, leading to the kids rooms. A ship's log explained nothing of the encounter, saying only that they were told to leave by the Rake. Before we define creepypasta, let's first touch on the portmanteau copypasta.The term copypasta is believed to have been coined around 2006 by 4chan communities and describes stories that were copied and pasted through forums about miscellaneous topicssimilar to the 1990s/early 2000s trend of sending chain emails.. Creepypasta, the most popular subgenre within the copypasta medium . I love the Rake and everything about him. The answer is, of course, no, but the beauty of the current social media landscape is that information spreads like mad online. I screamed and ran for the lightswitch, planning to stop him before he hurt my children. There were, however, many instances where the creatures visit was one of a series of visits with the same person. He hadnt spotted it straight away, but when he did he was horrified, and my ex wasnt the type of person to get freaked out that easy, he loved horror just as much as me. More recently, the story owes a great deal to the Japanese movie series Ringu which was remade in the United States as The Ring, in which a haunted videotape leads those who watch it to destruction. The Rake. The egalitarian nature of the format means that anyone can add, change or contribute to the mythology and folklore over time. The Rake is real. Slender Man universe YouTube series EverymanHYBRID[11] incorporated the monster from The Rake into the fictional web series beginning in September 2010. When he turned to face me, he gasped and pulled his feet up from the end of the bed so quickly his knee almost knocked me out of the bed. Thank god that its daylight right now if Id read this in the dark, Id be properly freaked right out. Copypasta denotes viral, copied and pasted text; the term was coined on 4chan around 2006.. History. Part 4 of cringe's cringe compilation (ccc) - fandom shit. For once I awoke and felt his presence. Your email address will not be published. During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern United States involving a strange, humanlike creature sparked brief local media interest before an apparent blackout was enacted. It was the Rake. At about 4am, I woke up thinking my husband had gotten up to use the restroom. The Rake is a creature believed to be a humanoid in appearance, with several references in folklore and horrific urban legends, originally appearing on the internet as a Creepypasta. The salesman, looking very upset, tells Squidward that "the red mist is coming . Little or no information was left intact, as most online and written accounts of the creature were mysteriously destroyed. Almost as popular as the Slenderman though not quite as marketable in terms of crossover to mainstream media, is Jeff the Killer. Lets not post slender encounters in the comments. The Rake is a creepypasta story featuring a humanoid creature that stalks and attacks people in a manner similar to Slender Man. I get chills every time I think about him and I love it. I apologized and told him I though he got out of bed. The police were helpful at first, and the local newspaper took a lot of interest as well. Ive actually seen the rake, it was in my yard. The Legend Of The Rake, One Of The Most Infamous Creepypastas In Internet History. This is the second scariest creepypasta ever! The image was linked to a story written by a user named Sesseur that was first posted online on October third 2008. It wasnt scary at first but built its way up. So He Covered His Eye With His Hair. According to the mythology, firsthand accounts of The Rake has been described as early as in the 12th century and documented for the first time in 1691. The story of the rake was actually the result of a suggestion on a message board that users attempt to come up with a new monster with the original story having appeared on the personal blog of a writer named Brain Somerville in 2006. It is depicted as an unusually tall, hairless, pale, humanoid creature who generally crouches or crawls on all fours. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. What I found was a shrill voice. In terms of influences, Ben Drowned relies heavily upon the haunted object trope that has a long history within horror literature with such notable authors as M.R. This jump onto multiple platforms assisted the spread of the myth and the characters popularity allowing the faceless monster to move from being a text, image and forum based phenomenon to being an ARG, with the character now being referred to, discussed and modified across a number of different platforms and modalities by an ever growing number of contributors. My mom and her friend I mean. If not provoked or approached, just stares. I eventually located a man in the next town over who had a similar story. As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. None of them gave any details, history or follow up. wtf this has been around for a very long time it gives me chills. He took everything. His mind was too far gone to remember. And I Made Him Look More Hot So That Jeff Will Flustered. Creepypasta is an emerged genre of storytelling centered around easily copied content which is then shared online and often collaboratively adapted or extended, sometimes anonymously, to create a group mythos around a particular idea or creepypasta characters. A number of folklorists have identified creepypasta as a unique and entirely new and potentially complex literary style, with some of the more famous examples embracing numerous storytelling modalities into a single narrative, with one story arc traversing a variety of different forms such as message board posts, photographs, videos, hidden links to blog posts, audio files and various other storytelling techniques to allow the story to unfold. Emotions ranged from extremely traumatic levels of fright and discomfort, to an almost childlike sense of playfulness and curiosity. During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern United States involving a strange, human-like creature sparked brief local media interest before an apparent blackout was enacted. While 54% of the creepypastas I read didn't contain a murder, many of them contained the implication of a murder to come-in the form of a cliffhanger ending (take this unnamed creepypasta, for example). THE RAKE CREEPYPASTA STORY: . i wonder if the rake ever found the eyes that he needed. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation. Its appearance is . He came to me in my sleep. Wow really good I loved it. Over time, the Rake creepypasta has built quite a reputation and created an internet trail for itself. I love the character, The Rake is just a classic. I flipped the switch on the wall and saw my daughter Clara. Now remember; you are entitled to your own opinion. I think he stayed up for the entire night and when he told me about it in the morning, I knew exactly what he was talking about. The Rake is a monster in the online horror fiction genre, creepypasta. Is there a special way he picks them? They saw me and pierced me. Mouth that is smaller than human, but when provoked or attacked, opens freely on a hinge down to the neckline, showing hundreds of dull, but not blunt teeth Pale, greyish skin However, the story was never published and the local television news never followed up either. Appearance The Rake is the name given to a strange pale skinned creature that stalks its victims on all fours and has the appearance that somewhat resembles a 'mutated dog'. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The rake is one of those things that makes you wonder, This is an amazing story. The Rake is a mysterious creature that many believe might be alien in origin. She was very badly injured and spoke only once more in her short life. He spoke your name. Multiple people also mentioned being spoken to, my daughter included. It was the Rake. Jeff The Killer was the given name of a 13-year-old boy who, after surviving a brutally disfiguring attack by bullies, had a mental break and slaughtered them in retribution. The Rake is a monster in the online horror fiction genre, creepypasta. More classic Creepypasta stories can be found here: Bedtime Psychosis Rugrats Theory. If he wouldnt kill me itd be cool to talk to him before I died. They are hollow. Cliffhanger endings can be a cop-out. Not bad for a character created on a whim from a stimulus piece on a message board. According to the tale, the earliest reference to the Rake comes from a mariners log, dated 1691. It is not the fault of anyone other than him. I used the moment to steal back the sheets, only to wake him in the process. We were all very exhausted after a long day of driving, so my husband and I put the kids right to bed and called it a night. It has very pale skin. I dont remember hearing anything at the time, but for some reason, the voice on the recorder immediately brings me back to that moment. Play and the Value of Active Learning Play-based learning is an important way to develop active learning. For several months, my son Justin and I stayed in a hotel near my parents house. Definition: A womans period; menstruation. He turned around and looked directly at me, covered in blood. The Rake. looks human enough to be able to disguise with fedora and trench coat or similar, Approximately 6' tall, but seen crouching Just give me your address in a comment and if you like this first you will get the iPhone 6, im one of those people who doesnt think its real but Im still scared that theyre in my room right now, Thats okay, I wasnt planning to sleep tonight anyway, The Rake is one of the scariest Creepypastas ever. The police were helpful at first, and the local newspaper took a lot of interest as well. Going outside makes me burst into flames, and growing green things give me leprosy. From the looks I would say the INSIDE. And once I awoke and saw his form. (This still took almost an hour every day). Usually seen in front yards in suburban areas. If he wouldnt kill me itd be cool to talk to him before I died. On the first day of the third week, I thought I heard something different. Good pasta. His origin. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I havent let anyone listen to it yet. The Rake originated on 4chan's /b/ board in late 2005. The Rake one of the great classics of Creepypasta, and easily one of my favorites. There are much more dangers than the one John and I encountered, namely the ones in this wiki. The most thorough account available is an unnamed woman's story from 2006. # the 185916 # rake 155 # creepypasta 436 # creature 509. explore origin none Base skins used to create this skin. . like for n reason! The Rake originated on 4chans /b/ board in late 2005. This or Smile Dog. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. The creepy factor kind of slowly worked its way into the story and took root. Its body position was disturbing and unnatural, as if it had been hit by a car or something. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation. I love most of the stories with him. I see his eyes when I close mine. More detailed information on the evolution and history of these individual creepypasta characters can be found at It's been reposted in numerous places, but it's unclear when the first time was. She was very badly injured and spoke only once more in her short life. Fact and fiction from the deepest, darkest, dankest corners of the World Wide Web. A classic found the eyes that he needed at first, and the local took... A series of visits with the same wooden box were two empty envelopes to. 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